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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
In the Project Mayfem thread from that weird freak that wished torturous death on someone with cancer:

This is a tranny for sure.

In the femoid advice thread, he brings up pussy eating out of nowhere:


This dude isalaide is masturbating during these interactions. why bringing up urination?
I wonder how Didl, who freaks about coomers and anything sexual on the kiwifarms, will react to this.
In the Project Mayfem thread from that weird freak that wished torturous death on someone with cancer:
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This is a tranny for sure.

In the femoid advice thread, he brings up pussy eating out of nowhere:
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This dude isalaide is masturbating during these interactions. why bringing up urination?
I wonder how Didl, who freaks about coomers and anything sexual on the kiwifarms, will react to this.
Fuck that movie.
Kiwi farmers MATI and having sick fantasies of torturing some guy that just had some fun on the internet.

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lol calm down.
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This is from the "764 & Its Offshoots / "com" / Internet Extortion Groups - A decentralized extortion community filled with pedophiles, degenerates and larpers on Discords and Telegram chats" thread.

"some guy that just had some fun on the internet" - feel free to take a shotgun blast to the crotch pedo fuck. Actual crimes against children were committed.
Your mother needed to have that abortion or your dad become a faggot earlier but unfortunately we're now all stuck listening to their mistake be Le edgy boi on the internet
This is from the "764 & Its Offshoots / "com" / Internet Extortion Groups - A decentralized extortion community filled with pedophiles, degenerates and larpers on Discords and Telegram chats" thread.

"some guy that just had some fun on the internet" - feel free to take a shotgun blast to the crotch pedo fuck. Actual crimes against children were committed.
Your mother needed to have that abortion or your dad become a faggot earlier but unfortunately we're now all stuck listening to their mistake be Le edgy boi on the internet
Apparently they're connected to some group our Gaylord Daniel and Mike Thurlow were either part of or larped that they were a part of. The order of the 9 angels.
kwiffar are tmi'omg in the Mood Disorders thread...
Magnesium, you say?
Prolly a better idea to eat it in foods...
"1. Seeds
Seeds are small but they're good sources of magnesium, with one serving providing a significant portion of the recommended daily intake.
Here's the magnesium and the percentage of the daily value (DV) found in a 1-ounce serving of three types of seeds:
  • Pumpkin seeds: 156 mg (37% DV)3
  • Chia seeds: 111 mg (26% DV)3
  • Sunflower seeds: 36 mg (9% DV)4
As a group, seeds are sources of fiber, protein, minerals, and heart-healthy unsaturated fats.5"

They aren't common pizza toppings, tho.
"2. Nuts
Adding nuts to your daily diet boosts magnesium. This is the amount you'll get in a 1-ounce serving of three good sources:
  • Almonds: 80 mg (19% DV)3
  • Cashews: 74 mg (18% DV)3
  • Peanuts: 48 mg (12% DV)6
You can also get magnesium from nut butters. Two tablespoons of peanut butter have the same amount as a serving of whole peanuts.3
The healthy unsaturated fats in nuts may also lower your risk of cardiovascular disease"
"3. Beans
Beans are good sources of magnesium, with a one-cup serving (cooked) providing:
  • Kidney beans: 69 mg (16% DV))
  • Baked beans: 69 mg (16% DV)
  • Lima beans: 126 mg (30% DV)
Beans also provide B vitamins, iron, potassium, plant protein and fiber, including soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar"
And they are musical, too.
"4. Soy Products
Soy is filled with nutrients, including magnesium. Here's the amount of magnesium in various soy products:

Firm tofu (1/4 block): 47 mg (11% DV)10
  • Soymilk (1 cup): 61 mg (15% DV)3
  • Soy nuts (1 ounce): 41 mg (10% DV)10
  • Edamame (1/2 cup cooked):50 mg (12% DV)3
Soy is also one of the few plant sources of high-quality protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids.11 Other nutrients in soy include folate, calcium, potassium, and zinc."

