• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Well there was that time that Kiwi Farms found a picture of a baby on Google that a Canadian furry transgender activist Sophie Labelle was using for diaperfur art on the side. That's probably where that claim comes from. Not necessarily from being familiar with CSAM themselves.
Yeah I know who you're talking about is that waffles person that apparently was taking photos from lifted from Facebook accounts and using it to trace Cub porn.
"Ladies, please don't get botox (PS: I am getting botox (and oversharing))"
Imagine still being this much of a worrywart about COVID and oh no the pandemic in almost 2025, because the only illness that gives those symptoms is obviously COVID, and it's not winter for him so it's not flu, it can't be, it really is COVID! Oh no, the babies have COVID!

Kung flu has been an absolute gift to people with undiagnosed OCD.

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Someone with actual brains from the lolicon/shotacon thread is explaining the obvious from the start.

There are actually people whose job it is to go through that shit though. Like feds or hired content moderation teams for Facebook that get paid to respond to reports of CP and animal abuse along with gore and any other things you can think of. Imo the gore isn't really that bad but the animal abuse and CP is definitely the worst. That is why a bunch got PTSD and needed therapy to not kill themselves. So someone like that recognizing that it's basically traced csam isn't that much of a stretch of the imagination.

Josh himself has said a few times that loli & shota are traced from CP. First off I guess he would know and second, I think it just makes sense? The only people looking for loli & shota are pedophiles and their victims, I don't see why they wouldn't be tracing. Proof isn't easy to provide because it requires posting CSAM.

Well there was that time that Kiwi Farms found a picture of a baby on Google that a Canadian furry transgender activist Sophie Labelle was using for diaperfur art on the side. That's probably where that claim comes from. Not necessarily from being familiar with CSAM themselves.

If one of them is doing it openly then the rest are surely doing it covertly. I don't really care if it's true or not because pedos should be dragged behind a car until their heads pop off and anything that smears them deeper into the mud is frankly a good thing.

>Gender is not the same as sex
But it is? And who is "we/us" again? All I know is that "fighting for genderless toys" made everything get fuglier "to not reinforce gender stereotypesies and rolesies teehee". "Anti-sexists" being more sexist than anyone again!
By the way, did you know that there was a time when pink was considered the boy color and blue was for girls?
Josh himself has said a few times that loli & shota are traced from CP. First off I guess he would know and second, I think it just makes sense? The only people looking for loli & shota are pedophiles and their victims, I don't see why they wouldn't be tracing. Proof isn't easy to provide because it requires posting CSAM.
It's honestly just common sense, that drawn csam uses real csam as a reference.
"Despite the now obvious roots, I didn't realize why I was like this 'til I walked through that old house again as an adult. I was inundated with those same highly sexualized paintings/photos of women and it filled me with rage."
In best Sarah J Parker voice no doubt.
"This isn't even going into how kids are more likely to become sex abusers and rapists if they're introduced too young. Lots of pedophiles have a mindset of, "I enjoyed it when I was nine, so this nine-year-old will enjoy it too."
Poo & Ornery admits they are more likely to abuse sex and rape.
No red flags there at all, sounds like an ideal life partner.
I'm starting to notice more that the older joined dates get really pissy when they get tard-wrangled by newer users, as if they don't want to admit that they can make a mistake or two even though they're supposed to know better.

>go back to reddit
since when is telling an older user to stop being a fucking retard "reddit" behavior?

If anything Barbarella sounds like a redditor herself. "um, no sweetie, you're wrong, it's ok when I do it!" while typing out a paragraph justifying her reasoning. ZERO. SELF. AWARENESS

Literally nobody fucking cares about how you potty-train your kids. Just take the fucking "L" and move on. You sound like a fucking psychopath trying to justify why people should need to hear about how kids should be naked all the time when they are learning to potty train
Kiwi Farms tries psychology:
A lot of our favourite cows fit under the umbrella of the cluster B disorders in one way or another, but farmers often get the particular diagnoses mixed up, so I thought a primer on the distinctions between them might be in order. The cluster B disorders are collectively known as the dramatic personality disorders, because they are characterised by intense emotions, interpersonal conflicts, or a desperate need for attention.

Cluster B includes four diagnoses:

Antisocial (ASPD)
ASPD is characterised by weak (or absent) emotional affect and empathy. People with ASPD don’t experience shame or guilt, and are often adept liars. They are generally self-serving and will try to get ahead in life however they think they can get away with. Because they have low baseline arousal, they will often suffer intensive boredom. Relationships, when they do form them, tend to be shallow and transactional. ASPD is commonly referred to as sociopathy or psychopathy, but the former isn’t a clinical term at all and the latter only describes a specific subset of ASPD.

Borderline (BPD)
If ASPD is distinguished by its lack of emotionality, BPD is the very opposite. People with BPD experience emotions strongly, often to the point that they cannot control themselves. They’re driven as much by love or hate as they are by fear of rejection. Unlike ASPD they can be highly empathetic (though not always, and not necessarily consistently), but they’re less likely to be effective manipulators, as their lies are primarily reactive and fear-driven rather than purposeful. Self-harm is common.

Histrionic (HPD)
HPD, like BPD, is distinguished by excessive emotionality, but in their case the emotions aren’t necessarily real, but may simply be dramatically exaggerated (though they may feel real at the moment, no matter how extreme). They also tend to be sexually provocative, flirting aggressively even when it doesn’t suit the situation, or perceiving relationships that don’t really exist, or they may simply dream up dramatic stories that centre themselves. Like narcissists they crave attention and validation, and their performances are designed to garner both.

Narcissistic (NPD)
Much of the public perception of ASPD actually closer reflects narcissists. Narcissists are grandiose and crave validation, because behind the facade they present they are actually extremely insecure. Like antisocials they may have impaired empathy, but unlike them they feel shame intensively (though they will mask it, often with angry outbursts), especially if they’ve recently failed at something or received criticism. Unlike histrionics, who seek attention through emotionality, narcissists seek it for validation and admiration. They can be effective manipulators, but unlike ASPD it’s generally deployed to protect their image (including to themselves).

So how might a cow with one of these disorders behave?

ASPD: Crowdfunds a large sum of money for some ostensibly good goal, then spends it all on coke.

BPD: Posts a video crying about some perceived rejection, then a dozen more videos lovebombing that same person.

HPD: Really dramatic videos with shameless and embarrassing details included just to get as many reactions as possible.

NPD: Gets called a manlet on twitter, and absolutely loses it, replying with a dozen post rant about what a tough guy he is.

The disorders often overlap, narcissists can often behave histrionically if they’re shameless enough for example, but it’s generally easy enough to tell which one is ”most significant” in any given personality.

"Women didn't EARN their vaginas!"
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