So I scrolled through that Livestream, and here are some parts of interest:
I actually agree with Elaine. 14 year old cybercriminals should not be on KF clicking on all the spoilers to watch trannie porn. I suspect Null is allowing TrollSec to shit up the forum because he wants to recruit turn him and his friends so they can be mobilized against the troons. What if Null actually wants to have a private army of Kurdish hackers he can dogwhistle to do shit for him and sic onto his enemies? Null saw how Keffals and Liz Fong-Jones have a personal army of Hackers on Estradiol to do shit for them. Maybe he wants the same for himself.
But then Elaine goes and e-mails Null like a dumbass. Elaine, he doesn't give a fuck about your e-mails. Stop mailing him and just block him like you did with the hacker and his friends. NEVER E-MAIL ANYTHING TO NULL EVER!
Not only did TrollSec admit that he looked at Elaine's lewds. TrollSec also admitted that he looked at the Laurelai Bailey trannie orgy porn film. This is a 14 year old boy from an extremely religious, extremely homophobic society (Turkey) looking up trannie porn on KF. I don't know where the fuck his parents are, but if he ever gets doxxed and they find out, he's gonna be in big trouble, because porn itself is blacklisted by the Turkish Information and Communication Technologies Authority which heavily censors their internet:
90% of all websites blacklisted by the BTK are listed as “obscene.” This means they feature sexual content, pornography, or LGBTQ+ content.
Turkey has a lot of restrictions to what you can do online. Read all about this online censorship here and learn how to regain your freedom.
This is the best part: Josh is an e-boy!
God, this Livestream is a disaster. TrollSEC shows up, and instead of immediately banning him, Elaine starts ranting at him about Null and Neko Shota (if she read the leaked DMs between them, she'd see that TrollSEC already knows about the Neko Shota and doesn't care much about it):
Elaine insists that KF will fall apart and Null will go to jail:
"Josh is telling other Admins how to run their sites when he's in so much trouble" "Josh is getting hacked every 6 months yet he's telling every technically proficient person how to do things", yeah, but Null also survived #DropKiwiFarms, so he must be doing something right. #DropKiwiFarms was a failure because his enemies underestimated him:
Later Elaine jokes about torturing people for bitcoins. Elaine is clearly very pornsick. When she talks like this, she sounds like a deranged aristocrat straight out of 120 Days of Sodom:
"Would you skin Josh with a knife"
"I was part of the Royal Science Institution in London.
Then I stopped going because everyone was really boring
... well, not the scientists. The people."
See, this is what I mean. She will say the craziest shit but say it completely straight faced, like she believes it 100%.
"I'm not like Josh, I'm not gonna move to Serbia and not know any Serbian", no, you will learn to repeat the same single phrase in Russian that you say whenever someone asks you to prove being Russian.
Elaine says she likes songs with "Broken" in the title, so here's one of my favourites (I discovered this trannie through Blaire White and ContraPoints):
I really want to know why Daiymo agreed to be her moderator. Is it so that he can study her more closely or what?

Or is it out of some weird camaraderie amongst crazy people?