thank you for your serviceYou sure about that one bro?
Where is the evidence that mod was who you're saying they were and were they de-modded by the jannies here after it was found out?
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
thank you for your serviceYou sure about that one bro?
Where is the evidence that mod was who you're saying they were and were they de-modded by the jannies here after it was found out?
And I thought Daniel was paranoid, look at you over here one upping him.I mean, if all Kendoll wanted was the username, it's literally right there in the screenshot.
"who is he so I can look him up" to me means "tell me his name so I can see if he's in the phone book"
Bots obviously aren't in the phone book, genius.And I thought Daniel was paranoid, look at you over here one upping him.
Existing as a furry isn’t against the rules!View attachment 74180
Seriously nigga.....
I used TOR and tried to make another KF account. It was rejected and I never even got to the stage to confirm the email address. I think my problem was I used a similar email that had one word in it from the last email address he banned. so he probably knew it was me. Then I used the Chameleon Firefox extension + a VPN + an unrelated fresh email address with no shared words of the last email address. He let that account go through. So I'm back now. Chameleon probably helped here so good tip.Change your browser fingerprint as well. I use Chameleon extension for Firefox
View attachment 74109
Josh keeps track of that
Glad I could help :)Chameleon probably helped here so good tip.
Existing as a furry isn’t against the rules!
I do say so!
I do say so!
Down with Joshua Connor Moon, Furry hater!
My ears are burning.
BTW, Null permanently shadowbanned me for making that comment. Bitch didn't even have the balls to even refute me or give me an actual ban message. He didn't even do the red crossout on my username, since if he did, Kiwi Farmers might find out that Null is a giant fucking bitch who bans anyone who disagrees with him and isn't the "free speech warrior" he claims to be.
View attachment 75365
View attachment 75364
First off, I am not a groyper or even a white nationalist. While I am not particularly political, I am what many people call a "tankie". My favorite political commentators are Jackson Hinkle and InfraHaz. I do not watch Nick Fuentes' content and have not since the Groyper Wars in 2019 (which I found funny because bullying Zionist grifters like Ben Shapiro is funny). I fucking hate wignattery and have stated such on KiwiFarms on numerous occasions. I was never active in the Nick Fuentes threads, mostly sticking to non-political lolcows like BossmanJack, Jack Scalfani, Patrick Tomlinson, and WorldOfTshirts
That being said, losing my Kiwi Farms account is not a huge deal to me. Kiwi Farms is a fucking garbage site when it comes to following lolcow content, due to all the schizo retardation on the site, and it's actually easier to get all the good lolcow content elsewhere. If I need BossmanJack updates, I can go on Reddit or follow the reuploaders on YouTube. If I need CookingWithJack updates, I can just go on his YouTube. If I need Patrick Tomlinson updates, I can go on ONA Forums. If I need WorldOfTshirts updates, I can go on his Tiktok or Reddit. For any new cows, I can just watch a Turkey Tom video or some other Internet drama YouTuber to get the info I need. Kiwifarms serves almost no purpose for lolcow content unless you're interested in the wignat infighting of the Sektur. I was getting sick of dealing with the joyless, soul sucking, unfunny wignat schizos there anyway and I was getting especially tired of having to walk on eggshells around them constantly.
As for Null, I have been on the Internet for over two decades and he is the shittiest jannie that I have ever encountered, even worse than Bardfinn or the 4chan tranny jannies. Null is a obnoxious, narcissistic, manchild sperg who shits up everything around him and wants to restrict speech in order to turn Kiwi Farms into his own personal hugbox. 99% of sites would not put up with the shit he and the other KF jannies pull on a day to day basis, from outright berating their own userbase repeatedly, to barging into threads and politisperging about unrelated topics, to banning anyone who criticizes or disagrees with you, to even editing the content of posts from other users (I once had a Kiwi Farms jannie edit one of my comments because they thought the term "touching poo" was too gross and inappropriate, despite the phrase being a regular term in the lolcow community). Kiwi Farms users are the biggest niggercattle for putting up with this type of abuse and censorship, which I have never seen outside of maybe ResetEra. Granted, you can say nigger on Kiwi Farms, but God forbid you go against the Null/Kiwi Farms circlejerk in any other way or you find yourself on the wrong side of a permaban.
I'm not too worried though, since Null will inevitably get his just desserts. The number one common trait among lolcows is their inablility to handle criticism and backlash, and Null has that in spades. Ethan Ralph was once a well respected political commentator who was on the Mount Rushmore of Gamergate. Ralph is now a drunken, pill popping laughingstock, largely because he lashed out and flagged everyone who criticized him. Unless Null significantly changes his behavior (which he won't), Null is following the same path and the end of his story will likely be the same (except unlike Ralph, he will never have sex, a wife, or children).
That entire bluesky thread seems to be a thread to seethe at trannies yet againNot banned, was reading the Bluesky thread on Kiwifarms and heard you all were in a bit of trouble with Elliot Dong Gone. Came to see what all the ruckus was about
And what you just mentioned, is exactly why NEITHER fucking side is fucking different, both KF and trannies bitch at each other CONSTANTLY, so literally there's no difference. Just laugh at both sides.I doubt LFJ will make Onionfarms their prime target (their prime focus is Kiwi Farms and other similar online communities) and looking at the thread, it seems LFJ along with other people that have a vendetta against the farms on Blusky are too stupid to do some basic fact checking.
They seem to be under the assumption the Onionfarms is some rebranding of Kiwi Farms when we're two separate websites and we're not too fond of Jersh and the farms. As much as I think Jersh is an idiot, the trannies often suffer from Kiwi Dereangment Syndrome to the point that they think the Kiwis are Russian spies everywhere.
Here's some info, one of those blue sky accounts was our resident hobo leprechaun @Time 4 Guillotines who was the one responsible for the sticker spamming incident with glowie a while back. He simps for Elaine and carved trollcow into his leg, stole bloody soil from a suicide scene and kept it in his freezer, and is currently homeless without a job. Oh and he's buddies with Blaine Gavin Ross a tranny pedo.Not banned, was reading the Bluesky thread on Kiwifarms and heard you all were in a bit of trouble with Elliot Dong Gone. Came to see what all the ruckus was about
Didn't know that, that's disturbing.carved trollcow into his leg, stole bloody soil from a suicide scene and kept it in his freezer,
Pretty fucked up, but no worse that what crimson retard has done.Didn't know that, that's disturbing.
I post images of other people with bodily harm, not of myself. Being emo is objectively worse than posting shock images. So is fucking dogs, so you should probably stop that. I've seen your dms talking about raping puppies.Pretty fucked up, but no worse that what crimson retard has done.