• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
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notice how I don't reply to you and yet you replied to me anyways? hmm...
What do they call this in the normie sphere, sub tweeting? I believe even they consider it gay as fuck. Have some nuts and tag me when you want to whine, queer little voyeur SEAmonkey
whatever happened to that?
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt waited until two weeks after I'd stop posting to make some gay announcement about suddenly banning me because I wanted to destroy the community, which is untrue, so I returned since he doesn't get the last laugh, purely by virtue of our age difference. Likeicare would be the strong, benevolent ruler of Onion Land that we've always needed, so clearly I care about improving muh community
keep on seething i guess. no wonder why no one likes you. a loser that's hated by everyone
I don't know that I'm the one seething since I typically ignore your existence yet I find you over here whining about me while lacking the testosterone to tag me.
Only a total gay loser would dislike me, so I must be doing something right to have amassed my lovely fanclub
Oh yeah, I forgot you think @cosmic veteran is some random Asian man you found on Instagram.
even better, he found that Asian guy by using the shitpost dox he found on encyclopedia dramatica forums, posted by dropdatwat. yes, he's genuinely that stupid and schizophrenic to understand the difference between real dox and fail/shitpost dox
@ipreferpickles also, this schizophrenic pedo fur seriously believe I've been whining about him all day, even though I haven't used this site previously for weeks.

funny how he say I'm always whining about him when he continue on and on begging me to reply to him. how ironic
also, this schizophrenic pedo fur seriously believe I've been whining about him all day, even though I haven't used this site previously for weeks.

funny how he say I'm always whining about him when he continue on and on begging me to reply to him. how ironic
Not what I said
I don't know that I'm the one seething since I typically ignore your existence yet I find you over here whining about me while lacking the testosterone to tag me.
Only a total gay loser would dislike me, so I must be doing something right to have amassed my lovely fanclub
Why are you being histrionic like a woman?
Why does she need random strangers from a KF splinter site to defend her?
Especially given some of those strangers were probably people she reported to Josh for emotional damages.

Freya has an unearned sense of self-importance. I very much doubt she boasts any insight worth extrapolation. Based on her propensity to PL on the Kiwi Farms (she straight-up doxxed herself), I don't see anyone as having any confidence in her ability to keep a secret.

Why are you asking that?
Its crazy how butthurt this guy was
no man here wants to fuck you freya.
go back to sending titty and feet pics to Josh moon