Compared to the Idea Guys, the group calling itself "Praetor" has gained some attention for being Chris Chan's official vendor of his famous Sonichu Medallions, along with being allegedly responsible for nearly having Chris stun gunning himself with a Taser.
Caden Peck, an 18 year old man living in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia (Where Chris lived during his high school years) has communicated with a CWC White Knight group (the Watchmen) to seek their blessing to do business with Chris. And initially at first, Praetor seemed to be doing nothing too harmful towards Chris's well-being as nothing eventful would concern the Watchmen themselves.
On November 8th, 2020, Chris would upload a video that featured a seemingly edgier intro than usual for Chris's tastes. And as you can tell, he is talking about the Dimensional Merge at a venue that Praetor seems to have rented out for themselves.
For the next few months, red-flags began to pop up as it was revealed that Praetor (most likely Caden) had a Stun Gun in their online shopping cart for some odd reason.
And in February, it was revealed by @naught on Kiwi Farms that Chris had indeed been planning on utilizing the stun gun to make the Dimensional Merge a reality.
In the same thread, another lolcow (Tommy Tooter) made a surprise appearance in the thread where he claimed that the group had asked him and Chris to appear in a Zoom call together for their planned business meeting. -
2 days after this thread popped up, Naught would leak a short audio clip where Caden was maniacally laughing when Chris suggested he'd tase himself.
Ever since the call's release, archivists from both the CWCki and Kiwi Farms embarked on a campaign to hunt for the personal information of all the Praetor members.
And only two weeks after the beginning of the search, a file was uploaded to Pastebin containing all the relevant information regarding Praetor. -
Caden Peck:
Age: 18
DOB: September 17, 2002.
Former Student at South Nodaway High School
Now goes to Goochland High School
Source: (She knows Owen)
(Video he made in Goochland)
Annabel Ikenberry:
Age: 18
DOB: October 16th, 2002.
Annabel's Twitter:
Annabel's Instagram:
Annabel's YouTube:
Annabel's Amazon Wishlist:
Annabel's Only Fans:
Owen Sundstorm:
Age: Likely 18.
Owen's mother:
SoundCloud: Instagram:
The CWCki article: *
Caden Peck, an 18 year old man living in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia (Where Chris lived during his high school years) has communicated with a CWC White Knight group (the Watchmen) to seek their blessing to do business with Chris. And initially at first, Praetor seemed to be doing nothing too harmful towards Chris's well-being as nothing eventful would concern the Watchmen themselves.
On November 8th, 2020, Chris would upload a video that featured a seemingly edgier intro than usual for Chris's tastes. And as you can tell, he is talking about the Dimensional Merge at a venue that Praetor seems to have rented out for themselves.
For the next few months, red-flags began to pop up as it was revealed that Praetor (most likely Caden) had a Stun Gun in their online shopping cart for some odd reason.
And in February, it was revealed by @naught on Kiwi Farms that Chris had indeed been planning on utilizing the stun gun to make the Dimensional Merge a reality.
Feb 5 2021 - Chris wants to play with taser to activate the Merge
(Im not sure where to post this, although this thread seems fitting especially since in my more paranoid moments ive wondered if Vaughn and praetor LLC are on in the same.) (An alarming update from cwc, who's still acting as sonichu.) My bad for not checking in as often as I ought to; I have...
In the same thread, another lolcow (Tommy Tooter) made a surprise appearance in the thread where he claimed that the group had asked him and Chris to appear in a Zoom call together for their planned business meeting. -
2 days after this thread popped up, Naught would leak a short audio clip where Caden was maniacally laughing when Chris suggested he'd tase himself.
Ever since the call's release, archivists from both the CWCki and Kiwi Farms embarked on a campaign to hunt for the personal information of all the Praetor members.
And only two weeks after the beginning of the search, a file was uploaded to Pastebin containing all the relevant information regarding Praetor. -
Caden Peck:
Age: 18
DOB: September 17, 2002.
Former Student at South Nodaway High School
NAQT | 2018 Small School National Championship Tournament (Traditional Public Schools Division) | Round 5: South Nodaway vs. Crocker
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC, organizes the premier middle school, high school, community college, and college national quiz bowl championships in North America.

The Goochland Gazette – 12/05/2019
The Goochland Gazette – 12/05/2019 © 2019 by Richmond Suburban News. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher.

2 Central Va. schools win ‘Virginia is for Learners’ video contest
Out of 31 submissions, three winners were selected, with two of the winners being Goochland High School and Hanover County High School.
Annabel Ikenberry:
Age: 18
DOB: October 16th, 2002.
Annabel's Twitter:
Annabel's Instagram:
Annabel's YouTube:
Annabel's Amazon Wishlist:
Annabel's Only Fans:
Owen Sundstorm:
Age: Likely 18.
Owen's mother:
SoundCloud: Instagram:


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The CWCki article: *