Not to mention they're seemingly incapable of monogamy. Cheating is extremely common with gay men.Yes homosexual men tend to be very promiscuous. This is why the AIDS epidemic was so serious amongst homosexuals.
Not to mention they're seemingly incapable of monogamy. Cheating is extremely common with gay men.Yes homosexual men tend to be very promiscuous. This is why the AIDS epidemic was so serious amongst homosexuals.
That's why I thought that one person was posting cope. Most gay men fuck like rabbits.Not to mention they're seemingly incapable of monogamy. Cheating is extremely common with gay men.
Until he cheats on you, and gives you chlamydia.The trick is to find someone who loves and respects you and spend your lives together,
I'm sorry to hear that everyone you know is an faggot. I trust my husband.Until he cheats on you, and gives you chlamydia.
Is that like, an hero?an faggot
Hey, if you scored a winner, you're the lucky one. Good for you.I'm sorry to hear that everyone you know is an faggot. I trust my husband.
I mean are you telling me you don't like to get freaky in a tub of jello with the misses?Whenever I get windows into someone else's sex life I feel like that guy who missed his flight on 9/11. Good god yall
I mean are you telling me you don't like to get freaky in a tub of jello with the misses?
Could be a hot tub just sayin'Not in a tub of jello, she's outdoorsy
Of course not that's how you get ants.Not in a tub of jello, she's outdoorsy
Some of my favorite experiences.Could be a hot tub just sayin'
Sex while camping is fucking intense
A lot of kikes stopped acting like kikes as though they knew Hitler was coming for them.I've noticed a growing trend beauty parlor she seems to get little engagement on her posts. As though people know to avoid her like a landmine.
Absolutely Jesh has made it abundantly clear that his beauty parlor queen is above reproach. She's on a slightly lower pedestal than himself and his self aggrandizing ego. Does anybody have the body count of how many users have an excommunicated permanently?A lot of kikes stopped acting like kikes as though they knew Hitler was coming for them.
She fulfills a lot of his mom fetish let's put it that way. You have a woman who is above sex that also worships him. While also disliking many of the people that Josh hates on his website.Null may have the biggest case of Madonna-Whore Complex I have ever seen. While Null may tolerate them, Null actually hates the likes of Justa, Stan, Freya, Lurker and Jambled. To him they are nothing but vile and debased whores who have been sexually corrupted by the sexual nature of men. However, he tolerates them as he needs their money. To Null his perfect woman, his saintly Madonna, is Lidl Drip. A woman who violently scorns the sexual advances of men. A woman who is pure and chaste that she is still a virgin despite being in her late 20's to early 30's. A woman who is so pure and chaste that she is ignorant of both hers and female mammals anatomy. She also, always, comes to defend Null like a golden goddess of old who would defend her chosen hero. Lidl is, to Null, the Madonna to his mother who is the debased Whore of his Madonna-Whore Complex.
I'm just curious as to why even do any of this in the first place? I don't take either side seriously. I think of them as batshit unhinged. In fact, it was so outside my idea of normal behavior towards the other sex, I didn't even take take it seriously in the first place and why I was banned from the man hate thread.Interesting theory. There's the whole man disrespecter/woman respecter custom title that they each have, very ying and yang
I'm just curious as to why even do any of this in the first place? I don't take either side seriously. I think of them as batshit unhinged. In fact, it was so outside my idea of normal behavior towards the other sex, I didn't even take take it seriously in the first place and why I was banned from the man hate thread.
Interesting the collection of people here. Actual real women and gay men. Lidl has a fatwa against women as a threat to her 'relationship' with Null, which is hilarious because me and some of the other women he has gone after NEVER had a microsecond of interest in Nullo. And I mean that so seriously NULL, I can't even. For men, it is odd to me that he banned @Gargamel and not Catler when it became clear Gargamel may be a fag, but he isn't interested in being a furry or a pedo. Why I like 00 as a mod. He sees all of this and knows it but he isn't an admin and can't do anything about it.
Interesting retarded times we are all living in on the interwebz.