• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh couldn't even address the valid criticism. He just goes for the character assassination of "deranged tranny who hates me for no reason." Josh is too afraid to ask himself why so many oldfags have turned his back on hin
There is a one comment (unconfirmed), about him being a trans activist in one article. I am more inclined to believe he's just an evil person that Massachusetts would like to put away.

Coming from the guy who has an account on pedopoast and used to host image boards. Everybody knows the real reason. Kiwifarms is a fluke and if any other site gets a bit more popularity then that would cause big problems cause then your community might just up and leave when you throw your next tantrum over cheese.
not to mention, people with threads have to deal with the endless swarm of weens fucking up their lives
Only the Daniel Larson weens that made a fake college course about how America was founded by Julius Caesar Salad were funny recently. That's a lot of unfunny weens.
I'm still hoping he's actually never went to Europe but instead was actually staying with Lidl Drip who I theorize for the moment to be Anna Slatz. I think it would be the most KEK outcome.

View attachment 56260
He wouldn't be able to not bitch about it if he moved to Canada.
throw your next tantrum over cheese.
I bet he's spraying spray cheese into his mouth while ranting about how American cheese sucks.
Is contra point really a lolcow tho?? Other than the defacto lolcow status that KF gives to any trannies? When I saw the thread I thought that femcel Mariposa Electrique just wanted an excuse to hatepost
I think so, yeah. Well, a careercow at least.
@thefrogninja I really need your feedback on this. What's wrong with this picture?


On KF, Null claims to be driving around in Western Texas, looking for property to buy with crypto... but the mail/dropboxes (of registered mail agents) for Lolcow LLC and 1776 Solutions LLC are in South Dakota and Wyoming respectively, with more than 3 hours between them. The public PO Box for Lolcow LLC is in West Virginia, but 1776 Solutions LLC is AFAICT still in Wyoming, and Null as the Officer of Lolcow LLC is using a registered agent dropbox in South Dakota.

How many different fucking registered mail agents does this guy use? ("If you want to leave it all behind/That's fine, you're no one on the east side/One more faceless creature swinging on the floor")

Only the PO Box for Lolcow LLC in West Virginia is made public on KF, so what happens to any snail mail that people send to these other two addresses, belonging to his WY and SD registered agents?

My theory is that any snail mail to either the WY dropbox or the SD dropbox is either picked up by those registered agents and forwarded to the WV PO Box... or whomever is picking up Null's mail in WV also has direct access to these others two potential sources of snail mail as well.

So instead of spending all the money from the legal crowdfunder on suing LFJ and Caraballo like he promised he would do... he went and hired himself a couple of registered agents in three different States ("Registered Agents Inc" in WY, "Americas Mailbox" in SD and whomever is accessing the Lolcow LLC PO Box in WV) to hide his whereabouts and any potential IRL assets behind?

How likely is it that the "Western Texas property hunt" story on KF was just a decoy and he himself is actually the one traveling back and forth between WY and SD, crossing the border between those 2 States? WV, WY and SD have comparable property prices, so there's no reason to pick one State over the others in terms of their ranking for real estate prices. He said he's picky about where he wants to live when it comes to weather conditions and said he didn't like the weather in WV, but who knows...

Please let me know what you think of all this. I know that physical location doesn't mean much when someone is running a website, but when someone plans to buy property they plan to move into, to then hide in a trust to prevent seizure in the event of a lost legal case, location does matter.
I think he's lying yet again about hunting for a property in Texas, just like he lied about living in Serbia and not being in the US because he's scared of Greta's baseball bat.
I really do wonder about those two dropboxes in WY and SD with two different registered agents. Null obviously expects people to send him mail to the public PO Box in WV, but again, what happens to any mail that goes to either WY or SD directly? It seems a little too far for whomever is picking up his mail in WV, so I would like to know if any mail sent to WY and SD is forwarded to WV or directly to... wherever he is.

