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Would you pay $2 more for avocados if it meant that all of them are sourced by domestic workers?

fag0t v2

Hellovan Onion
This is something that always sat in the back of my mind. My conservative fellahs are all like "we want american made" shit and all, which is great because I want to support locals, but Pacos and Ernestos are picking most of our avocados and keeping prices low low low. Would you pay more if it meant our true and honest Americans get paid better by working in farms?
No, because I hate the texture and taste of them already. I could make better tasting and just as healthy mush for cheaper.

The farming of avocados are horrible for the environment too, so it would be better if they stopped producing them altogether.
There used to be an entire industry around avocado orchards in north county is San Diego. That is until they bulldozed down most of those as well as the olives and citrus orchards. And then move that production in Mexico. The avocados that you used to get in San Diego were some of the best in the world.
This is something that always sat in the back of my mind. My conservative fellahs are all like "we want american made" shit and all, which is great because I want to support locals, but Pacos and Ernestos are picking most of our avocados and keeping prices low low low. Would you pay more if it meant our true and honest Americans get paid better by working in farms?
Don't like avacados but I usually try to buy made in USA instead of China.
They make money from fentanyl and meth I dont think taking their avocadoes is going to cripple their profit margin.
Midwit opinion

Next you'll tell me that La Cosa Nostra's diversified interest in things like garbage contracts are basically worthless
Let's just make all of north and south America USA

That's what makes me laugh about illegals wanting to come here. It's like let us just take Mexico. We'll split it into five or six new states, and within a decade the cartel will be gone because our national guard in the DEA will shoot them (because now it's American soil and they can) and everywhere in Mexico will look like Santa Monica. Fuckin win win.