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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Why were you banned from kiwi farms?

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I have been working on this post since forever, wrote about a dozen different versions of it. Time has come to post it here, to get it out of the way.

I was banned because of this very same issue that @Emp brought up in this post:

Garbage web site I literally can't use it
View attachment 28124

I literally sacrificed my KF account (of over four years and in good standing) just to get Null to address this single ongoing issue with the disappearing text box that had been plaguing the forum since October 2022 (that I know of). I think he has since fixed this issue, but it went unaddressed for months.

I counted about 35+ other Kiwis who appeared to be complaining about this same issue in the Technical Grievances thread. Some of them posted screenshots similar to the one that Emp provided in the above post:


The first time this happened to me, I could still log into the forum to browse threads, but I couldn't post anywhere on the forum that accepts textual input. I couldn't post a reply to a thread, couldn't DM anyone, couldn't chat, couldn't vote on posts or threads, couldn't post an update to my own profile to tell people what's happening. All of these input fields were disabled. My account superficially looked active on the outside (people could still vote on my posts, @-me in threads and send me DMs) but it was essentially rendered useless to me without me having the ability to post.

The first time it happened was after I asked Null whether the chat could be disabled for me, because I never use it and I assumed disabling it would make for a smoother browsing experience. A couple of other users in the thread concurred saying they too didn't use the chat at all and wanted it disabled if that made the forum itself load faster (many of us use the forum for research, not for socializing). So I logged in next time to find that the chat was indeed disabled, but so was every other input field. Back then when I first encountered this, I assumed that posting being disabled was just an unfortunate side-effect of Null disabling the chat and not realizing it had a knock-on effect on the rest. Now I suspect that this is a feature he might have built in so he can shadowban users across every aspect of the site with one push of a button, instead of having to disable their posting across aspects of the forum separately.

I requested for this shadowban to be lifted but Null tried to gaslight me about it, claiming that my account wasn't restricted - but it definitely was. He insisted that it was supposedly my connection that somehow caused my account to magically switch to "read only" mode, which is definitely bullshit.

If you don't know how read/write/execute permissions work under teh Lunix systems please read this, it will help you understand how permissions work:

My connection definitely didn't trigger this. It was something on Null's end, if not Null himself who made my account go into "read only" mode, thus taking away my ability to post. He gave me no reason for this shadowban. Usually on KF when you get banned from a thread or when a post is deleted, you're notified with an alert stating the reason.

Whatever was causing my account to go into read-only mode also ended up deleting one of my posts with no explanation, on the topic of free speech ironically. It also altered a quote in another post. Both posts were later restored, but were definitely tampered with when I first noticed them missing.

I wanted to share some screenshots from Kiwis of what this looks like on the inside, so that people will recognize what this looks like if it ever happens to them:



Again, I think Null has since fixed this issue, but if you're on KiwiFarms and this is still happening to you, don't try to reach out to Null or the moderators like I did, it's pointless. They will try to gaslight you and blame you for something that definitely isn't your fault or your responsibility.

Since Null wasn't going to help me this this issue, I was at a loss as to what to do... I poked around my account trying to see what was still active, and thus I discovered that I could still use the report button next to my avatar on my profile page to send a report requesting for my account to be unbanned... but as I said, Null insisted my account wasn't restricted when it was.

I also altered my banners and my avatar picture (the only things you can still change while shadowbanned like this) to warn people visiting my account (who might start wondering why you're no longer responding to them) that I was shadowbanned. Since I had about 30+ followers, I uploaded a banner and an avatar picture asking them to report my account on your behalf. He's the banner I uploaded to my account to warn my followers about what's happening:


Null got so angry at me uploading this banner that he not only deleted my banner and avatar, he even disabled my to upload a new banner and avatar picture. He also sent me an angry rejection notification of my report, saying:

"If you fucking report this again I am just banning you because you're too fucking stupid to post."

This is how Null will respond to you when you're stuck in read only mode and you don't know what to do to restore your account. Even when there are 35+ other Kiwis complaining about the very same thing in the TG.