"5. Seafood (fatty fish)
Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and trout are known for their healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but they also provide magnesium.
This is the magnesium in a 3-ounce serving of four types of fatty fish:12
  • Atlantic salmon (cooked): 26 mg (6% DV)
  • White tuna (canned): 28 mg (7% DV)
  • Yellowfin tuna (cooked): 36 mg (9% DV)
  • Atlantic mackerel (cooked): 83 mg (20% DV)
Healthy fatty fish are high in protein and one of the few food sources of vitamin D."
Most it D is from sunshine. Yeah, broom doesn't go outside much.

"6. Whole Grains
Whole grains are important sources of dietary fiber and magnesium. Boost your daily magnesium with the following:
  • Quinoa (1 cup cooked): 118 mg (28% DV)
  • Brown rice (1 cup cooked): 86 mg (20% DV)
  • Shredded wheat (2 large biscuits): 61 mg (15% DV)
  • Whole wheat bread (1 slice): 23 mg (5% DV)
Choosing whole grains ensures you get a wide range of nutrients, such as B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, and zinc.14 By comparison, white flour and white rice (refined grains) lose the fiber and most of the nutrients during milling."
Only two shredded wheat, because those in the esoteric know, know you can't eat three.

"7. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens (spinach, kale, romaine, collard greens, watercress, and Bok choy, to name a few) contain varying amounts of magnesium.15
Kale and spinach illustrate the range of magnesium in one serving of leafy greens and the difference between fresh and cooked greens:
  • Kale (1 cup raw): 5 mg (1% DV)16
  • Spinach (1 cup raw): 24 mg (6% DV)17
  • Spinach (1/2 cup cooked): 78 mg (19% DV)3
Leafy greens are a good choice for increasing your daily intake of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E, and K, iron, and potassium."
btw, the humble cabbage has magnesium in it. Just as good in a curry.

"8. Fruits
The fruits highest in magnesium, bananas, raisins, and avocados, are also good sources of potassium and B vitamins.
This is the amount of magnesium you'll gain by Including these fruits in your diet:
  • Banana (1 medium): 32 mg (8% DV)
  • Raisins (1/2 cup): 23 mg (5% DV)
  • Avocados (1/2 cup): 22 mg (5% DV)"
Only Sloaney bints and dagos like avocados.

"9. Dairy Products
Dairy products made from whole and low-fat milk deliver the following amount of magnesium:3
  • Milk (1 cup): 24-27 mg (6% DV)
  • Plain yogurt (8 ounces): 42 mg (10% DV)
Milk-based products also rank among the best sources of calcium. They're also high in proteins and contribute to your daily potassium."
If you find yourself a bit intolerant, coconut milk.

"10. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium. One ounce has 42-65 mg of magnesium, which is 10-15% of the DV.18 You'll get the most magnesium from dark chocolate with the highest percentage of cocoa content.

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Dark chocolate is labeled with the percent of cocoa it contains. By comparison, milk chocolate isn't labeled with a percentage because it retains significantly less cocoa.

Cocoa beans are packed with beneficial plant-based substances called flavonoids. Flavonoids may reduce inflammation, protect nerves, and help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.19 Like magnesium, the higher the cocoa content, the more flavonoids in your dark chocolate."

I haven't made cocoa (the hot drink) for a while. Need to get some marsh mallows.
Thought I'd include this, as it sums up the banality of the mentally and/or emotionally queezy, no mention of exercise or diet, that you will find tmi'ing on the Commie Farms.
Iirc this user has also talked at length about having botox (maybe even actual plastic surgery too) and laser hair removal which runs contrary to most of the women and "women" on the site:

not saying that doing those things makes this faggot a tranny, but he also posted about being basically autistic to the point of psychopathy in some "ask women for advice" thread (Link to one part) which weirded out the other "female" users and then is really into tech.

