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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 21, 2025

What's the grossest living situation you've ever seen?

Fatness Everdeen

Still An Anne Hathaway Fan
Hellovan Onion
I mean I've been in some trap houses and stuff but I don't count that because that's just druggies being druggies.

I want to know what the most "should be normal but isn't normal" motherfucker's house you've ever seen. Like hoarders type stuff.

I'll go first, I used to know this girl who would pick her nose and put it in her mouth and because she didn't want to swallow her own boogers she would just spit it on her walls. Lol. And I'm not talking about like a dysfunctional autistic, this was a completely normal chick except for that. And she didn't even clean it off her wall afterwards because she said she hated her landlord. What the fuck.

Has anyone ever actually seen a hoarder in real life or something fucked up to that degree? Please comment, because as someone who literally looked for an apartment for 3 months until I found one I liked with hardwood floors because I wanted to keep it spotless (carpets can hold bacteria) I am fascinated by people who live like slobs.

Give me the worst of the worst. I love hearing about how freaks live freakishly.
they're known to be sneaky so I'm sure she's withholding

I'm also like 90% sure she made pee pee in my Coke, but I don't have enough evidence to convict.

Speaking of Coke...

It's fucking ABNORMAL. It's not normal to isolate to the degree that most of them do. You get an extremely polarized perspective and lack a healthy mix of everything when you refuse to play with others and stay in your own little subculture.
Yep, I completely agree. The reason those kinds of gross people end up leaning so hard into their "identity" is because they're gross disgusting people who completely freak out the normals and the only way they can not get immediately thrown out is to infest something where the "identity" can be used as a magic get-out-of-jail-free card. Not policing that shit is why the LGBs now own the trannies and "queers" and all that.
Yep, I completely agree. The reason those kinds of gross people end up leaning so hard into their "identity" is because they're gross disgusting people who completely freak out the normals and the only way they can not get immediately thrown out is to infest something where the "identity" can be used as a magic get-out-of-jail-free card. Not policing that shit is why the LGBs now own the trannies and "queers" and all that.
I know a lot of gay and lesbian and bisexual people and almost every one that I talk to one they will tell me and my girlfriend when they're over at my house how much they can't stand that the community has been hijacked by troons and how the T in LGBT is an albatross that all of them are forced to wear around their neck.

NONE OF THEM will say that shit publicly though. Too afraid, so they just go along to get along and keep their heads down. I know people who were out that WENT BACK INTO THE FUCKING CLOSET because of this tranny renaissance. They are that embarrassed and don't want to deal with the splash over hate that's hitting them like a hot potato.

And they aren't wrong. Troons have set back American tolerance by decades. We went from basically being like what you do in your bedroom is your own business, c'est la vie, kind of a laissez-faire attitude towards homosexuality, and because of the tranny bullshit the average American attitude has gone back to the 1950s thinking of "all faggots are pedophiles who want to convert your kids into being faggots"
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And to stay on that point for a second, this new attitude is not that far off. If we obsessed with a 15 year old girl getting finger banged in the backseat of an oldsmobile cutlass supreme after prom, everybody would look at us like we were fucking pedophiles.

But troons want to be able to pump prepubescent kids full of puberty blockers and hormones, or encourage and celebrate gay underage children.

It's fucking gross. I have a stepdaughter and I know she's probably not a virgin because I know how teenage girls are because I used to be a teenage boy. But I'm not going to go around and celebrate her sex life and I'm certainly not going to go around fucking ADVOCATING for teenage girls to have sex because that's fucking creepy.

Whatever happened to people stepping back and going "yeah what I'm saying and doing is creepy"?

People have no shame and no self-awareness when it comes to "LGBT youth" like bro shut the fuck up, you're a 50 year old man in a wig in a dress with tits that the nipples point toward the armpits and you're almost SALIVATING at the thought of the sex lives of children. Fucking NASTY.
NONE OF THEM will say that shit publicly though. Too afraid, so they just go along to get along and keep their heads down. I know people who were out that WENT BACK INTO THE FUCKING CLOSET because of this tranny renaissance. They are that embarrassed and don't want to deal with the splash over hate that's hitting them like a hot potato.
I do sympathise because nobody wants to be cancelled and ostracised but that behaviour is what leads to trannies ruining everything. Needs more folk to stick their neck out and be willing to blow their social circle up.
I do sympathise because nobody wants to be cancelled and ostracised but that behaviour is what leads to trannies ruining everything. Needs more folk to stick their neck out and be willing to blow their social circle up.
If you asked any gay person on the street or on social media, but then you conducted a secret anonymous straw poll, you would see that the attitude does a complete 180 when they know they won't catch shrapnel for being honest.
If you asked any gay person on the street or on social media, but then you conducted a secret anonymous straw poll, you would see that the attitude does a complete 180 when they know they won't catch shrapnel for being honest.
Not unique to homos either, there's no end of topics that people pay lip service to in public, and the lack of any meaningful counter-narrative is used as "proof" that whatever Current Thing is the most important issue of our time.
I know a lot of gay and lesbian and bisexual people and almost every one that I talk to one they will tell me and my girlfriend when they're over at my house how much they can't stand that the community has been hijacked by troons and how the T in LGBT is an albatross that all of them are forced to wear around their neck.

NONE OF THEM will say that shit publicly though. Too afraid, so they just go along to get along and keep their heads down. I know people who were out that WENT BACK INTO THE FUCKING CLOSET because of this tranny renaissance. They are that embarrassed and don't want to deal with the splash over hate that's hitting them like a hot potato.

And they aren't wrong. Troons have set back American tolerance by decades. We went from basically being like what you do in your bedroom is your own business, c'est la vie, kind of a laissez-faire attitude towards homosexuality, and because of the tranny bullshit the average American attitude has gone back to the 1950s thinking of "all faggots are pedophiles who want to convert your kids into being faggots"
I have lost friends over this issue. They can't understand why I hate troons. They say I'm a right-winger because I believe in "LGB without T" which is apparently a sentiment that the right have hijacked to recruit frustrated LGBs. They say anyone can be the perpetrator of mass shootings, when most of the recent attempts at the high score have been done by trannies who didn't get the mental help they needed because of all this tranny bullshit. I show them tweets, they say that's just some random twitter tranny who does not represent LGBT. Bullshit. Twitter trannies are the the face of this movement and are what all the degenerates involved follow.

I don't want to be gay anymore, because I don't want the association with gross freaks, narcissists, and pedophiles that I previously didn't have but now do.
You're gay AND jewish? You're on thin ice Gargamel.

Here's a little league video I pulled up that will inform you how to go at bat when you have two strikes against you:

My cat will kill anyone who attempts to strike me out, in exactly the same way he killed 985 million smurfs, 543 million enemies of Lord Xenu, 40 million Aztecs, 6 million Jews, a few dozen cult leaders, a handful of other cats, and one sockpuppet Führer.