• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
You're a whackjob
with paper-thin skin
Respectfully I must disagree. Kengle certainly makes me irritate because of the genuine retardation. Most of the rest of you are just being retarded to be a dick, which I can hang with. The anger I have is reserved for people who would have rightfully been thrown in a volcano at one time.
has successfully made almost everyone on here see you as a deranged retard
Good, almost everyone on here is a special type of stupid that's so mad at KF that they've regressed to the point in their childhood that they couldn't be expected to comprehend what they're reading
now I feel like a complete idiot
You definitely are. You're also a pervert that jerks it to covert footage of ladies prairie dogging a turd
Good, almost everyone on here is a special type of stupid that's
You are the most special type of stupid, Danny boy. Remember that. You are still bitter that the broom banned you, for being an annoying faggot, only you are desperate to still be accepted there.

Anyway, sounds like you know who Cosmic actually is. Do you?
You are still bitter that the broom banned you, for being an annoying faggot, only you are desperate to still be accepted there
Lol I'm not bitter at Josh for the many bans I've caught, especially when 0 2 / 0 0 is usually the dick lick who sweeps my accounts. Null sucking up to Westboro Baptists and Sanctioned Suicide, the overinflated ego (to match his overinflated everything else), turning KF into an increasingly feminist centric community, the freeze peach champion grifts, etc. Those things annoy me
Anyway, sounds like you know who Cosmic actually is. Do you?
Lol are you serious?

Respectfully I must disagree. Kengle certainly makes me irritate because of the genuine retardation. Most of the rest of you are just being retarded to be a dick, which I can hang with. The anger I have is reserved for people who would have rightfully been thrown in a volcano at one time.

Good, almost everyone on here is a special type of stupid that's so mad at KF that they've regressed to the point in their childhood that they couldn't be expected to comprehend what they're reading
You're proving everything I said there right, down to the fake smug attitude where you act like everyone else is too stupid to understand you. You're like this weird mixture of @SSj_Ness and Null's posting habits.
You're like this weird mixture of @SSj_Ness and Null's posting habits.
SSJnonce (he was proven to be one, by his own logic) was faggy for joshy, so is Daniel. They both have no personality, and are education subnormal, and think they are only being retarded.
Why would you admit to being part of a child sex doll cleaning crew?
It's Daniel Lopez, when Ash isn't here, he's the cow in residence. He's such a malformed ginger idiot, he will literally put that on his CV, well, he'll lie (fags can't help it) and say he's No1, and Ash is his deputy.
stop paying attention to him and he might...
Yeah, he'll flounce. But then, like Ash, he'll be back, and we'll have to point out to the unaware "That poster lightly scratched piss minge into his thighs, so a nonce fancier would pay attention to him". It's what Jesus would want you to do. Daniel won't learn, just like Ash. At least Ash could repent and find Christ. No point with Lopez. GInger innt, no soul.
Why does he hate Ken so much? I don't get the impression Null hates Ken.
Ken keeps forcing him to use one account and won't let him janny the forum. I find it funny how he tries to portray Ken as this dictatorial asshole, when Ken seems content to ignore him outside of when Daniel DM's him with his fantasy of pissing on his grave.
Why does he hate Ken so much?
Ken is the Daddy E Bear, that Daniel wants so much. He's as pathetic as Ash, both have made a complete bollocks of their lives, they are reduced to taking it out on some autistic pensioner.
Ken keeps forcing him to use one account
See? Just like Ash.
I find it funny how he tries to portray Ken as this dictatorial asshole
He's like the kid that calls his parents "Like um fashsist-ist", for not letting him get a facial tattoo.
Daniel DM's him with his fantasy of pissing on his grave.
What a maroon. 1. It won't happen, you know there are restrictions on Daniels movements out of State 2. Ken will have more important things to worry about. Like burning in a lake of fire for worshipping a false idol.
and won't let him janny the forum
You guys love this narrative but there's zero clout to be gained from sweeping an autism forum about an autism forum. All being a janny here comes with is a report queue where you all snitch on each other.
"Help help, Crimson posted tranny granny poo porn again!" was 90% of what I had to deal with but only after making sure the posts stayed up for a day or two
I find it funny how he tries to portray Ken as this dictatorial asshole
I've never said that, I just think he's literally gay and obviously retarded. How else do you explain a man who gave up office work to get knuckle deep in your grandpa's sloppy anus for a living?
hello onionfarms I have not checked up in a bit. It's funny to see Freya joined. If I'm being honest, I hated her politics, but the points made on the first page stand true. I keep catching bans for "community infighting," so basically no reason but pissing off Null; he has banned every entertaining user and let Lidl drip have free reign over the site. Im not even bothered by her deranged posting; I'm just bothered by the special treatment that Lidl drip gets from Null and the site moderators.

Since when have unpopular opinions been against free speech? spoiler alert: it isn't kiwifarms. has become like a bizzaro world reddit where any unpopular opinion is banned if you say transgender good you get downvoted then banned If you give any unpopular opinion, you get banned. If you fight in a thread, you get banned. They even disrupted the time honored tradition of women fighting men and vice versa. Why can't we fight or "derail" threads? Why can't Freya be the devil's advocate in the Kris Tyson thread? Dissent is the defining feature of free speech.