Hardin is in Washington, DC. On the lolcowfund.hardin.law webpage it says:

"Matthew Hardin and his firm represent only Joshua Moon and Lolcow LLC."

But then who reps 1776 Solutions LLC (which according to the Opencorporates listing is still active in WY)?
Does Null have yet another lawyer for that other LLC in his Матрёшка set-up?

Gotta laugh at the $170k being spent on a failed SCOTUS appeal, then the rest apparently being spent on setting up embedded Матрёшка dolls of LLCs all over the US to prevent asset seizure. That's the kind of banking privacy/anonymity/asset protection only a lot of crypto-money can buy, I guess.
I really do wonder about those two dropboxes in WY and SD with two different registered agents. Null obviously expects people to send him mail to the public PO Box in WV, but again, what happens to any mail that goes to either WY or SD directly? It seems a little too far for whomever is picking up his mail in WV, so I would like to know if any mail sent to WY and SD is forwarded to WV or directly to... wherever he is.

Hardin is in Washington, DC. On the lolcowfund.hardin.law webpage it says:

But then who reps 1776 Solutions LLC (which according to the Opencorporates listing is still active in WY)?
Does Null have yet another lawyer for that other LLC in his Матрёшка set-up?

Gotta laugh at the $170k being spent on a failed SCOTUS appeal, then the rest apparently being spent on setting up embedded Матрёшка dolls of LLCs all over the US to prevent asset seizure. That's the kind of banking privacy/anonymity/asset protection only a lot of crypto-money can buy, I guess.
Hardin is in DC but he is also licensed to practice in WV. According to the WV State Bar Association, he is a new member. WV is also very favorable when it comes to property taxes.
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Here is also what I found out as well:

Matthew Hardin does not practice in Wyoming

Matthew Hardin is active in Maryland

Matthew Hardin is active in Virginia

Matthew Hardin is active in Washington DC

Matthew Hardin is active in West Virginia (New Member)

Matthew Hardin is active in Vermont

Matthew Hardin is active in Minnesota

Matthew Hardin is active in New York
I really do wonder about those two dropboxes in WY and SD with two different registered agents. Null obviously expects people to send him mail to the public PO Box in WV, but again, what happens to any mail that goes to either WY or SD directly? It seems a little too far for whomever is picking up his mail in WV, so I would like to know if any mail sent to WY and SD is forwarded to WV or directly to... wherever he is.

Hardin is in Washington, DC. On the lolcowfund.hardin.law webpage it says:

But then who reps 1776 Solutions LLC (which according to the Opencorporates listing is still active in WY)?
Does Null have yet another lawyer for that other LLC in his Матрёшка set-up?

Gotta laugh at the $170k being spent on a failed SCOTUS appeal, then the rest apparently being spent on setting up embedded Матрёшка dolls of LLCs all over the US to prevent asset seizure. That's the kind of banking privacy/anonymity/asset protection only a lot of crypto-money can buy, I guess.
There is no Lolcow LLC registered in South Dakota and Lolcow LLC in Wyoming was dissolved over a year ago: https://wyobiz.wyo.gov/Business/Fil...123080043020123121173040218168187120137092248

Wyoming LLC dissolved.jpg
Here is his West Virginia LLC which is in good standing: He registered with AmericasMailbox.com
He's not going to live in South Dakota, he probably wants to establish "legal residency" in South Dakota so he can take advantage of the tax breaks in that state.

But why would he choose to set up an LLC in West Virginia? Probably for two reasons:
His attorney Matthew Hardin is also licensed to practice law in West Virginia.
West Virginia is a very tax friendly when it comes to property taxes:

One of the things I have noticed about Joshua Moon is that he wants to go for tax breaks when he thinks he can get them. South Dakota has no state income tax. He uses South Dakota as his legal residency and pays his federal taxes.
Despite what he says, I am guessing that if he buys property it will be in West Virginia. West Virginia fits his lifestyle: It is overwhelmingly white has a fairly low cost of living and like I said it is property tax friendly.

West Virginia LLC.jpg