Every time I read one of these I always think of Josh having a slumber party with other fat women while (S)he himself is the fattest amongst them. Like Will Ferrell in a wig pictureLook check this out and understand this right, Joselyn will never understand what the fuck it means to be a real lady cause she's too busy protecting other death-fats on the forum, she'll never understand that women do their own shit meanwhile everything was hand-fed to her, she probably never went to college for anything other than shit coding and if she actually did, how in the niggers of coons is that even possible, Joselyn will always have pedophile faggots on her site cause she enjoys their company just like the shotacon she loves in private, meanwhile her faggot ass nigger squirrel fucking faggot fan base will always by hypocriticial and the double standard and cry about someone's degeneracy WHILE hosting their own cause their fucking faggots. Joselyn will preach about FWEEDUM UH SPEEECH which is actually just code for "Say whatever the fuck you want, Joushlyn doesn't care" She'll always have faggots like Faggot header and altisticfaggot simping worshipping that pizza burger all the way, she'll have retarded faggots like Geddy having a retarded meltdown cause of someone not wanting to date a nerd and wanting a goth chick, and other retarded nigger faggots. Kiwifarms will always be a sphere for legit FUCKING FAGGOTS at the end of the day that only pussies who are scared of them, cannot fucking see cause their pussy-whipped about getting talked on a dead nigger faggot forum. - Sincerely said by Onoinfarms User, SwimStaffRubber