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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
discount loltax
Low Rent lotax(!) Nice one me.
The 39th President of USA is mogging joshy... from the grave. Even the Peanut Man hates joshy.
Here's what bothers me the most about this dude:

He gives off tremendous "I got bullied in high school so I want to be anybody but myself" energy. He's not man enough to control his narrative, so he just created this weird little lord of the flies jerk fest that he's the god of online.

He just wants to be someone else so bad, anybody but himself. You can see it seeping through everything in his faux narcissistic personality. You're not mad and pissed off that your parents circumcised you, you just want a creepy pee pee because the other boys on Reddit have foreskins. Anything that's gonna make you not you is what you want. I'm betting there are sexual fantasies of gender reassignment, but like all chicken shit cowards he doesn't have the balls to control his narrative and become the woman he's so desperately craves to be.

Because a woman would be the opposite of him and that's what he desires. To just not be himself. After he blows his miniscule load and is using a sock to clean it off his stomach, he probably has feelings of remorse and tremendous shame while the tranny porn is still playing, especially since he got off to pretending that he was the tranny.

Imagine being so fucking starved for a modicum of power or to have a voice that you achieve it by running a little website online. That might have been an acceptable outlet in the 90s, but in the 2020s that shit is PATHETIC as fuck.

Ken strikes me as the type of dude who's like "yeah this motherfucker could go belly up at any moment I'm gonna ride it until the wheels fall off" not so with little dick energy Null. If his website got shut down or something happened in his life where he had to give it up, I'm wagering he takes the shotgun mouthwash route within 60 days.

This is the type of dude that before dipshits could buy websites would kill small animals or molest children. Not because he was attracted to the children but he would do it for the power. In the 70s this dude DEFINITELY would have been a serial killer with a shoebox full of left titties.

TL;DR: Null is pathetic as hell and desperately wants to be anything other than Joshua. The one person he hates the most in the world he can never get away from for even a second, because he's stuck being himself. The only thing sadder than a narcissist is someone who's pretending to be a narcissist online.
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Null continues going after Sam Hyde, criticizing his use of Gumroad (even though I'm positive Null has/had a Gumroad account) and getting attacked by uppity forum users for something involving Dick Masterson paying him to defend him.
Wow I knew he was a giant bitch who couldn't take criticism but this thread is a riot. Josh really is a lolcow. You can say he's as bad as lowtax but lowtax managed to get laid semi-regularly.

And FYI he does or at least did have a gumroad. I subbed to it while looking for good podcasts to listen to while at work and figured it might be better than his godawful stream. I was wrong: It's fucking terrible, just lardass complaining about his usual shit and giving shitty media reviews from time to time.

And about the whole Sam Hyde thing I know he's on some bizarre pseudo Christian larp so he should really take heed of the whole “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” deal, kiwifarmers playing moral police was one of the most intolerable aspects of the site.
Here's what bothers me the most about this dude:

He gives off tremendous "I got bullied in high school so I want to be anybody but myself" energy. He's not man enough to control his narrative, so he just created this weird little lord of the flies jerk fest that he's the god of online.

He just wants to be someone else so bad, anybody but himself. You can see it seeping through everything in his faux narcissistic personality. You're not mad and pissed off that your parents circumcised you, you just want a creepy pee pee because the other boys on Reddit have foreskins. Anything that's gonna make you not you is what you want. I'm betting there are sexual fantasies of gender reassignment, but like all chicken shit cowards he doesn't have the balls to control his narrative and become the woman he's so desperately craves to be.

Because a woman would be the opposite of him and that's what he desires. To just not be himself. After he blows his miniscule load and is using a sock to clean it off his stomach, he probably has feelings of remorse and tremendous shame while the tranny porn is still playing, especially since he got off to pretending that he was the tranny.

Imagine being so fucking starved for a modicum of power or to have a voice that you achieve it by running a little website online. That might have been an acceptable outlet in the 90s, but in the 2020s that shit is PATHETIC as fuck.

Ken strikes me as the type of dude who's like "yeah this motherfucker could go belly up at any moment I'm gonna ride it until the wheels fall off" not so with little dick energy Null. If his website got shut down or something happened in his life where he had to give it up, I'm wagering he takes the shotgun mouthwash route within 60 days.

