Onionfarms Movie Night

In the process of being set up.

What would you do

(Bonus if you're a Jew: he ripped your nose off, you have it in an ice chest and are trying to call 911)

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
If the grey hulk showed up in your living room repeating everything you say in a mocking tone while punching inches away from your face.
Reason: A single punch will explode your head.


Because Scatatouille Was Too Far
Remarkable Onion
Joe Fixit had a weakness for chicken, so I would compliment him (he may repeat the compliments in a mocking tone but they would weaken his anger) before offering him some of dat sweet Popeye's chicken.
Reason: Didn't know there was a Grey Hulk, had to go look at the Fandom Wiki