• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
"Hurr durr, this person whose respect I explicitly don't want has insulted my integrity, time to post shit that he wants me to post"
God you're try hard and retarded. Can't fool a cat when you're a kitten (fucker)
"I have this information, trust me bro, I really have this information right now."
Is this the first time Josh's butthurt over someone has resulted in pushback by the kwiffar instead of mindless dicksucking?
Not even a little.
He tried sweeping the Dick thread when NP2 looked like it might be his new best source of income, got called out on it, so for some reason completely out of the blue and definitely not coordinated, anomynous started shitting the thread up and eventually ended up just making posts about beans which josh then used as an excuse to move it to the food forum as a "joke". He then got called out on that as well, and it was eventually moved back but you weren't allowed to say that dick's garage wasn't a mansion.

ETA: this was also a common tactic with the tranny jannies on something awful. They see a thread that rustles their excised jimmies, get their cum garglers who never posted in the thread before that day to shit it up so that nobody can actually post properly for all the noise, then declare it beyond redemption and it gets deleted.
His histrionics about Metokur and his fans goes back to Josh's shocking admission to Dick Masterson years ago.
"I kind of don't really see how it's a problem that you can't just ignore people on your forum that don't like how you're running it. Isn't that what you tell other people to do?" - Dick Masterson
"Because that's my support base and if I lose that i lose everything that I've built." - Josh

It's easily the most pathetic sentence he's ever uttered. He can dish it out but he can't take it. His childish tantrums in locking of the Metokur thread, wanton bans, and desperation to argue and steer the narrative is him controlling his support base. He can't have any criticism because without his fans erroneously calling him some free speech martyr he's just another fat loser on the internet.
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His histrionics about Metokur and his fans goes back to Josh's shocking admission to Dick Masterson years ago.

It's easily the most pathetic sentence he's ever uttered. He can dish it out but he can't take it. His childish tantrums in locking of the Metokur thread, wanton bans, and desperation to argue and steer the narrative is him controlling his support base. He can't have any criticism because without his fans erroneously calling him some free speech martyr he's just another fat loser on the internet.
Just give it a few years, he'll be a running wild like this (remember that one shitpost I posted here, I put that bitch through Luma ai)

His histrionics about Metokur and his fans goes back to Josh's shocking admission to Dick Masterson years ago.

It's easily the most pathetic sentence he's ever uttered. He can dish it out but he can't take it. His childish tantrums in locking of the Metokur thread, wanton bans, and desperation to argue and steer the narrative is him controlling his support base. He can't have any criticism because without his fans erroneously calling him some free speech martyr he's just another fat loser on the internet.
Imagine being an unfunny, pissy little goblin who hides in his room all day and trying to advise someone on whether their jokes land on twitter 🤣
His histrionics about Metokur and his fans goes back to Josh's shocking admission to Dick Masterson years ago.

It's easily the most pathetic sentence he's ever uttered. He can dish it out but he can't take it. His childish tantrums in locking of the Metokur thread, wanton bans, and desperation to argue and steer the narrative is him controlling his support base. He can't have any criticism because without his fans erroneously calling him some free speech martyr he's just another fat loser on the internet.
It's so funny listening to a man who hosted Lolicon for pedophiles lecture a man with no skin in the game about who he should be associating with.
I'm like 90% certain Big Mommy is not Joshy, around 75% that Lidl isn't Josh. Archiver seems way too chill and way too happy to play into memes Null would never be able to take. Lidl posts a lot like Joshy but that's how you suck his broken dick without setting off one of his iconic retard sperg outs. Both accounts have been seen making posts on KF and talking in chats while Joshy streams. It is funny to imagine him having an army of skin suits he can slip into though and that he is throwing out Big Mommy cos he cant even get along with his headmates.

inb4 Joshy removes the ability to @ someone or makes a dumb rule like you need to both follow each other to allow @s. Also bonus points for when he reoves the @ feature and complains he wasn't informed about something "Uhhh DMs still exist" then eventually bans all dms.
Null gets trolled by some dude from sharty and seethes.
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amazing this fatty lolcow managed to get his ass handed by a bunch of kids and teenagers. how incredibly pathetic this moron is. I don't even like sharty but seeing them pissing off the biggest narcissistic farmercow* is glorious :story:

*farmercow = lolcow that document other lolcows
"I have this information, trust me bro, I really have this information right now."
Calm down zoomie and gather context before you try chiming in. I said I emailed Josh offering to help with his payment processor needs in Tennessee. The gay furry pedophile wanted me to immediately post said email, even though I specified I'd only do so under two conditions, neither of which were fulfilled.
I would still do this for Josh just because I know how much it would make everyone here seethe
>Being elitist about the KF reject forum

Someone should at least remake that gif properly instead of spastically stickering over the OnA forum's hard work
except this is genuinely him. it's not a kiwi sock.
No no, Kiwi Farms is totally sending users here to convince people to look into Lidl Drip closer instead of just assuming it's Josh having a RP session.
In literally every other context according to the Kiwi Seethers, Josh is literally retarded and can do nothing right. But when it comes to Lidl Drip,a very vocal minority are absolutely convinced that Josh has been running a successful gay-op for like two years now.
Really makes you think 🤔
It's fucking hilarious that Josh really thinks there's a trad family just waiting out there for him. Josh's best hope is that one of the mentality ill "women" on his site is actually a woman and she lets him fuck her. It's more likely that Josh ends up hosting the Kiwi Farms for the rest of his life, living in random countries until he finally has an emotional breakdown and kills himself.

Josh is an immature, unsocialized fag with a persecution complex and who's paranoia leads him to making an ass of himself by needlessly antagonizing random people for no reason. You can't help him, if you point out his crying online or unreasonably shitty attitude he gets all hysterical. The nigga runs a doxing and gossiping site yet is a thin skinned hysterical homo the moment you even try to talk to him.