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Public Figure - Niche Universe Adventurer aka Phạm Trung Hiếu

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
When attacking a forum member backfires spectacularly
View attachment 53269
this is just so sad

the fact that you go out of your way to make a lolcow thread about me just because I trashed your precious fwends is absolutely funny.
take off that account bro, just log in to your main sock bro, it's embarrassing to see you expose yourself in another sock like this
How about you kill yourself, you dumb pedozoophile gook? My GF said I can stay up as late as I want as long as I shove you in the gas chamber and that's the game plan (otherwise I'm grounded from my Switch).
What YOU should be embarrassed of is a gif I extracted from one of your diaperfur videos of a babby sanic lusting after his little sister coming down the slide.

Walk into traffic and look neither way
Feel good Islamic content.

Wholesome 😊
It's the exact same God that Christians and Jews worship.
I irony post about a lot but I've never joked about the Creator. Deny Him or accept Him, there is only Him☝🏽
Arkomia will be defeated in the end because He has chosen me to be Al-mudhill, in order to humble my brother and show him the error of the path he walks.
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lmfao, keep replying to yourself, retard. you look like a lunatic @Stop Socking Gaylord
I honestly can't get over the fact that you STILL think that we're the same person.

So over a year ago I made an "AnneHathawayFan" Xbox gamertag, YouTube channel, email, and more, all to lend more credibility to one particular sock account? That's your theory?

I love how your arrogance will not let you accept that more than one person thinks you're a fucking idiot. You would rather believe that annehathawayfan is an elaborate psyop by a guy who dumps accounts like drug dealers dump burner phones.

When have you ever seen him post over 500 messages under one alt? Yet I'm one of his alts? You are either lying to make yourself feel better, or you're the stupidest person in the world. And I don't think you're that stupid.
Reason: I'm half tempted to fuckin doxx myself just to prove I'm not socker
I honestly can't get over the fact that you STILL think that we're the same person.
It's a trite point to make online, but it's only projection. He drags out his alt when he feels the need to be validated by literally anyone and he can't handle that two separate humans, through no overt planning, agree that he's a complete loser who lost the plot
It's a trite point to make online, but it's only projection. He drags out his alt when he feels the need to be validated by literally anyone and he can't handle that two separate humans, through no overt planning, agree that he's a complete loser who lost the plot

It makes me laugh because you can go on Xbox right now and pull up my gamertag and yeah the score is low (I think it's about 5000) but that's because I play the same couple of games.

You can go on YouTube and pull up @AnneHathawayRules and that's the YouTube I use to make comments on videos with.

My email is Annehathawayfan.

I mean I say this comfortably because I've never put my real name on any social media account or used any pictures, so I know I'm in the clear when it comes to catching a doxx. I play my social media very close to the vest.

But you can easily look up the fact that I have been online under this name for a few years now... and this jamoke actually thinks I'm you. And more specifically, that you've never decided to use this sock account with year's long backstory until you decided to mess with him with it.

Bro... make that make LESS sense.

I'm calling it right now: this is a part of his lolcow-ness. His inability to cope with the fact that more than one person thinks he's an asshole is absolutely more milk from the udder.
@universe adventurer
You know the root of the problem m8?
Everyone in your country that had testosterone were exterminated by my country two generations back.

When I come to Vietnam this summer, I will teach your lovely sister the beauty of democracy and the freedom of speech to call out my name all night long

Her on the right.
I wouldn't actually sodomize her btw, such things are for Californians.
@universe adventurer
You know the root of the problem m8?
Everyone in your country that had testosterone were exterminated by my country two generations back.
View attachment 53277
When I come to Vietnam this summer, I will teach your lovely sister the beauty of democracy and the freedom of speech to call out my name all night long
View attachment 53279
Her on the right.
I wouldn't actually sodomize her btw, such things are for Californians.
So you're not going to stretch the philips head open? That's very gentlemanly of you.
So you're not going to stretch the philips head open? That's very gentlemanly of you.
No, I would likely whisk her away on the train. We would stop for Pha Nong park, before continuing to Ba Be, where I would confess to her that she is to be my war bride.
She would of course be stricken by my American virility and significantly higher testosterone. I would show her the art of love, not only in the bedroom but in the street.
(Forbidden hand holding)
The girls would swoon while the hairless apes they call "male" looked on in jealousy.
But no, sodomy would be off the table. Because only her brother is a defective degenerate who will let their bloodline down. Better I step in
So over a year ago I made an "AnneHathawayFan" Xbox gamertag, YouTube channel, email, and more, all to lend more credibility to one particular sock account? That's your theory?
hmm... let's test this claim, shall we?
So over a year ago I made an "AnneHathawayFan" Xbox gamertag
let me guess, you artistically prepared this account to make yourself look like you are not a sock. show me your oldest xbox live post since xbox live doesn't show when an account was registered.

YouTube channel
is this your account?
I smell a larp.

email, and more
here what I can find about you:
that's it?
No, I would likely whisk her away on the train. We would stop for Pha Nong park, before continuing to Ba Be, where I would confess to her that she is to be my war bride.
She would of course be stricken by my American virility and significantly higher testosterone. I would show her the art of love, not only in the bedroom but in the street.
(Forbidden hand holding)
The girls would swoon while the hairless apes they call "male" looked on in jealousy.
But no, sodomy would be off the table. Because only her brother is a defective degenerate who will let their bloodline down. Better I step in
She looks like she'd be into it tbqhwy.

I bet it looks more like a torx anyway
•impotent snip
The man tells you where to look but you come back with tough guy flexing?
Anyway, do I have your blessing to date your sister? She seems lovely and I'd hate to put you over my knee. It's more of a courtesy call than asking permission. It's been what? 100 years since any of you people had beards?
She will literally bow to my dwarfmaxing, because I am inherently masculine and all of your men are easily confused for women, likely why your country got fucked by us so badly during the war
Simple mix up, our bad
That I have never denied, but that's not an alt of mine.
Because only a total fucking loser replies to themselves on alt, ain't that right @Galactic Innerways ?
I'm not apart of this bullshit, make a new thread cause this isn't the thread for this, THIS is a thread thats supposed to make fun of kf people, not continue to shit up threads...I'm fucking sick of this bullshit where our threads get derailed because of some bullshit coon who wanted to come in with their schizo nonsense
I'm not apart of this bullshit, make a new thread cause this isn't the thread for this, THIS is a thread thats supposed to make fun of kf people, not continue to shit up threads...I'm fucking sick of this bullshit where our threads get derailed because of some bullshit coon who wanted to come in with their schizo nonsense
Ok, that's bullshit, you're obviously Arkomia.
Otherwise, why did you have this retarded tantrum when no one hit you with an @?
I know, i want his dumbass to name every single fucking sock he's had on here AND on mother fucking kiwifarms, idgaf i want him to name it all

@Stop Socking Gaylord name every sock you own on here and kiwifarms you fucking coon
Belly flop off a bridge?!