I CCleaned, I flushed, I deleted cookies, I installed a new instance of Tor, nothing would resolving this issue. The issue was on his side, not mine. After he disabled my banner and avatar and threatened to ban the account, he posted a bullshit rant on my profile (where I can't respond to him to correct his lies) claiming that I'm too stupid to figure out how to delete cookies.... when I had already told him I was using Tor, which automatically does that when you shut it down (which I always do, I never leave browser windows open.) He also claimed that I wouldn't tell him what was happening, when I had already reported this issue with my account going into read-only mode back in November 2022. He could've easily told me what was happening back then, but instead he ignored my message completely.

At that point I had been unable to post anything for weeks. I really had enough off Null's belligerence and refusal to address the issue, so I told him to go right ahead and put me out of my misery:

Back in the old days on KF, banned accounts would get a strike-through bar over their alias, but Null must've realized that having too many of those striken-through aliases is a bad look, so he's now banning people's accounts in this more sneaky, underhanded manner to create the perception of a SNAFU. From what I've read only account that are 6+ months old can see the strike through bar over an alias on a banned account.

KiwiFarms has a thread titled "Banned or Former Members - Kiwis who have been banned or just left and deleted their accounts."

Banned or Former Members - Kiwis who have been banned or just left and deleted their accounts.

Someone posted in this thread about missing my account in this thread... and was apparently banned shortly thereafter themselves.

One user in the TG was kind enought to troubleshoot Null's broken website for him, suggesting that he change MTU, while speculating that it's his IDS (at the time haproxy) that's disabling the users' ability to post due to a slow motion/application level DDoS attack. That post contained more information than Null would tell his users, who wanted to know why this kept happening.


Null himself told his users to "stop posting about not being able to post":


I really wish people would stop posting if they can post. It doesn't help. The issue is that we use multicast so individual ISPs cannot completely disrupt service by dropping. The server for multicast in North America is having issues. It is returning errors and dropping requests for no reason...

However, on the same day that he changed MTU at the suggestion of a user, Kiwis began to trickle into the TG thread saying they were finally able to post again after being unable to for days:

Technical Grievances
I've tried increasing the mtu on the NA server. edit: holy fuck it works? test 2 test 3

He later showed up saying he couldn't figure out what it was and "you can stop tagging me about this":

I don't have any issues and I'm not getting enough information to do anything more. I have thoroughly scanned the back and frontends and I've come up with nothing. I spent an entire day changing config settings in nginx to see if anything helps and it does not. You can stop tagging me about this. Nobody I talk to has any idea, there's no information on StackOverflow about any issues that are even similar.

Does the page look fucked up? CLEAR YOUR CACHE. If it looks fucked up sometime later, DO IT AGAIN.

The 504s mean the backend server is not responding in time. I've ruled out the DDoS guard because it happens without it.

He tried to implement a fix:

I have implemented a fix. Let me know if the issue with the issue with the cache keeps happening and persists past a cache refresh.

And posted a wall of text speculating about what might be causing it: "But lucky you, you have me."

Okay. There's three caches which complicates things.

File Bucket -> Backends -> Frontends -> Client

The bucket (S3-esque but not on AWS) is how we have multiple backends that share attachments and avatars. It costs money to do transactions to the bucket, so we cache on the backend. Then there is another issue of having to proxy static content to the different frontends (which there will be more of soon) consumes a ton of bandwidth, so the frontend also caches. The client itself doesn't want to ask for the same files over and over again, so it also caches.

If the backend provides a 0-byte response to the frontends, but it includes headers with cache information, the frontend caches that error and distributes to clients who also cache the error. The client may clear their cache but if the frontend is distributing an identical error due to pure shit luck, then it will simply deliver the same error under identical conditions until the cache refreshes.

I've changed it so the frontends will not cache very small files anymore. I believe there might be an issue where the backend sends a zero-byte response from the S3 bucket if it's too slow to download it in time to satisfy the frontends. The 0-byte responses to requests for non-static data (webpages) might be a separate issue caused by the database.

