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would you forgive jersh if he unbanned you

Nope, because 1) I don't believe in absolution (long philosophical discussion I won't be having now) and 2) I myself don't want Null to unban me. When he threatened to ban me - over something that isn't my fault and certainly isn't my damn responsibility - I myself told him to go right ahead and do it. I logged off and didn't even check to see if he did it (I later read that he did and was relieved it was finally over). I don't give a fuck if he unbans me. Even if he fully restored my account to the way it was before, I can confidently predict that my account would be broken and useless all over again within a month... because it is Null who refuses to address the actual issues that are constantly causing user accounts to break down. His new "KiwiFlare" anti-DDoS program has done absolutely nothing to fix the problems with the site and hence all of the previous problems persists to this day. What good is having an account if it keeps breaking down and you can't use it to post actually anything? Worse, the sole person responsible for fixing this is trying to gaslight you and guilt-trip you into fixing his broken website for him? Expecting you, as a user, to implement an increasing number of workarounds to render his broken website semi-usable on your end, insisting that the problem is with you when it's really all with him? Might as well ban the damn account and get it over with. I am just not gonna cycle through 5 different browsers just to find the one browser that's semi-compatible with his broken website on any given moment. I signed up for a silly gossip forum, not Advent of Code.

The only reason I'd ever go back to Null's forum if he unbanned me would be if he also enabled the "delete your account" option. I would then log in once, just to delete my account. Literally no other reason to go back to KF.

To the Kiwi who misses my posts and was asking about me making a new account to post again: that's a ban evasion and I definitely don't want to do that. I never again want to have to deal with Null's cranky, hostile bellligerence or to be a passive witness to Null's gaslighting, hostility and neglect of the users on his forum. If you want to keeping reading my posts, you can make a new account here on OF. You might as well do it now, because I saw that Null has supposedly already banned another user just because they posted about how they were missing me. Why are you Kiwis putting up with this? Just so you can continue to post on KF?
No. There's a generational feud now. Our sons' sons will be enemies.
However, as many people have pointed out I’ll just make a new account.

Why would you want to go back to Null's forum though? Why go back and have to deal all over again with his cranky, hostile, gaslighty bullshit? Counting down the minutes that your account breaks down again, or the whole website breaks down, knowing that Null still isn't gonna do anything to fix it? I know you're gonna say that "but KF is fun and cool", but here's what you need to understand: KF is fun and cool because of the users, not because of Null. KF is fun and cool IN SPITE OF Null, not because of him. As soon as Kiwis grow a spine and realize that they don't have to put up with Null's abuse and neglect of them, that's when they'll realize that any place can become a KF. You don't need a KF account, Null needs you to have one.
Why would you want to go back to Null's forum though? Why go back and have to deal all over again with his cranky, hostile, gaslighty bullshit? Counting down the minutes that your account breaks down again, or the whole website breaks down, knowing that Null still isn't gonna do anything to fix it? I know you're gonna say that "but KF is fun and cool", but here's what you need to understand: KF is fun and cool because of the users, not because of Null. KF is fun and cool IN SPITE OF Null, not because of him. As soon as Kiwis grow a spine and realize that they don't have to put up with Null's abuse and neglect of them, that's when they'll realize that any place can become a KF. You don't need a KF account, Null needs you to have one.
Well, I’m not sure what part forum you’re on. However, for me I’ve been lurking since 2019. like you said, if I didn’t have a account back, then I would not have an account now kind of funny how I choose this site to have an account and not kiwi. and I’m not sure why having an account would qualify Josh to look at me. The form was never your friend and it was never your enemy. That’s the thing most people don’t understand. I only go to certain areas of the KiwiFarms. when it comes to Joshua moon, I’m going to be a more or less, a neutral party member . i’m afraid me saying that I’m neutral someone would thinks I secretly wants to suck Josh’s dick. I’m sorry I just don’t want to be part of the conflict. I just don’t have a voice in this conflict yes. i’m fully aware of how Josh treats people in some form or another on the forum. sometimes I will agree with him and sometimes I wonder what the hell is he smoking?
However, does sparked my curiosity, how people get so emotional being banned from kiwi farms by josh him self. I too would get emotional. especially if I put a lot of investment in the forum. But as I said before, if there was a reason why I was banned and maybe I would forget Josh. and second I would just make another account and just keep my head low.
Sadly he doesn't let people delete accounts that's why you need to go for a hate ban. It's a fun little game me and da bois play when we get bored and it's a really slow couple days. We see if we can make an account and get it spam deleted for hurting people's feelings and seeing how far we can push it.
Which may or may not be the reason people can't edit featured posts anymore after some rascal got featured and then edited it to be a certain cream pie gif and then they deleted the account but fucked up the feature to redirect to a post that didn't exist.
Good times.
I don't hate him though I just like having fun on the internet and turns out for a trolling site a good amount of them have very thin skin.
Plus it takes like 5 mins to make a new account and make a throw away shit post.

I don't ever want to go back to his website and ban-evade. I used KF for research, not to socialize or shitpost, so there is no way I could blend in with a new account, even if I wanted to which I don't. I know that even a brand new account would just break down and become unusable within a month, because of all the issues with the site that he won't address. I stood up to him and let him know I wasn't going to be gaslit or made to feel guilty for something that is neither my fault or my responsibility, nor for asking the help of my followers because he was ignoring and denying the problem. It would be really fucking lame to go back to his website after that. For me it was definitive.
Research for?
For myself. I got back online after a long hiatus where I was very off-online. In the mean time, social media had gotten so polarized and unrecognizable, I was wondering what the hell was going on. There seemed to be all these "tribes" on social media that were very "tribal" and antagonistic, but I didn't know who all these different tribes were or what their specific thing was. As the censorship on social media increased (TLDR, Twitter hijacked my account and I didn't feel like I was free to write what I wanted on any other social media platform without getting either ostracized or banned), one thing led to another and I discovered KF where I found the answers to some of the questions I had. I had read the worst about KF but I discovered that many Kiwis were smart and funny so I decided to stay. Because I really appreciated all the research into various groups and personalities that I had found and read on KF, I eventually started contributing my own research. I thought me contributing back would be appreciated, but little did I know that Null and his moderators had decided that they hated me, hated my contributions and had apparently were going to make my time on the forum as difficult as possible.