• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
One time, joshy managed to get about 150k, but where did it REALLY come from? Why is joshy saying that SOME of the money went to help with Zhen's case, when it's likely he's paying off the fine so Dong Gone doesn't get hands on FC's paper work?

Oh, and you know you can't keep away from here, stop being so bitter, like Ash.
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View attachment 80337
It would be ironic if Dani was mauled by a feral dog.

He is a feral dog.

Desperate, too. Jesus Christ, Danny. I know you're reading this. You and the 4 or 5 other stooges still left on that hack forum who report to the jewfag. At least have a little dignity like gargamel does and go down with the sinking ship. You guys bet on the wrong horse and at least gargamels going down in flames. You're desperately trying to fit back in (this will be the only time anyone is ever going to tell you in your life that you can't fit in, little dick) with 18,000 fake accounts but you're hated here.

That's the difference between us. I left this place for a couple of months because you and gargamel are annoying and I am on about a dozen BBS sites that I fucked with for a while. I came back and brought more funny to the table. Got welcomed with opened arms. You and gargle got fucking trounced because nobody likes you. I'm funnier on accident than you two are on purpose. The only reason you even slip by on this website here and there is because nobody can get rid of you and your fucking annoying spam accounts even with tweezers and a match.

Not welcome. Not wanted. Hated. You are the PUNCHLINE of a shitty message board that's an offshoot of another shitty message board. Your lifelong audition for "biggest loser on the internet since Chris Chan" can come to an end now. You got the part bro. Learn to take yes for an answer.

Now choke on that, slapnuts.
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Being a gas-huffing bum with no real responsibilities doesn't make you the hero of your own story; that's just cope. Because, in reality, you're scared of being an adult with real responsibilities and growing as a person.
Y'know, I'm all for Dani's wanderin', it might be a spiritually awakening experience for him...

Yeah, ok. Dani isn't a Shaolin Monk... but there is a high chance of him being found dead after a stranglewank goes wrong (Dave should have got a hooker with more upper body strength and bottle).

How much of this "arc" is actually factual, who knows. He's not really uploading anything to back it up. I could pitch a tent in a field, and take a pic from inside the tent. That's not homeless. I think he needs to live stream from his tent. With TTS... Baked Dani'qua.


Dah Man. Keye Luke. Charlie Chan, Green Hornet (over 20 years before Bruce). "Quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand".
False. They do it for free.

He doesn't have hooker money. Hooker money is disposable income. Whatever change soccer moms thrown into his little Starbucks cup while he's sitting on the sidewalk is NOT disposable income.
That was back when he had a home apparently.
Reason: I forgot where he overshared about it.
Jacko loved a rat. nfn...
Did the evil Tommy "Banged Mariah" Mottola have Wacko Jacko wacko'd? Or did years of plastic surgery fuck him up (not to mention the years of abuse at the hands of his Dad) leading to drug addiction and an early grave. Remove the hits, and the plastic surgery, you have Dan'qua. hee hee.
View attachment 80584
Jacko loved a rat. nfn...
View attachment 80587
Did the evil Tommy "Banged Mariah" Mottola have Wacko Jacko wacko'd? Or did years of plastic surgery fuck him up (not to mention the years of abuse at the hands of his Dad) leading to drug addiction and an early grave. Remove the hits, and the plastic surgery, you have Dan'qua. hee hee.

"A pet rat to kick it with soon" was NOT on my 2025 internet loser bingo card.