A multi-frontend multi-backend S3 storage cluster like this is an enterprise setup that you usually have a team of very educated and well-paid people monitoring and managing. But lucky you, you have me.

However, here comes the big gender reveal: I eventually ran into this same issue with the disappearing text box right here on OnionFarms! This is what my OF account in "read only" looked like while OF was getting DDoSed a while ago:


So how does this same issue occur on two different web fora whose only common feature is that they both run XenForo? IMO, this indicates that whatever was causing the disappearing text box was caused by XenForo itself, and was triggered by XenForo getting DDoSed.

The only workaround I discovered for this disappearing text box issue here on OF was to delete Tor itself and re-install Tor anew, every time I tried to access OF. Apparently Null expected me to do the same thing, to delete and re-install Tor constantly while trying to post on KF. No thank you. I am not going to implement an ever increasing number of workarounds and cycle through 5 different browsers just to find the one that's compatible with his broken website at any given moment.

Ergo, Null was gaslighting me and trying to guilt-trip me when he insisted that this problem with the disappearing input boxes was caused by something on my end. He thought he could get away with it because he expected me to just believe anything he claims. Hence the "you're too stupid to post". He made it abundantly clear that he just wanted me gone from his site. I'm sure he'll insist that my account going into "read-only" mode wasn't an intentional shadowban on his part, but knowing that someone can't post and refusing to help them is as good as an actual shadowban IMO.

Thank you for letting me share my story here. I hope this information can be used to corroborate some previous posts in this thread about moderator abuse on the Farms. If you're still on the Farms, do not trust the moderators, do not interact with them, do not reach out to them for "help" with any problems you encounter on the site or disputes amongst users.

For the record, I was 100% on Null's side during #DropKiwiFarms, I thought that was completely out of bounds and was genuinely worried that Keffals & LFJ might get him arrested or something. I literally put aside money to donate to Null's legal fund in the event of an arrest.


  • CannotPost27SameAsItEverWas.jpg
    55.9 KB · Views: 170
I have been working on this post since forever, wrote about a dozen different versions of it. Time has come to post it here, to get it out of the way.

I was banned because of this very same issue that @Emp brought up in this post:

I literally sacrificed my KF account (of over four years and in good standing) just to get Null to address this single ongoing issue with the disappearing text box that had been plaguing the forum since October 2022 (that I know of). I think he has since fixed this issue, but it went unaddressed for months.

I counted about 35+ other Kiwis who appeared to be complaining about this same issue in the Technical Grievances thread. Some of them posted screenshots similar to the one that Emp provided in the above post:

View attachment 32101View attachment 32102View attachment 32103View attachment 32104View attachment 32105View attachment 32106View attachment 32107View attachment 32108View attachment 32109View attachment 32110View attachment 32111View attachment 32112View attachment 32113View attachment 32114View attachment 32115View attachment 32116View attachment 32117View attachment 32118
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The first time this happened to me, I could still log into the forum to browse threads, but I couldn't post anywhere on the forum that accepts textual input. I couldn't post a reply to a thread, couldn't DM anyone, couldn't chat, couldn't vote on posts or threads, couldn't post an update to my own profile to tell people what's happening. All of these input fields were disabled. My account superficially looked active on the outside (people could still vote on my posts, @-me in threads and send me DMs) but it was essentially rendered useless to me without me having the ability to post.

The first time it happened was after I asked Null whether the chat could be disabled for me, because I never use it and I assumed disabling it would make for a smoother browsing experience. A couple of other users in the thread concurred saying they too didn't use the chat at all and wanted it disabled if that made the forum itself load faster (many of us use the forum for research, not for socializing). So I logged in next time to find that the chat was indeed disabled, but so was every other input field. Back then when I first encountered this, I assumed that posting being disabled was just an unfortunate side-effect of Null disabling the chat and not realizing it had a knock-on effect on the rest. Now I suspect that this is a feature he might have built in so he can shadowban users across every aspect of the site with one push of a button, instead of having to disable their posting across aspects of the forum separately.