This is the type of dude that before dipshits could buy websites would kill small animals or molest children. Not because he was attracted to the children but he would do it for the power. In the 70s this dude DEFINITELY would have been a serial killer with a shoebox full of left titties.

TL;DR: Null is pathetic as hell and desperately wants to be anything other than Joshua. The one person he hates the most in the world he can never get away from for even a second, because he's stuck being himself. The only thing sadder than a narcissist is someone who's pretending to be a narcissist online.

This post should be featured in the Louvre
Imagine being so fucking starved for a modicum of power or to have a voice that you achieve it by running a little website online. That might have been an acceptable outlet in the 90s, but in the 2020s that shit is PATHETIC as fuck.
Lots of people were bullied at school, or abused otherwise as children, to greater or lesser degree.

Some of them turn out bad, some make something of themselves, some turn out good. Josh's excuses for his pathetic little life are just not excuses. He could have worked hard and turned a good living as a PHP developer, joined a gym, got buff, got laid and had his family and children. He decided instead to found a website to stalk and harass innocent people, refusing to take it down even when Donny Long tried to destroy his extended family. Refusing to take it down when his mom got fired thanks to Oliver Smeeth. He even fled the US rather than take it down.

He had a choice. Josh chose to be Null, the janny we all know and hate. That is his crime. It is also his punishment.

Josh's life is a choice and that, my friends, is why he is such a contemptible waste of human existence.
He gives off tremendous "I got bullied in high school so I want to be anybody but myself" energy.

He just wants to be someone else so bad, anybody but himself.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did get bullied, but people grow up and get past that shit. Like whatever happened in school is not going to follow you into adulthood unless you allow it to. By the time high school is over people usually re-invent themselves and learn from the mistakes of the past.

If this really is all a gigantic grudge from a long-ass time ago as a kid/teen, then he needs hardcore therapy. No amount of "friends" IRL or online is going to fix his way of thinking.
Lots of people were bullied at school, or abused otherwise as children, to greater or lesser degree.

Some of them turn out bad, some make something of themselves, some turn out good. Josh's excuses for his pathetic little life are just not excuses.

And this is exactly what I'm talking about. All of us picked on people and were picked on in high school to some degree. But we got over it. This fucking jamoke is holding a grudge from when he was 15 harder than Simon Weisenthal.

He could have worked hard and turned a good living as a PHP developer, joined a gym, got buff, got laid and had his family and children. He decided instead to found a website to stalk and harass innocent people, refusing to take it down even when Donny Long tried to destroy his extended family. Refusing to take it down when his mom got fired thanks to Oliver Smeeth. He even fled the US rather than take it down.

And that's exactly what I mean by not having the balls to control his own narrative. All that would have to took was a little bit of work on himself to become a better person. None of us are happy where we are in our life. I mean fuck, even Robin Williams hung himself. But that doesn't mean that you stop trying and become a professional petty bitch online.

He is prey with a predator mentality. A glass cannon so to speak. If he is the perpetrator of the harassment and has the upper hand everything is great. But we've all experienced what happens when you even jokingly go against the status quo and rib him a little. Baby has a whinge and a cry, and has to lay down his ban hammer because the big bad predator turns into that weak little fucking punk when someone's even having a good natured laugh at his expense. The dude can't take a joke because he's so insecure he knows that he is the joke. He's always been the punchline his entire life.

Imagine how bad it must suck that every time you look in the mirror you hear this:

Because that's what happens in his weak little fragile ego mind. He knows in the physical world that he is an insignificant cuck who would get slapped in the mouth if he talked to an actual man the way he does online, and he's been punked so many times on his own website that even online he knows he's losing the stroke he used to have.

It must be a scary realization that your whole badass apathetic narcissist misanthrope gimmick has more holes than a Jewish girl's nylons. He's easier to see through than Lily Phillips when she spreads her legs.

He had a choice. Josh chose to be Null, the janny we all know and hate. That is his crime. It is also his punishment.

Josh's life is a choice and that, my friends, is why he is such a contemptible waste of human existence.

And the sad part is now that he's been made of fun of so many times online, he can't even be Null without the back of his mind going "Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua" and it fucking STINGS.

I don't think any insult hurts that motherfucker more than reminding him that he's himself. Imagine how sad that is. Imagine that it hurts you to be reminded of who you are. Fat little loser is a walking existential crisis.