An autistic female hyperobsessed with beauty but also a tech nerd?
No that's a troon.
What the fuck is this post? "Just rub minoxidil in your coochie to grow a giant bush and own teh moids! Yeah fuck them, even though I've said I have a husband!" :story:

Botox, fillers, makeup tattoos, whitening creams... I wonder how pillowfaced xey are IRL.
He used to be Snov and would talk about the distinctions between WW2 tanks and planes. Fairly confident it's just a tranny slavaboo considering their old tech autistic sperging is always about western stuff that was never exported during any relevant time frame. Whitening obsession points to it just being a brown tranny. Hey, he's halfway to SS9.
Don't forget AIslopper! Xe had lots of AIslopped Ariana Grande (big faggot fanbase) images as avatar, and then xe changed it to an AIslopped woman in a computer for a while, 'cuz big techie sis amirite? And then xe got owned in the I&T subforum :story:

But for me, it was xem sperging out like a man imitating a woman at some intruding moids for not giving xem asspats at xer face tattoos.
"like, what-ever u overreacting dummy i don't do it to please u! im not wearing makeup i just tattooed something that looks like makeup, saves me sooo much time, like, a "tonne"!"

Some time later...
"Big noses are so ugly! It's much prettier when it's so tiny it's almost just two holes in the middle of the face!" (Everyone disagreed)

I don't buy the excuse some put of "russian women write more mannish". I spent some time in a fanbase that has a lot of russian women and they still write in a feminine way.
Iirc this user has also talked at length about having botox (maybe even actual plastic surgery too) and laser hair removal which runs contrary to most of the women and "women" on the site:

not saying that doing those things makes this faggot a tranny, but he also posted about being basically autistic to the point of psychopathy in some "ask women for advice" thread (Link to one part) which weirded out the other "female" users and then is really into tech.

An autistic female hyperobsessed with beauty but also a tech nerd?
No that's a troon.
women don't effortpost in the linux thread 24/7 so i think it's a tranny
Apparently the ElissaClips lore runs deep! In this scantly discussed stream two women speak of Elissa and her controversies. The women claim she previously asked for money in 2020 to fix the same cars she is asking to be fixed now in 2024 and once said she would make a GoFundMe to "get custody of her kids back." The women also discuss allegations she helped someone "kidnap his daughter
through A custody battle" and helped the man flee to Mexico. (Source.)
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In a previous post by Elissa, she accused her local police department of sharing "defamatory material" about her. The women state what was shared was not defamatory and that federal authorities were actively searching for her and the man she helped allegedly help flee to Mexico. Elissa says she was raising money to pursue legal action, using she kids for sympathy. The women claimed Elissa "signed those away." The women also say Elissa's family hates her the last time they spoke. The women seem VERY familiar with Elissa and go on to say she used to be very into alcohol and prescription drugs. The women claim they have archives of messages and videos regarding their conversations with Elissa about these topics. The women go on to say her 2024 gofundme was "coincidentally" timed with the release of her felon boyfriend from jail and say she was on his visitsiton list.

Elissa Is a "deadbeat mom?" Say it ain't so! All theses damning tales and no one from Kiwifarms seems interested in investigating them. This is the power of being a part of the Kiwifarms protection racket. All your crimes and controversies get sweeped under the rug.
The Elissa Clips story continues! Nick Rekieta claims Elissa sent nudes to a bunch of lonely guys in his discord server and extracted money from them. Don't count on Kiwifarms to ever dig in this story very much.
The Elissa Clips story continues! Nick Rekieta claims Elissa sent nudes to a bunch of lonely guys in his discord server and extracted money from them. Don't count on Kiwifarms to ever dig in this story very much.
LOL stop already. 764 did nothing wrong.

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Are you sure about that?

"The FBI and other foreign law enforcement agencies are investigating 764 for both CSAM offenses and terrorism because of a connection to Order of Nine Angles, a once-obscure Satanist cult from Great Britain that has become ever-present in online “edge lord” and militant neo-Nazi circles over the past decade. Swastikas, Nazi memes, and accelerationist propaganda glorifying homicidal members of white supremacist groups like the Atomwaffen Division frequently appear in the extortion group’s Telegram channels. While many users appear unfamiliar with O9A dogma, the sect’s symbols, texts, and aesthetic have been widely co-opted within the group for shock value. The practice of urging victims to injure themselves with “cutsigns” also bears a striking resemblance to O9A rituals."