Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
The thing to remember about Josh is that although he may present the illusion of such, he doesn't strongly believe in anything other than himself and his own interests. If trans people started donating to his site in large numbers he would create a "Cis-Hate Thread" and shield them from all abuse. Just look at what happened with the TERFs and lesbians, Josh hated women and lesbians but now he cuddles up to them.he is a libtard really
Feel the Wern.
Maybe he really IS Werner for all we know. Think about it-- obese, sperg, closeted bisexual, unloved, batshit mother, compulsively eats weird food, heartbroken at his failure to hit it off with zoomers. Do we have any actual proof he isn't remotely running the site from Spokane?
The thing to remember about Josh is that although he may present the illusion of such, he doesn't strongly believe in anything other than himself and his own interests. If trans people started donating to his site in large numbers he would create a "Cis-Hate Thread" and shield them from all abuse. Just look at what happened with the TERFs and lesbians, Josh hated women and lesbians but now he cuddles up to them.
How you get from every single one of his opinions being "the state should put a stop to this and/or force people to do what I want" to "he's an ancap" is beyond me. That line of reasoning is more stretched than null's belt.If I'm being generous, he's an anCap
Keyword was "generous". We are talking about an alt-economy bitcoin boy here.How you get from every single one of his opinions being "the state should put a stop to this and/or force people to do what I want" to "he's an ancap" is beyond me. That line of reasoning is more stretched than null's belt.
There's literally no path from one to the other.Keyword was "generous". We are talking about an alt-economy bitcoin boy here.
I remember his funny long post about him wanting a family. i think its a little related but kinda makes sense now when he does this crazy shitJust look at what happened with the TERFs and lesbians, Josh hated women and lesbians but now he cuddles up to them.
I remember his funny long post about him wanting a family. i think its a little related but kinda makes sense now when he does this crazy shit
There. I fixed it for you.That whole post was definitely funny. So much so, in fact, that I've even written a point by point response to it.
"I’ve been deeply unhappy this month, perhaps more so than I have ever been since I left the United States in 2018."
- Josh, you have never left the United States. You have never provided any evidence for this, at all. Other users here have pointed out all the flaws and holes in your narrative, so I'll just continue.
"I find myself trapped in a tenuous and unprofitable position staring down the barrel of 30-years-old, in no better position than I was when I was turning 20-years-old."
- Yes, Josh, being a terminally online millennial faggot because "I'm not like those other guys fuck normies REEEEEE" is pretty sad, ain't it?
"I have been afraid to say this because I have a large sense of pride, and I have many people rooting against me."
- Many people? Josh, a handfull of terminally online trannies doesn't equal many people. The vast majority of people have no idea who you are. I've repeatedly mentioned Kiwi Farms IRL to people of all political stripes, even those you would consider "woke," "degenerates," "kiked," whatever - NONE of them knew you or your site. When I tried to explain it to them, NONE of them cared. They all thought you were just a slightly edgier Lipstick Alley or Guru Gossip.
"It has been important for me for years to save face and maintain a stoic defense against opposition."
- He says this as he spergs out at every opportunity, sometimes completely unprompted.
"Now, after much reflection, I realize these people I find myself contending against are all in their 30s and 40s with no personal accomplishments, no wife, and no children. When death finds them, sooner rather than later, they will have left no mark on this earth."
- Can you believe the balls on this guy? He's literally describing himself....wait, does he actually think running a gossip rag is a personal accomplishment? Holy shit, Josh. The fact he actually typed this with a straight face....
"I want to start a family."
- And thank God no woman will ever want to reciprocate that.
"When I was a teenager, I did not value myself very highly. I remember writing at different times that I would find it worthwhile to give my life to save a cat from a tree. Dynastia once wrote about me that I “couldn’t find a hill not worth dying on.” I wore this as a badge of honor. I considered the impact a person has on the world at large, through cultural contribution and direct effect on other people, to be more important rather than offspring."
- Really? Because I've remembered for a long time now that you said anyone who didn't have kids is a loser. Also, what contribution? Josh, you're a literal nobody. A dime-a-dozen internet sperg. You're no different than Norman Boutin or Lucas Werner. You're just some guy. I have yet to meet anyone IRL or even online that knows you. I've had to explain who you are to folks online, too. Again, even those who you would consider your ideological enemies. KF likes to act like it's the big bad boogeyman under trannies' bed, but even the trannies I've come across online don't even know you exist. Even the one in a friend group of mine (a friend of a friend) who've I've been told is something of a histrionic troublemaker doesn't know you or your site, and they'd have ample reason to.
"I am now much older and with a developed sense of self-worth."
- See, there he goes again. Where's he getting this shit from? The dude mopes and sulks all the time about how shit his life is.