I requested for this shadowban to be lifted but Null tried to gaslight me about it, claiming that my account wasn't restricted - but it definitely was. He insisted that it was supposedly my connection that somehow caused my account to magically switch to "read only" mode, which is definitely bullshit.

If you don't know how read/write/execute permissions work under teh Lunix systems please read this, it will help you understand how permissions work:

My connection definitely didn't trigger this. It was something on Null's end, if not Null himself who made my account go into "read only" mode, thus taking away my ability to post. He gave me no reason for this shadowban. Usually on KF when you get banned from a thread or when a post is deleted, you're notified with an alert stating the reason.

Whatever was causing my account to go into read-only mode also ended up deleting one of my posts with no explanation, on the topic of free speech ironically. It also altered a quote in another post. Both posts were later restored, but were definitely tampered with when I first noticed them missing.

I wanted to share some screenshots from Kiwis of what this looks like on the inside, so that people will recognize what this looks like if it ever happens to them:

View attachment 32112

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Again, I think Null has since fixed this issue, but if you're on KiwiFarms and this is still happening to you, don't try to reach out to Null or the moderators like I did, it's pointless. They will try to gaslight you and blame you for something that definitely isn't your fault or your responsibility.

Since Null wasn't going to help me this this issue, I was at a loss as to what to do... I poked around my account trying to see what was still active, and thus I discovered that I could still use the report button next to my avatar on my profile page to send a report requesting for my account to be unbanned... but as I said, Null insisted my account wasn't restricted when it was.

I also altered my banners and my avatar picture (the only things you can still change while shadowbanned like this) to warn people visiting my account (who might start wondering why you're no longer responding to them) that I was shadowbanned. Since I had about 30+ followers, I uploaded a banner and an avatar picture asking them to report my account on your behalf. He's the banner I uploaded to my account to warn my followers about what's happening:

View attachment 32138

Null got so angry at me uploading this banner that he not only deleted my banner and avatar, he even disabled my to upload a new banner and avatar picture. He also sent me an angry rejection notification of my report, saying:

This is how Null will respond to you when you're stuck in read only mode and you don't know what to do to restore your account. Even when there are 35+ other Kiwis complaining about the very same thing in the TG.

I CCleaned, I flushed, I deleted cookies, I installed a new instance of Tor, nothing would resolving this issue. The issue was on his side, not mine. After he disabled my banner and avatar and threatened to ban the account, he posted a bullshit rant on my profile (where I can't respond to him to correct his lies) claiming that I'm too stupid to figure out how to delete cookies.... when I had already told him I was using Tor, which automatically does that when you shut it down (which I always do, I never leave browser windows open.) He also claimed that I wouldn't tell him what was happening, when I had already reported this issue with my account going into read-only mode back in November 2022. He could've easily told me what was happening back then, but instead he ignored my message completely.

At that point I had been unable to post anything for weeks. I really had enough off Null's belligerence and refusal to address the issue, so I told him to go right ahead and put me out of my misery:

Back in the old days on KF, banned accounts would get a strike-through bar over their alias, but Null must've realized that having too many of those striken-through aliases is a bad look, so he's now banning people's accounts in this more sneaky, underhanded manner to create the perception of a SNAFU. From what I've read only account that are 6+ months old can see the strike through bar over an alias on a banned account.

KiwiFarms has a thread titled "Banned or Former Members - Kiwis who have been banned or just left and deleted their accounts."

Someone posted in this thread about missing my account in this thread... and was apparently banned shortly thereafter themselves.

One user in the TG was kind enought to troubleshoot Null's broken website for him, suggesting that he change MTU, while speculating that it's his IDS (at the time haproxy) that's disabling the users' ability to post due to a slow motion/application level DDoS attack. That post contained more information than Null would tell his users, who wanted to know why this kept happening.

