Five Years Of Ashley Hutsell Renee Aka Register on Lounge96 still being a FAT and Lazy!
An Onion Among Onions
FTFY.How would that even work?
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
FTFY.How would that even work?
I mean getting past the logistics of it all. What's Josh's sales pitch.... Hi can I have your medical records to prove that you're a biological vagina haver? I need this to prove that you're not a stink ditch.FTFY.
Handing over your medical records to join a shitty forum??I mean getting past the logistics of it all. What's Josh's sales pitch.... Hi can I have your medical records to prove that you're a biological vagina haver? I need this to prove that you're not a stink ditch.
Everything about this female only forum that they're proposing sounds like the preteen body evaluating website and cult Onision tried to establish.
reminder that kiwifarms is managed by the guy who let it suffer from multiple data breaches. also, reconciling that one time the site got hacked by a fucking turkish teenage script kiddyshitty forum??
I know he had floated the ID verification Idea that not even Lidldrip thought was safe. The medical records idea is beyond galaxy brain especially if you wants underage girls on this forumHanding over your medical records to join a shitty forum??Jesus Josh, I don't even have any words for this.
You got a screen cap of this?He also wanted every woman joining to dox their medical records to prove they were biological women and not transsexuals.
Null bitching about privacy while also wanting to implement an identity service.View attachment 71596
Null's plans for said female-only forum hit a roadblock when he found out he wouldn't be able to have any kind of proof his female users were actually female.
Next, he'll be asking for timestamped photos of them to add to his spank bankHe also wanted every woman joining to dox their medical records to prove they were biological women and not transsexuals.
I think someone suggested that, and his response was they'll just use their female family members, but that's OK, because they'll "run out eventually".Next, he'll be asking for timestamped photos of them to add to his spank bank
She's a programmer, she should kill herselfView attachment 71606
Null says that cisgender white businessmen are causing women in tech to troon out and kill themselves.
Gosh, i simply cannot wait to meet Jocelyn, the anticipation is killing me.View attachment 71606
Null says that cisgender white businessmen are causing women in tech to troon out and kill themselves.
View attachment 71593
I was wrong, it was actually Justtocheck who suggested it.
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This was Null's response.
View attachment 71595
I would like to point out that Null posted that response after Lidl Drip had already shot it down.
morals are personal beliefs about which one is right/wrong, ethics are more culturally based rules of conduct. there's difference between the twomorally, and ethically
I completely agree with you that morals and ethics are two distinct concepts, and I appreciate the clarity you brought to the distinction. However, I respectfully disagree with the notion that morals are solely personal beliefs about right and wrong. While personal beliefs do play a role, I think morals can also be influenced by cultural and societal norms, just like ethics. In fact, our personal moral compass is often shaped by our upbringing, community, and environment, which can blur the lines between personal morals and cultural ethics.morals are personal beliefs about which one is right/wrong, ethics are more culturally based rules of conduct. there's difference between the two
The funniest part is he expects any company like that to be willing to do something like differentiate between mtf trannies and biological women when the entire purpose of the movement (besides progressive eugenics) was to get these companies on board to muddy the water.View attachment 71596
Null's plans for said female-only forum hit a roadblock when he found out he wouldn't be able to have any kind of proof his female users were actually female.
It's easier to just lurk on random social media and steal a photo, edit it slightly so it can't be reverse image searched (which sucks already) and use that.I think someone suggested that, and his response was they'll just use their female family members, but that's OK, because they'll "run out eventually".