• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Message to Raiding BP Legbeards

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
If I have to waste time thinking about it, I just imagine a 300lb Thot-to looking legbeard with lots of failed relationships because they are insane. Of course that is always the man's fault and I am a nigger that dinna do nuffin. But generally, Lidl, I really don't care about you enough to dox you. I just have other things to do with my time than waste it on you.

BPHags still reading your posts and getting mad:
You really can't read the room that you are unwanted here
I want Freya here and I don't think the small group of pissed off incels with Lidl Drip Derangement Syndrome ITT speak for the entire forum.

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Do you cosign these guys trying to run off new users from Onion Farms just because they're women who were chill with Lidl Drip? Perhaps some clarification is required for who is welcome here. The sausage party and the clam jam need to shake hands
I want Freya here and I don't think the small group of pissed off incels with Lidl Drip Derangement Syndrome ITT speak for the entire forum.

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
Do you cosign these guys trying to run off new users from Onion Farms just because they're women who were chill with Lidl Drip? Perhaps some clarification is required for who is welcome here. The sausage party and the clam jam need to shake hands
Small group? She has a 40 page thread that was made in the span of a few days of everyone raking her through the coals. Nobody wants these cunts here because the moment they put their big, Gucci boot on this forum they will drive all the old users out and make this place a safe space for themselves like the Farms. It is called gatekeeping faggot.
She has a 40 page thread
A 40 page thread of Onion Farms getting dabbed on
they will drive all the old users out
The Yoga Studio subforum was created for female centric topics and presumably so women have a place to talk about stuff they want to talk about.
Anyone who gets "driven out" by some chicks doing the same shit the fellas do is a soft bitch and should go find a hug box where no cooties are allowed.
Consider incels.is
I can tell the lads who caught bans because of the gender bait threads would fit in very well.
It is called gatekeeping faggot
It's called girlbossing, soft bitch
A 40 page thread of Onion Farms getting dabbed on

The Yoga Studio subforum was created for female centric topics and presumably so women have a place to talk about stuff they want to talk about.
Anyone who gets "driven out" by some chicks doing the same shit the fellas do is a soft bitch and should go find a hug box where no cooties are allowed.
Consider incels.is
I can tell the lads who caught bans because of the gender bait threads would fit in very well.

It's called girlbossing, soft bitch
Yeah, this is a obvious Time 4 Guillotine's sock. Shouldn't you be getting into fights with traffic or something you schizo pedo?
I'm pretty sure they're having a legitimate laugh at the retardation and impotent rage on this forum, unlike you lads who have to declare imaginary wins in order to not feel emasculated
Daniel, Odd Opossum did not like Lidl Drip and considered her toxic and harmful to the Kiwifarms? pretty sure it told her off?
if youre going to pretend to be someone then at least do it properly.
lidl and lurker arent capable of anything other than seething. according to my sources, any time someone btfo them in the public forum theyd run into the paypiggy forums and write similar posts to eachother to show how totally unfazed they are guize!
Yeah, this is a obvious Time 4 Guillotine's sock. Shouldn't you be getting into fights with traffic or something you schizo pedo?
Repeating I'm that guy won't make it true
Odd Opossum did not like Lidl Drip and considered her toxic and harmful to the Kiwifarms?
Opinions change. Now I think she's hilarious and has done a huge service to the community by driving out a large number of incel losers who are a few bad days away from going full Couch Cuck.
Don't presume that you know me just because of my posting history. Most of you thought I was a woman even though that was a bit I ran with so I wouldn't get shooed out of (((certain threads)))
youre daniel larson
you exude desperation anytime a crumb of pussy gets near you and white knight any account you think may be female

I'll always be down to ride with my sisters. They're funnier and more resilient than the vast majority of incels, whose suffering I enjoy the most.
Just have (consensual) sex. You'll be amazed at how many of your whiney bullshit opinions just disappear
no because lidl drip is null and odd opossum despises null as the leader of this pack of 'incel losers'
youre daniel larson.
you exude desperation anytime a crumb of pussy gets near you and white knight any account you think may be female.
you only started posting under this sock when women appeared despite registering in april
Well he might be lucky this time around as both Jambled and Freya will send their nudes to any John that gives them the time of day. Go for it bro!
I can guarantee every post you've typed on this account was posted from a dirty supermarket aisle floor.
I'm sorry you're upset that I didn't immediately start sucking you off for spamming every post I made on KF for months on end but you need to move on. This fixation and these delusions of shadow hobos isn't healthy for you