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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
View attachment 61598
Null is considering allowing self-promotion onto the forum, because in his own words, it worked for Something Awful.
Total advertising death doesn't make sense on the face of it. The invasive advertising that we see in pop-ups and such on pages and videos is what people hate. That and blatant product placement in media. There's a huge difference between forcing a customer to look at a product and asking for their time.

The thing this has the propensity to become, however, is the former and not the latter. I suspect the comicbook is going to be preachy because all media can't help but be preachy. Nobody seems to be able to help it--storytelling has been conflated with hardline projection of the author's values.

This stuff starts out as "support an entrepreneur" and then inevitably turns into supporting someone's business because they're in line with one's worldview. This is the problem with all of woke media currently and Josh is going to step right onto that landmine. In short, it'll be funny to see someone advertise on the Kiwi Farms for a bit, gain traction and praise from Josh and then years later, users discover the artist is a troon or a pedophile.
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Null couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a banana flavored condom on.
Didn't the artist Napoleon Blownapart or whatever his name was do that years ago on the forum? Even drew a picture of null as a Nazi guarding a concentration camp and Dyn with a wolf hat on. I remember null used the Nazi art of him as a pfp for a long time. Forget if Dyn used it or not.
The same reason any other website would: Publicity.
Remember, Josh said he wanted to "legitimize" the Kiwi Farms:
By "legitimize" I suspect what he means is "make mainstream."

His goal seems to be to make the Kiwi Farms something within the realm of Twitter or YouTube. Probably closer to Twitter so he can be his own kind of Elon Musk. The people saying this is looking more and more like Something Awful are correct. However, I think Josh believes himself to be far cleverer than Lowtax and capable of succeeding where Lowtax failed.

Let's even take his recent conversation with Nick into focus. The way that Josh comes cross is almost as to warrant Nick owes something to him. Like, because Nick is a lolcow dirtbag, he needs to kiss the godfather's ring and show fealty. And what does Nick do? He laughs in his face and Josh has to scurry back to his website and cry about it. This is why he hates Keemstar and Metokur and why he cannot hide his jealousy of Turkey Tom. He believes the Kiwi Farms hold some kind special value that it does not.

Josh's ego is also transitory. Even among regular users, the Kiwi Farms fosters an unwarranted sense of self-importance. Like if you hurt someone's ego, they think they can just dox you and ruin your life.
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Null was so enraged that Runescape has LGBT content added to it that he featured his own rant.
It's all so tiresome. Rant over. Not sure what else needs be said.

The alphabets have free freign over the creative sector and have had for over a decade. Complaining about it on his forum is tantamount to preaching to the choir. Is there a point at which all the complainers on the Kiwi Farms but even on YouTube and elsewhere suddenly opt into making their own material Remember Josh did a review of ISOM? Regardless of his personal feelings on the quality of ISOM, shouldn't he--at the very least--acknowledge that Eric July is attempting to step outside the bounds of corporate media and create something independent?
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Regardless of his personal feelings on the quality of ISOM, shouldn't he--at the very least--acknowledge that Eric July is attempting to step outside the bounds of corporate media and create something independent?
Naw, if something is shit I don't care that it's iNdEpEnDeNt! Quality in art matters more than who made it and with what intention.
Naw, if something is shit I don't care that it's iNdEpEnDeNt! Quality in art matters more than who made it and with what intention.
To this, I'd just have to ask, "What have you made lately?"
Most often the answer is nothing. Particularly because the people judging the art don't have a leg to stand on themselves.
In the end, the objective should be to have someone--even of low quality--stand on their own two feet. That is your "in."
To this, I'd just have to ask, "What have you made lately?"
Most often the answer is nothing. Particularly because the people judging the art don't have a leg to stand on themselves.
That's a really stupid theory. That's like saying I have to be a United States congressman to not like the policies of a president. Or that you have to be a five-star chef to know when food tastes bad. Or that you have to be a woman to know killing babies is wrong.

You don't have to be an artist to know when art is shit. If you don't like something, you don't like something. Don't over complicate it with gatekeeping and pretentiousness. When something sucks it sucks and people are allowed to hate whatever they want.

WhAt HaVe YOU cReAtEd LaTeLy? Is a lazy cop out.
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That's a really stupid theory. That's like saying I have to be a United States congressman to not like the policies of a president. Or that you have to be a five-star chef to know when food tastes bad. Or that you have to be a woman to know killing babies is wrong.
Not at all. All I've proposed is that people who judge quality ought to look in the mirror first.
View attachment 61598
Null is considering allowing self-promotion onto the forum, because in his own words, it worked for Something Awful.

This will be a doxxing palooza, they're going to be self doxxing doxxing each other someone is going to show up at someone else's house and try to shoot them over a Kiwifarms post.

The same reason any other website would: Publicity.
Remember, Josh said he wanted to "legitimize" the Kiwi Farms:
View attachment 61608
By "legitimize" I suspect what he means is "make mainstream."

His goal seems to be to make the Kiwi Farms something within the realm of Twitter or YouTube. Probably closer to Twitter so he can be his own kind of Elon Musk. The people saying this is looking more and more like Something Awful are correct. However, I think Josh believes himself to be far cleverer than Lowtax and capable of succeeding where Lowtax failed.

Let's even take his recent conversation with Nick into focus. The way that Josh comes cross is almost as to warrant Nick owes something to him. Like, because Nick is a lolcow dirtbag, he needs to kiss the godfather's ring and show fealty. And what does Nick do? He laughs in his face and Josh has to scurry back to his website and cry about it. This is why he hates Keemstar and Metokur and why he cannot hide his jealousy of Turkey Tom. He believes the Kiwi Farms hold some kind special value that it does not.

Josh's ego is also transitory. Even among regular users, the Kiwi Farms fosters an unwarranted sense of self-importance. Like if you hurt someone's ego, they think they can just dox you and ruin your life.

Lowtax was smarter than Josh. His problem was his laziness but he did have his own brand of cunning. Josh doesn't even have that much.

It's all so tiresome. Rant over. Not sure what else needs be said.

The alphabets have free freign over the creative sector and have had for over a decade. Complaining about it on his forum is tantamount to preaching to the choir. Is there a point at which all the complainers on the Kiwi Farms but even on YouTube and elsewhere suddenly opt into making their own material Remember Josh did a review of ISOM? Regardless of his personal feelings on the quality of ISOM, shouldn't he--at the very least--acknowledge that Eric July is attempting to step outside the bounds of corporate media and create something independent?

Try centuries. Homosexuals and art are inseparable. Cary Grant was gay and he's supposed to be an American icon and an example of what we must RETVRN to. Active homosexuals have made every single property or art piece we have ever enjoyed. Even JRR Tolkien had a gay friend in the TCBS who gave him notes on his Middle Earth mythology before dying in World War 1.

All of Null's rants and anger end up being projection so I wonder if he was catfishing in Runescape and it didn't work out.
Homosexuals and art are inseparable.
This is a psyop.

Creative minds expend a lot of energy in creative endeavors. Part of that energy expenditure results in experimenting in far more exotic venues as a means of satiation. This would include men and women and even (as is the case with a lot of Hollywood types nowadays) children. The mandate to align creativity directly with homosexuality is just an attempt to convince creative minds that they must necessarily be gay to achieve whatever endeavors they desire.
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