Retired Staff
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
this in particular made meHi @everyone. This is a big ask, but the YouTube team has been working HARD to try and get the channel boosted in the algorithm. If you want to help, apparently the best way to do this is watch hours. All you have to do is open the video that Isabelle just linked here and put it on play and watch it all the way through. You can walk away from your computer or turn the audio down, it doesn't matter. Once we can get the channel showing up in people's recommendations, it'll be smooth sailing.
I believe in the strength of wigglers when they set their sights on a goal keffalWiggle
YouTube team has been working HARD to try and get the channel boosted in the algorithm.
I wish lucas all the luck in the world in popping the membrane of his hugbox and being shilled to people who neither sympathize nor agree with him. 10/10, best plan. Definitely won't have unintended consequences for him.curious update from keffalscord:
this in particular made me![]()
for the sake of shit flinging, remember the female judges who got mailed ricin for confirming Kavanagh?View attachment 21278
Fuff having realised that Matt Walsh is trending (last month) gets targeted. Strange Michael Ker-now-lees (fellow "wop") isn't included.
Also, sounds like, what with the sob story, money is too tight to mention.
Does this bitch wanna be sued by Tucker Carlson? LOLView attachment 21278
Fuff having realised that Matt Walsh is trending (last month) gets targeted. Strange Michael Ker-now-lees (fellow "wop") isn't included.
Also, sounds like, what with the sob story, money is too tight to mention.
curious update from keffalscord:
this in particular made me![]()
there only saying "tenderqueer" isn't a slur because keffals said it isn't, before they would lose their absolute shit if someone were to call them that.Reminder that the left aren't funny
View attachment 21350
Here's the punchline...
View attachment 21351
Fuff bin demooneetiiizzzed!
View attachment 21352
Arse kissers to the fore!
View attachment 21354
Irony. Bros.
View attachment 21355
Ah, there's one reasonable person. Yes Fuff, you have been the victim of the rules you want to be in place. Can't stand the heat...
Fluff is going to lose so hard the ragequit will be hugeView attachment 21379
Fuff will debate Destiny. Ok, then.
That is the ironic part Keffals doesn't know when to shut the fuck up for five minutes it's probably the drugs the tranny tookOh there are people helping Keffals. I have no doubt.
Just another useful idiot.
Keffals just couldn't resist keeping his mouth shut, and then giving Null a week in advance warning of their secret plans to bully companies to drop KF and DDoss them.
Satisfying that Dopamine twitter addiction of likes was just too important.
Keffals just had to virtue signaling how everyone would "abandon null". Pure narcissism
Now Keffals is now giving way the secret of how youtube plans to help too. And they are helping thay channel just a tool for ther culture war BS.
Literal human parasite.
Jesus Christ this bitch be lying! LOL
What you won fluff? Being a clown online that lies, is boring, and is a fat bitch? Your videos are boring and even your own stream viewers left you. Your 15 minutes of fame is done mateView attachment 21444
Must of bought a scratch card...
Re: Fake tit man, the tweet...
View attachment 21445
Kerfuffels with the "Hacktually, I knew someone..." Dude is such a Vicki Pollard.
Fuff has been v quiet today. Must be because it's a Sunday. Right?