• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Why were you banned from kiwi farms?

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
If you want to get banned just post a pic of Jershs skank mom Candy
I had a temporary ban at one point for arguing with a user called Hollywood Hulk Hogan, for some reason he was allowed to break all the rules. Supposedly he's big paypig.
He's also been on the site for longer than you've probably known it exists, and Null likes him because he's one of the few users left he still recognizes. You're a fairly active political poster who's regularly made fun of by the oldfag clique too, so you've also got that target on your back.
Honestly I have no idea what that guy's issues are, but people have made a PM chain just to avoid having to interact with him. Since when has the ignore button been a thing? He's been around basically since the board was Cwcki Forums and he sort of just never left, even after Josh bought up the server or whatever.

Now Chris is a gross tranny sex offender, most of the old users are gone, and most of the new ones are /pol/ refugees and retarded zoomers who think that calling Chris's house and shouting "JULAY!" into the phone is the funnies God damn thing in the universe.

Honestly I don't know how sincere the politics are but he either gets really worked up over it or he's just baiting in the hopes of starting a flame war where there might or might not have been one otherwise.
I spammed drawings of femboys from Rule 34. After my account (and my many sock accounts) got banned, I migrated to Lolcow.org. Fun times.
I used to do a lot of spamming back in the day, so much butthurt and lulz to be had. I sometimes wish I had access to some of that material back then, it would have made for some even more hilarious replies.
I was repeatedly banned for 2 reasons: sock ban evading and IP logging which the latter is the main reason why I was banned in the first place. what's funny to me is kiwifarms has a looong history of doxing people yet if you do the same thing to them, they will kill your ass :haha:😒.
What are they gonna do, post a picture of what you look like in person?

Also not banned but I probably should have been a long time ago, I have had my own experiences with Josh and I learned quickly not to interact with him if at all possible.
More or less this.
Relevant and immediate image:
More or less this.
Relevant and immediate image:
View attachment 43198
Was his autism triggered because some sources say she was 11 at the time, or because he doesn't like Muhammad?
Was his autism triggered because some sources say she was 11 at the time, or because he doesn't like Muhammad?
He's such a lame Fox News boomer with the Islam thing. Obviously our modern age of consent has prevented a large amount of harm but the concept didn't exist in ancient MENA. He wants to larp as some unincorporated form of Christian but he'll never accept the reality that every figure in the Bible observed the idea that a girl became a woman after menstruation.
Since they weren't being pumped full of hormone laden McDonald's then, Aisha likely didn't have her period until 14~16, which is the same age the "virgin" Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus.
Either "God" was a pedophile for cooming in Mary or it's fucking retarded to hold ancient sand people and their blatantly untrue mythology to modern standards.
He wants to larp as some unincorporated form of Christian
That figures. The hypocrite's religion of choice, because you get to pick out the parts you like and throw away the rest. (No offense to those who do actually try to follow all the teachings, I don't agree with everything but respect them for it.)

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
I must dedicate my life to running a website spitting on and terrorizing what I consider the least of society.
Aisha being 9 years old when Muhammad married her was based on one source that is not backed up by history. More reliable sources place her age at between 14 to 21: http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.ph...d_prophet_muhammad_rape_a_nine-year_old_aisha

The historian al-Tabari informs us in his treatise on Islamic history that the father of Aisha, Abu Bakr had four children and all them were born before the year 610AD, the year of the advent of Islam. If, as is generally accepted, Aisha became Muhammad’s bride in the year 624AD, then she had to be at least 14 years of age, if not older on the day of her wedding.

Other calculations based on historical events place Aisha as old as 20 when she was became a bride. Ibn Hisham, the historian, reports that Aisha accepted Islam quite some time before Umar (the second caliph). This means she must have been at least a young girl in the year 610. Assuming she was five years old when Abu Bakr and his family converted to islam, the information puts the age of Aisha at 20 or more at the time of her marriage with Muhammad was consummated in 624AD.

Furthermore, most Islamic historians agree that Asma, the elder sister of Aisha, was ten years older than her. It is also reported that Asma died in 683AD at the ripe age of 100. If this is true, then Asma would have been 31 years old at the time of Aisha’s wedding with Muhammad in 624 and the bride would have been 21.

Muhammad was confirmed to have 11 wives. With the exception of Aisha, all of the other wives were either widowed or divorced: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wives_of_Muhammad

There was a political reason as well as a social reason (to help cement relations among the different tribes and provide a means of support for some of them that had no one else to rely on.
Aisha being 9 years old when Muhammad married her was based on one source that is not backed up by history. More reliable sources place her age at between 14 to 21: http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.ph...d_prophet_muhammad_rape_a_nine-year_old_aisha

Muhammad was confirmed to have 11 wives. With the exception of Aisha, all of the other wives were either widowed or divorced: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wives_of_Muhammad

There was a political reason as well as a social reason (to help cement relations among the different tribes and provide a means of support for some of them that had no one else to rely on.
Multiple Muslims scholars agree she was 6 upon marriage and consummated at 9 so you're technically right but not in the way you were hoping.
oh wow, reposting /pol/ content? thank goodness no one else does that on KF

I'm pretty sure I just painted a target on my back. You can check the China thread, where I rebutt the same posters that cheer on Ukraine in the Ukraine Thread, and cheer Israel in the Israel thread.

Then I went to the US Politics thread. And started posting, and half the posters immediately started freaking out about China like they had China derangement syndrome. The mod had to come in and tell them to shut the fuck up.

That's when I was pretty sure some of them had gone to the older members or mods.

Then I showed up in the Twitch Streamers thread and brought up how half of them were either sluts or Onlyfans girls. They didn't seem to like that much.

I was posting funny videos in the Women hate thread. Which probably got BP's ire.

Then after seeing the Consoomer Thread was plagued, I realized all these people were the fans of the content they were critiquing. The Simps/Lolicons know all the Streamer/Vtuber drama. The zoophiles know all the zoophile drama, the fatties know all the fatty drama. The furries know all the furry drama. et cetera.

So if you actually come out and call them sincerely Western degenerate consumers, they really don't like that. You have be more "ironic"
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