So what I have once again learned is Kiwifarms is not a free speech site; it's a null hugbox and a cult. It directly fits the definition of a cult: you can't criticize the leader or Lidl drip or you will get banned. You can't cause "community infighting," meaning you can't dissent from popular opinion. Users like Lidl drip, Lurker, etc. get free reign to fight and derail threads, but anybody else, even their fellow women like Freya and Android Raptor, gets banned for "community infighting." So Null can have his feminist ballrider hugbox where they pretend transgenders are the only censors and anyone that says otherwise is a "retarded faggot."

I'm glad we have this site, even if it's somewhat dead. Also late. Welcome aboard, Freya. All we need is Android Raptor, then we are good to go.
Ken is the Daddy E Bear, that Daniel wants so much. He's as pathetic as Ash, both have made a complete bollocks of their lives,

My life is actually pretty awesome, we went to puerto rico for 3 days a while ago and spent the weekend doing porch repairs. If you think you're different from daniel you're not, this site is a crab bucket of low functioning toxic creeps who are all in a fight to feel like the most respected guy in the room. The only thing keeping you out of a storage unit is your thinning welfare state that you're dumb enough to hate. The reason I kept coming back is because whacking your self-importance with a stick is funny, if you weren't bothered by it then you wouldn't keep blabbering about me like I'm a real person to you and this wouldn't have escalated into the latent rapist hobby of creating low rent revenge porn that barely looks like me.

You should stop pretending dan is your clown when he's your onion mascot down to the smell and everything you're too cagey to admit you are: an abandoned loser in a lonely hovel scrolling grotesque porn and sweating through his shirt that someone on the internet didn't take him seriously.

they are reduced to taking it out on some autistic pensioner.
Ken is deeply evil in the same way chris-chan is, they're spitting images of each other down to the same voice. The similarity is really amplified by the fact Ken kept trying to talk to chris post-incest trial. In fact through that debacle he tried to contact chris so much that chris of all people got creeped out by him, so for you to know that and still be talking about ken like he's a cool tempered leader is so goddamn funny. Chris did something too repugnant for most people to fathom and bloatface just kept pushing forward thinking using a literal motherfucker who raped a dementia ridden old lady would make him famous. For all your months of crosseyed cockney whining about some relative on my husband's side this shows how seriously you take sex offending.

They both have a child-like wickedness where they can justify anything as long as represents elevating their own sense of importance or pleasure. Just like chris fucked his mom and wove this whole narrative about it being beautiful Ken is probably molesting his employer's clients when they act up or disrespect him and justifying it by saying they're trying to destroy him and "the onion community".

I can't stress how funny it is to get yelled at to stay away from onion farms!!!!!!! in the same tone as a 10 year old getting mad his mom is taking his xbox except it's a 65 year old retarded man with no friends or family who thinks a bunch of borderline homeless and homeless perverts on here who've alienated everyone else are his posse.
My life is actually pretty awesome, we went to puerto rico for 3 days a while ago and spent the weekend doing porch repairs. If you think you're different from daniel you're not, this site is a crab bucket of low functioning toxic creeps who are all in a fight to feel like the most respected guy in the room. The only thing keeping you out of a storage unit is your thinning welfare state that you're dumb enough to hate. The reason I kept coming back is because whacking your self-importance with a stick is funny, if you weren't bothered by it then you wouldn't keep blabbering about me like I'm a real person to you and this wouldn't have escalated into the latent rapist hobby of creating low rent revenge porn that barely looks like me.

You should stop pretending dan is your clown when he's your onion mascot down to the smell and everything you're too cagey to admit you are: an abandoned loser in a lonely hovel scrolling grotesque porn and sweating through his shirt that someone on the internet didn't take him seriously.

Ken is deeply evil in the same way chris-chan is, they're spitting images of each other down to the same voice. The similarity is really amplified by the fact Ken kept trying to talk to chris post-incest trial. In fact through that debacle he tried to contact chris so much that chris of all people got creeped out by him, so for you to know that and still be talking about ken like he's a cool tempered leader is so goddamn funny. Chris did something too repugnant for most people to fathom and bloatface just kept pushing forward thinking using a literal motherfucker who raped a dementia ridden old lady would make him famous. For all your months of crosseyed cockney whining about some relative on my husband's side this shows how seriously you take sex offending.

They both have a child-like wickedness where they can justify anything as long as represents elevating their own sense of importance or pleasure. Just like chris fucked his mom and wove this whole narrative about it being beautiful Ken is probably molesting his employer's clients when they act up or disrespect him and justifying it by saying they're trying to destroy him and "the onion community".

I can't stress how funny it is to get yelled at to stay away from onion farms!!!!!!! in the same tone as a 10 year old getting mad his mom is taking his xbox except it's a 65 year old retarded man with no friends or family who thinks a bunch of borderline homeless and homeless perverts on here who've alienated everyone else are his posse.
You're crazy if you think anyone will read all that.