• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Everytime something juicy on josh gets posted you two start shitting up the thread. Really makes you think.
All right you got me I'm secretly his sock account sent here to destroy you all like a sleeper agent.
He probably broke it on purpose to encourage people to use thumbnails.
I mean it wouldn't surprise me he isn't willing to fix it because of laziness.
"Hey folks it is I Josh Moon. Do you often find yourself wondering why Child Porn is actually like bad? No?? Well I do. Don't worry I have crafted my patented "Josh Moon's Ethical Pickle Matrix" so that you can always have the correct answer as to why moral issues are a problem"

Child Porn isn't bad because:
-Exploitation of children is evil :disagree:
-Destruction of generational trust:disagree:

Child porn is bad because:
-Purely economic factors:agree:
Josh the wise™.png

>but a moderator on 8chan still very close to the heart of the event
Bold of him to mention that considering he kept fucking the site up with his shitty code to where Hotwheels told him to GTFO.
imagine being so pathetic that even a crippled fatty is miles away better than you :story:
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As for all gamergate shit, and I say this as a lifelong gamer who tries to get in a few matches of MK before work every morning, that shit completely missed me. I don't know what the fuck it was about and I don't care. I don't buy games based on reviews. I buy them based on my own interest. If I'm interested in a game then I'll check out actual gameplay footage on youtube. Not a review, not some idiots opinion. Actual in game footage. That's how I determine whether or not to make a purchase. . . that and whether or not I have to pay exterminators or landscapers (AGAIN) because removing stumps turned to be a lot harder than I expected.
I have never read a game review. I have never purchased a game based on a good review. I could not possibly care less about which games "journalist" got full blown fucking AIDs from which other game writer or developer or street walker in exchange for a positive review or a ongoing coverage or whatever.
finally, someone that doesn't make politics their whole life and personality. want to enjoy any media? then look up media based on shit you like, not based on some whatever current year politics is about. "muh incels", "muh wokes", "muh anti-intellectualism", "muh leftists", "muh nazis" give me a break.

also, people who say "don't politicize my media!" actually means "don't put politics that I don't like in my media" (ultra right conservative beer & pride month bud light, everyone?)
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Josh the great mediator of all things isn't completely ass-blasted about being called out for double standards
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Has anybody checked on this user they're probably getting banned
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More Josh faggotry, no surprise, lmao, and the faggot says "is this a manly trait? crying like a bitch?" Are you fucking kidding me? Josh you sit up crying about lolcows but you're gonna sit you're fat ass here and say shit about "Manly traits" Nigger faggot there is and there will be absolutely fucking NOTHING about you that is manly, other than the fact you have nigger faggots on a gay retard faggy forum bitching and whining about everything and everyone they can find lmao, free speech my entire cock, you drity ass fucking faggot ass niggerish faggot coon, go cross-dress pussy boy
Moon rants about a cow associating with pedos conveniently forgetting the fact he knowingly allowed pedos on kiwi farms for years and still does.
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Earlier Moon got called a nigger.
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Luckily Moon has friends like this who immediately jump to his defense
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lol, him letting teenagers (soyjak.party users are mostly teens) into his website is hilarious. considering kiwifarms isn't for people under 18
More Josh faggotry, no surprise, lmao, and the faggot says "is this a manly trait? crying like a bitch?" Are you fucking kidding me? Josh you sit up crying about lolcows but you're gonna sit you're fat ass here and say shit about "Manly traits" Nigger faggot there is and there will be absolutely fucking NOTHING about you that is manly, other than the fact you have nigger faggots on a gay retard faggy forum bitching and whining about everything and everyone they can find lmao, free speech my entire cock, you drity ass fucking faggot ass niggerish faggot coon, go cross-dress pussy boy
I can't remember which OFer said this first, but Joselyn is the most feminine user on the farms, the mood swings, the self hate, the inability to maintain friendships with anyone other than findom asians, she has it all.
I can't remember which OFer said this first, but Joselyn is the most feminine user on the farms, the mood swings, the self hate, the inability to maintain friendships with anyone other than findom asians, she has it all.
Yeah she literally acts like a literal women, no more referring to this fat faggot as a he anymore, it's fucking she from this point now on, and whoever said Joselyn is the most feminine user on the farms ears every point imaginable
Josh the great mediator of all things isn't completely ass-blasted about being called out for double standards
View attachment 64120
Has anybody checked on this user they're probably getting banned
View attachment 64121
Making a solid and well expressed point about Jocelyn's double standards while favoring neither side of said double standard = Crying Like a bitch.

Gee whiz I wonder why anyone who meets or gets to know Jocelyn IRL seems to end up hating him. It's a fucking mystery I'll tell you hhhwhat.
More Josh faggotry, no surprise, lmao, and the faggot says "is this a manly trait? crying like a bitch?" Are you fucking kidding me? Josh you sit up crying about lolcows but you're gonna sit you're fat ass here and say shit about "Manly traits" Nigger faggot there is and there will be absolutely fucking NOTHING about you that is manly, other than the fact you have nigger faggots on a gay retard faggy forum bitching and whining about everything and everyone they can find lmao, free speech my entire cock, you drity ass fucking faggot ass niggerish faggot coon, go cross-dress pussy boy
The funny part about it is: If you look at the post, it's in response to yet another defense of the 'man-hate' section. Josh displays the most fatherless behavior from an individual I have ever seen one display it's as though he's almost incapable of understanding how a human male acts. Making a solid and well expressed point about Jocelyn's double standards while favoring neither side of said double standard = Crying Like a bitch.
Gee whiz I wonder why anyone who meets or gets to know Jocelyn IRL seems to end up hating him. It's a fucking mystery I'll tell you hhhwhat.
You know a consoler once told me if it's everyone then it's probably you.
His legion of ball washers seem completely oblivious to this fact until they're affected by it.
Again he doesn't have friends he has stepping stones.
The funny part about it is: If you look at the post, it's in response to yet another defense of the 'man-hate' section. Josh displays the most fatherless behavior from an individual I have ever seen one display it's as though he's almost incapable of understanding how a human male acts. Making a solid and well expressed point about Jocelyn's double standards while favoring neither side of said double standard = Crying Like a bitch.
Look check this out and understand this right, Joselyn will never understand what the fuck it means to be a real lady cause she's too busy protecting other death-fats on the forum, she'll never understand that women do their own shit meanwhile everything was hand-fed to her, she probably never went to college for anything other than shit coding and if she actually did, how in the niggers of coons is that even possible, Joselyn will always have pedophile faggots on her site cause she enjoys their company just like the shotacon she loves in private, meanwhile her faggot ass nigger squirrel fucking faggot fan base will always by hypocriticial and the double standard and cry about someone's degeneracy WHILE hosting their own cause their fucking faggots. Joselyn will preach about FWEEDUM UH SPEEECH which is actually just code for "Say whatever the fuck you want, Joushlyn doesn't care" She'll always have faggots like Faggot header and altisticfaggot simping worshipping that pizza burger all the way, she'll have retarded faggots like Geddy having a retarded meltdown cause of someone not wanting to date a nerd and wanting a goth chick, and other retarded nigger faggots. Kiwifarms will always be a sphere for legit FUCKING FAGGOTS at the end of the day that only pussies who are scared of them, cannot fucking see cause their pussy-whipped about getting talked on a dead nigger faggot forum. - Sincerely said by Onoinfarms User, SwimStaffRubber