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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

*gasp* How DARE you saying that about Luigi Mangina! Have a shitload of dumbs!
Kiwifarms user mailfrawd was doxed by Liz-Fong Jones and fired after his employers were made aware of his online behavior and found it very distasteful. As is typical of Kiwifarms users, they are kvetching about what a bad person LFJ is rather than blaming Kevin Crawley for his poor opsec and allowing himself to be easily identified and fired to begin with. Live by the dox, die by the dox. Some users are foolish enough to believe Kevin Crawley has a case against LFJ.
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Kiwifarms oldfag Dyn gives these users a reality check. Getting someone fired is completely LEGAL, the common excuse given when supporting doxing, and LFJ used his dox to accomplish it.
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You see, Kiwifarms users like to draw imaginary lines around their conduct. Posting someone's address and place of employment? Good and legal 😀! Contacting someone's place of employment? Legal, but bad 😡! The sad truth is both of these things are completely legal and you cannot defend one without defending the other, particularly when the legality aspect is all you take into consideration when it comes to doxing.

Josh also tries and fails to add plausible deniability to Kevin Crawley being mailfrawd, but everyone knows it's legit.
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Of course, Turkey Tom uses KiwiFarms—he even has an account on the site. Null mentioned it during his podcast appearance when he was a guest on Tom's show.
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"Victim's rights ruined true crime."
I’ve been an aficionado of true crime since the early 90s (I’m old). Back then, just about the only material out there was books by non-fiction authors like Ann Rule and Aphrodite Jones & “based on a true story” fiction like In cold blood (Capote) and The Exectioner’s Song (Mailer), plus some annual publications by police and forensic services. There were some tv shows like Forensic Files but they were hard to catch.

Ann Rule’s book about Ted Bundy is very good. She used to work with him at a suicide prevention call center (yes, really) and what she does in the book is something that you’re just not allowed to do anymore in true crime: she describes Bundy as a complex human being and not as a one dimensional murder machine (which he kind of was, but still…). I recommend that book to anyone interested in TC, but it’s a chilling read. I remember getting up and checking the locks multiple times while reading it.

Now, during the late 90s and aughts the victim’s rights movement really took off, and this is probably an unpopular opinion, but it has ruined true crime. These days every show (don’t have time for non-fiction books anymore) consists of about 40% cliches about the victim - she always lit up the room, lived for her kids (even when she obviously was a coked up street hooker), would give you the shirt off her back and the town she lived in was a great place to raise children. The rest of the show is pearl clutching, police using the Reed technique and stings to bully suspects into confessing and “therapists” calling every suspect a narcissist and interpreting body language like faggots.

I. Don’t. Like. It. I liked true crime because I’m interested in human behavior. Imo, if you’re unlucky enough ANYONE can be the victim of a crime, but not everyone can become a t&h murderer . There are reasons for people’s behavior, even if it’s just a genetic quirk, and I am curious about those reasons. That aspect of true crime is absolutely gone, and I’ve given up on the genre. All that’s left are indignant wine moms and grifters who think “he was a narcissist” is a deep statement.

(Thank you for attending my TED talk. Bring on the top hats.)
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Of course, Turkey Tom uses KiwiFarms he has an account on that site. Null mentioned that on his podcast when he was on Tom's show.
Turkey Tom has always gave me some really bad vibes in the same way iilluminaughtii gave me bad vibes long before she got cancelled. Xanderhal sucks along with the rest of Breadtube but Turkey Tom ripping on a guy that supported his ex-girlfriend's serious drug addiction is a 'Pot meets Kettle' situation.

I'm surprised he hasn't had his cancellation arc at this point given his dumbass antics. The closest we ever got to that was the time he accused Pyrocyical of being a pedophile and then Pyrocynical mopped the floor with Turkey Tom when Pyro showed the receipts to prove that Turkey Tom was being a completely dishonest bastard that wanted to ruin Pyro's life over complete lies (which caused Turkey Tom to leave the Internet for a year and he was never man enough to admit that he royally fucked up at the time).

There's also allegations that Turkey Tom got cucked before and he won back the woman that cheated on him because he is that much of a desperate simp and the allegations that his former Discord server had a mod that was grooming some minors on that Discord server (Turkey Tom denied any allegations of grooming sometime after he deleted his fan server). They're allegations and I have no solid way to prove these two things against him but it wouldn't surprise me if someone dug up something really embarrassing about Turkey Tom that results in the whole Internet to just laugh at him.
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Any female who is unpartnered in her thirties and whining about it and how horrible the moidscrotezz are has just failed in the reproductive game of life. It's like asking for life coaching from a street homeless alcoholic. Their opinions don't matter. Never pay any attention to what females say; look at what they do. The ones who can achieve anything in any field are already out there achieving. It's the failures who are crying on the internet and making excuses like "the jews" for why no one is attracted to them.