View attachment 32141

Null himself told his users to "stop posting about not being able to post":

View attachment 32140

However, on the same day that he changed MTU at the suggestion of a user, Kiwis began to trickle into the TG thread saying they were finally able to post again after being unable to for days:

He later showed up saying he couldn't figure out what it was and "you can stop tagging me about this":

He tried to implement a fix:

And posted a wall of text speculating about what might be causing it: "But lucky you, you have me."

However, here comes the big gender reveal: I eventually ran into this same issue with the disappearing text box right here on OnionFarms! This is what my OF account in "read only" looked like while OF was getting DDoSed a while ago:

View attachment 32139

So how does this same issue occur on two different web fora whose only common feature is that they both run XenForo? IMO, this indicates that whatever was causing the disappearing text box was caused by XenForo itself, and was triggered by XenForo getting DDoSed.

The only workaround I discovered for this disappearing text box issue here on OF was to delete Tor itself and re-install Tor anew, every time I tried to access OF. Apparently Null expected me to do the same thing, to delete and re-install Tor constantly while trying to post on KF. No thank you. I am not going to implement an ever increasing number of workarounds and cycle through 5 different browsers just to find the one that's compatible with his broken website at any given moment.

Ergo, Null was gaslighting me and trying to guilt-trip me when he insisted that this problem with the disappearing input boxes was caused by something on my end. He thought he could get away with it because he expected me to just believe anything he claims. Hence the "you're too stupid to post". He made it abundantly clear that he just wanted me gone from his site. I'm sure he'll insist that my account going into "read-only" mode wasn't an intentional shadowban on his part, but knowing that someone can't post and refusing to help them is as good as an actual shadowban IMO.

Thank you for letting me share my story here. I hope this information can be used to corroborate some previous posts in this thread about moderator abuse on the Farms. If you're still on the Farms, do not trust the moderators, do not interact with them, do not reach out to them for "help" with any problems you encounter on the site or disputes amongst users.

For the record, I was 100% on Null's side during #DropKiwiFarms, I thought that was completely out of bounds and was genuinely worried that Keffals & LFJ might get him arrested or something. I literally put aside money to donate to Null's legal fund in the event of an arrest.
Don't take it personally. Null doesn't see any of the users as human.
I called him a nonce. And that him and his jannies were ruining the site. I quoted Lao Tzu. But joshy doesn't like (((those))) sort of Chinks, it seems.

I've even seen caps where Sara complained about double and triple posting on this site.
Got to post those, dude. Twice. Troonboosta must have conniption fits just thinking about Ash's thread
Don't take it personally. Null doesn't see any of the users as human.

Oh believe me, I don't. I know he doesn't see the Kiwis as human, he just sees them as a resource he can exploit. That's why I told him to go right ahead and ban me when he threatened to do so, because it was so fucking petty of him to ban with banning... a broken account that I couldn't use for weeks. Like, am I supposed to get on my knees and beg for the life of a useless account? I didn't even log back in to check if he did. I wanted to make it abundantly clear that if he was going to lie to my face and guilt-trip me over something that isn't my responsibility or fault, I wasn't going to be on his forum for a second longer.

View attachment 23232
Yeah that'll show em, Josh. you tell em!

This is all you need to know about Null.
He also banned a chat fag back when the site kept going down for sending other chat fags a discord server link so they could continue their chat faggot stuff while the site was down

I know. He hates it when Kiwis communicate off-site, for example on their own Discord channels (where everything is screengrabbed and sent back to him of course):

Best of all, he rants about PPP and Ralph doxing people only to openly say in threads on his website that he's fine with his mods or other users doxing users who say complain about him in private off-site Discord groups.

What @naught said in this post:

he has psychotic girlfriend tendencies and will ban people for even hanging out with banned users.
I called him a nonce. And that him and his jannies were ruining the site. I quoted Lao Tzu. But joshy doesn't like (((those))) sort of Chinks, it seems.

Got to post those, dude. Twice. Troonboosta must have conniption fits just thinking about Ash's thread
He really doesn’t like being told to get off his ass and fix his broken site either.