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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
No, youre just autistic

"I remember his demeanor from a decade ago, he had a dashing devil may care attitude."
Shit rolls downhill. Moon and his personal army have been eating a lot of Ls lately so they're gonna come here and keep the turds rolling. Only problem with that is the bitch slap of reality they receive such as:
  • their completely retarded posts which receive nothing by ridicule and hatred outside their echo chamber
  • inarguable proof that their lord and savior is a blatant fatass retard loser
  • the fact that their moral crusade is led by a bunch of perverts
  • their constant shit flinging tantrums have achieved absolutely nothing
  • every "success" they attribute to themselves belongs to someone else and there isn't a fucking thing they can do about it
  • their excuse of "free speech" is complete horseshit
  • people they like, whose values they espouse, want nothing whatsoever to do with them because they're fucking creeps
  • many of their users are just as fucked up, if not more, than their precious lolcows
Everything you've said is absolutely on point.

I've noticed that the recent influx of new sock counts seems to be predominantly female. This has led me to wonder if there's a connection between this trend and a potential shake-up in the beauty parlor . Specifically, I'm curious to know if there's a concern that the resident gypsy
might be sharing confidential information that could impact the parlor's reputation.

Although thus far, Freya hasn't made any statements outside of her usual drunken, mostly incoherent rants
The only alternate accounts I had are inaccessible now. I'd rather be set on fire than make another account again anyway.
Did you learn your lesson? Kind of eye-opening to see who's your friends and who's not your friends. So what did you do to get kicked out of the hive?
Everything you've said is absolutely on point.

I've noticed that the recent influx of new sock counts seems to be predominantly female. This has led me to wonder if there's a connection between this trend and a potential shake-up in the beauty parlor . Specifically, I'm curious to know if there's a concern that the resident gypsy
might be sharing confidential information that could impact the parlor's reputation.
The socks are probably Daniel Lopez copying BP usernames because @Ishtar (Freya) and @redoniblueoni are here and he is a disgusting piece of shit and desperate for female attention.

The BP users are far less retarded than Dannyboy
Did you learn your lesson? Kind of eye-opening to see who's your friends and who's not your friends. So what did you do to get kicked out of the hive?
I dindu nuffin. Well, besides ask why i was supposed to be mad at kris tyson. I actually got a better explanation here. When I asked there, everyone just got mad but refused to say anything besides "read the thread"

But yeah, i never did a thing to any BP poster
Josh blabbered out the word "morality", and I'm saying to myself, bitch you have bp bitches who gooned off in a fucking dm chain, you have pedophiles on your fucking site,that word should never be coming from NO kiwi and certainly not Josh himself
It goes against what he wanted the site to be originally too. It used to be "just a gossip site to laugh at retards". Now it's serious business
The socks are probably Daniel Lopez copying BP usernames because @Ishtar (Freya) and @redoniblueoni are here and he is a disgusting piece of shit and desperate for female attention. ...attention.

The BP users are far less retarded than Dannyboy
Well if he's craving the attention of gooning deathfats than he should've cosplayed as a lady then
The socks are probably Daniel Lopez copying BP usernames because @Ishtar (Freya) and @redoniblueoni are here and he is a disgusting piece of shit and desperate for female attention.

The BP users are far less retarded than Dannyboy
You know I got along with him at first and I still do I'm just noticing he's not always well balanced.
I dindu nuffin. Well, besides ask why i was supposed to be mad at kris tyson. I actually got a better explanation here. When I asked there, everyone just got mad but refused to say anything besides "read the thread"

But yeah, i never did a thing to any BP poster
I figured you did the most unforgivable of sins tell Josh he isn't the smartest most special boy in the room. Strange I thought you had more pull amongst the beauty Parliament members.
You know I got along with him at first and I still do I'm just noticing he's not always well balanced.

I figured you did the most unforgivable of sins tell Josh he isn't the smartest most special boy in the room. Strange I thought you had more pull amongst the beauty Parliament members.
Well i did do that. I called him out on his bullshit and he just did the whole "i REFUSE to argue with you" thing
It goes against what he wanted the site to be originally too. It used to be "just a gossip site to laugh at retards". Now it's serious business
the fat retard is paying multiple lawyers a decent chunk of change to "milk" a junkie lawyer who, outside his little brown star of the interwebs, is a complete nobody. And the most mind boggling part is that NOBODY is forcing him to do this. He gets zero benefit from it. All the recent "milk" came from a kiwitard who went down the courthouse and photocopied "interesting matters of public record." Observing, reporting, and loling is one thing. I can't imagine waddling down to city hall or whatever to view some stupid records let alone paying lawyers for something not directly related to my well being or that of my loved ones.
I just can't wrap my tiny mind around why the fuck anyone would care that much about a junkie d list interweb mouthbreather.
I just can't wrap my tiny mind around why the fuck anyone would care that much about a junkie d list interweb mouthbreather.
All of the early cows were like that for the most part: random literal who that did funny shit that no one would notice or care about outside the people watching them and it was mostly fine. Cows are funny when they're small. People that have millions of viewers that end up posted there are otherwise covered by every drama channel. You're left with people who just spend double digit pages after things happen saying that the reasonably well provided whoever with a wife and kids is somehow worse than every minimum wagie forum member commenting because they didn't do whatever the latest kerfuffle is. It's just vultures circling not the dead or dying but the unafflicted, hoping for downfalls.
All of the early cows were like that for the most part: random literal who that did funny shit that no one would notice or care about outside the people watching them and it was mostly fine. Cows are funny when they're small. People that have millions of viewers that end up posted there are otherwise covered by every drama channel. You're left with people who just spend double digit pages after things happen saying that the reasonably well provided whoever with a wife and kids is somehow worse than every minimum wagie forum member commenting because they didn't do whatever the latest kerfuffle is. It's just vultures circling not the dead or dying but the unafflicted, hoping for downfalls.
I want to be perfectly clear that junkie lawyer is a complete piece of shit and I believe his kids would be better off without him or his crack whore harem. . . . but one of the people at his hearing was a disgusting tranny (that multiple kiwis thirsted after) and another was a lardass with a tranime avatar who admitted to being too poor to afford a cheap pair of dress shoes. Dude, do some push ups, go for a run, and quit spending all your fucking money on pokemon cards or whatever.
Normal people don't give that much of a shit about someone that they're gonna waddle down to city hall or whatever and start photocopying records like downie 007. And they're damn sure not going to show up to some junkie losers court hearing and take fucking notes. I thought my generation were fucking losers for doing donuts in grocery store parking lots. The current crop of kiwi farmers take loser to a brand new level of pathetic.
I want to be perfectly clear that junkie lawyer is a complete piece of shit and I believe his kids would be better off without him or his crack whore harem.
I was speaking generally, not about specific cows. It's more about their constant crusades against the random milquetoast known entities in the larger streamer and commentator spheres that they repeatedly do to somehow bring attention to the site when it's all just impotent screeching at people much better composed than themselves. The D-list part was all I was really focusing on.

I also think he's a complete piece of shit but if there's no family to take the kids, being wards of the state or in the adoption system is worse than parents who get their shit slapped and fix themselves. Even a crappy home is better than the adoption system the majority of the time.