The site will be flooded in a week or so with females writing screeds about how thissss is the year they will get into shape and get their mental health together and save up enough to move out, or buy a house, or get a decent car, or finally get a qualification, or get a decent job, or even just a steady job. And the exact same people will be posting the same thing next year, because they posted that shit last year too. By February they will be back screeching about lOoKsMaXXinG and cHuDs and jews, and once again by October it will be "society's" fault they have got nowhere in life and achieved nothing. Trisha Paytas has a husband, but somehow the stronk and independunt TERFs of the Farms can't overcome wOKEneSS iN mUh SoCIaL mEDiA to get their pussies moist. Sure, Jan. The problem is definitely every man on the planet for having picked literally anyone else but you. They are the faulty ones.

The problem is in the mirror, girls. The problem is always in the fucking mirror. Everywhere you go, there you are. On the bright side: there's nothing wrong with you that you can't more or less fix, although some of you all are going to need electric shock therapy and a lifetime of heavy medication.
Turkey Tom has always gave me some really bad vibes in the same way iilluminaughtii gave me bad vibes long before she got cancelled. Xanderhal sucks along with the rest of Breadtube but Turkey Tom ripping on a guy that supported his ex-girlfriend's serious drug addiction is a 'Pot meets Kettle' situation.

I'm surprised he hasn't had his cancellation arc at this point given his dumbass antics. The closest we ever got to that was the time he accused Pyrocyical of being a pedophile and then Pyrocynical mopped the floor with Turkey Tom when Pyro showed the receipts to prove that Turkey Tom was being a completely dishonest bastard that wanted to ruin Pyro's life over complete lies (which caused Turkey Tom to leave the Internet for a year and he was never man enough to admit that he royally fucked up at the time).

There's also allegations that Turkey Tom got cucked before and he won back the woman that cheated on him because he is that much of a desperate simp and the allegations that his former Discord server had a mod that was grooming some minors on that Discord server (Turkey Tom denied any allegations of grooming sometime after he deleted his fan server). They're allegations and I have no solid way to prove these two things against him but it wouldn't surprise me if someone dug up something really embarrassing about Turkey Tom that results in the whole Internet to just laugh at him.
Don’t forget that when he was part of the cartoon community, he also accused Mr. Enter of being a pedophile—before Mr. Enter hit back hard and exposed his nonsense. Turkey Tom quickly retreated after that video and has since distanced himself entirely from the cartoon and animation community. Interestingly, he initially wanted to be part of the animation industry; his early videos were focused on drawing art or making cartoons, similar to creators like BenTheLooney.
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Any female who is unpartnered in her thirties and whining about it and how horrible the moidscrotezz are has just failed in the reproductive game of life. It's like asking for life coaching from a street homeless alcoholic. Their opinions don't matter. Never pay any attention to what females say; look at what they do. The ones who can achieve anything in any field are already out there achieving. It's the failures who are crying on the internet and making excuses like "the jews" for why no one is attracted to them.

The site will be flooded in a week or so with females writing screeds about how thissss is the year they will get into shape and get their mental health together and save up enough to move out, or buy a house, or get a decent car, or finally get a qualification, or get a decent job, or even just a steady job. And the exact same people will be posting the same thing next year, because they posted that shit last year too. By February they will be back screeching about lOoKsMaXXinG and cHuDs and jews, and once again by October it will be "society's" fault they have got nowhere in life and achieved nothing. Trisha Paytas has a husband, but somehow the stronk and independunt TERFs of the Farms can't overcome wOKEneSS iN mUh SoCIaL mEDiA to get their pussies moist. Sure, Jan. The problem is definitely every man on the planet for having picked literally anyone else but you. They are the faulty ones.

The problem is in the mirror, girls. The problem is always in the fucking mirror. Everywhere you go, there you are. On the bright side: there's nothing wrong with you that you can't more or less fix, although some of you all are going to need electric shock therapy and a lifetime of heavy medication.
Average kiwislop

Well you see, there was a time where girls got a lot of cutesy frilly stuff, but a certain group of permasalty people complained non-stop about it because "it's sexist and reinforces gender stereotypes and roles and forces them into a patriarchy-conforming mold and yaddayaddayadda" or some shit like that, so it was all removed, and now tweens only get boring clothes. But at least is not sexist and stereotype-reinforcing anymore amirite?