"My priorities are shifting, in part because I am older, in part because I have accomplished much of what I set out to do, and in part because the forum has become a less interesting and less fun place for me."
- Gee, Josh, why do you think that is? Could it be because you're so desperate to avoid getting a real life, let alone a job, that you keep pandering to dorks who make you feel better about yourselves? First it was the /pol/tards, now it's the radfems, who's next?
"A part of me hopes to see Trump repeal Section 230 in full so that I can throw my hands up and say, “I did all I could”, and move on without the guilt of having ‘lost’."
- But you've done nothing. Nobody knows you exist. Nobody cares. Encyclopedia Dramatica did your schtick over a decade ago, and much better at that.
As the certainty of America’s future and freedom of speech has wane the world over, "my certainty over the purpose of life has solidified. I believe it is family. Not a big, extended family, or a small town, but rather the nuclear family with traditional family roles. The husband provides, the woman takes care of the home. I believe popular depictions of traditional families as “creepy” or “oppressive” is a deliberate effort to undermine this system. Unified, heterosexual households with one stay-at-home parent raise children which excel in every category of development."
- Right here is when I realize that he's basically venting that his father dumped him. Went out for cigs and never came back. As I said, he dodged a bullet, clearly. Josh, maybe instead of typing these obvious bullshit screeds, you should get some therapy or meds or something to help you cope with the fact your father saw what a mistake he made fucking your mom and left?
I will never be able to pursue this adequately so long as I continue to do what I do. I was hoping the world would be a more free place 7 years into the game, and my burden would lessen over time, but it has become a less free place in every possible way.
"The average person wants today to be like yesterday, and tomorrow to be like today. They do not want a radical website plastering their names and photos all over the place and making fun of them for being shiteaters. Why does my relatively small forum attract an inordinate amount of hate? It inconveniences people."
- First off, the average person, again, has no idea you exist, Josh. Also, inconveniences who? Fellow terminally online fags who are gonna become leeches on the taxpayers of 2055 when they're in rundown nursing homes demanding gibs because they've "seen the light" and "want to feel included" in society? Because that's what's gonna happen. The ones who don't go out Shuaiby style at 50 with the realization they wasted their lives online are gonna suck up what little's left of the healthcare system by then, and they'll expect you to pay for it, too. Get back to work, Wagie, ex-incels and femcels are heckin' cute and valid with their mental health troubles.
"Though this site has no ideas. It is not a publication. It is not some Nazi front"
- With all the whining about kikes and niggers, Josh, are you surprised people would think that?
"The sheer number of people I saw who have ardently enjoyed this site as a platform to be pro-Trump on, when few others afford that liberty, suddenly turn against it was shocking."
- It's almost like nobody really gives a shit about "lolcows" or something, eh, Josh?
"It became abundantly clear that almost every single user who joined in 2019 and 2020 would gladly throw this site and everything I have ever done under the bus if it meant ‘getting back’ at Silicon Valley. If they got to call Obama a nigger on Twitter, it would be worth it to them."
- Josh, calling people nigger is literally the only reason anyone got on your site. Nobody cares about "lolcows" which is just your lowkey cope to feel better about how shit your life is - "I'm not so bad, look at those people!"
"When things do get hard, people simply leave. I have seen so many people come over the years, I don’t get to know them anymore. After the hack in September, I barely recognize anyone."
- Because you ban anyone who has even a little personality and want nothing more than slavish paypigs like Kali Yuga and AnOnimous who are just there to be your personal ass-kissers.
"Simply put, no one would ever stick their neck out for me as much as I have stuck my neck out for everyone."
- Because you'd ban them right after.
"I’ve decided that generosity at personal expense is a mental disorder. I must start being selfish."
- LOL "I must start" since when, Josh? You've always been selfish.
"I’ve frequently said that if I was not having fun with the forum, I would close it. At this point in my life, I am having to consider how much fun I have with the forum."
- When have you ever had fun, Josh? I don't think I've seen you do anything other than whine and bitch and moan about some user or splinter or whatever.
"The era of the lolcow is dead. There is no such thing as a lolcow anymore, almost specifically because of this forum."
- First off, there was never an "era of the lolcow," rather there was this brief moment of time where people thought CWC was interesting (honestly, he never was) and thought "huh, okay, that was....something" and then bailed. Those who were left were friendless, lifeless A-logs just there to feel better about themselves, but even they got burned out, leaving only goofs like you, Josh. And again, because of this forum? Josh, even among "shock sites," your site is irrelevant. 4chan, ED, even fucking Twitter were all doing the whole "look at THIS guy LOL" shit earlier than you, better than you, and without all the joyless A-logs sucking the life out of every discussion. Lastly, there was never such a thing as "lolcows," because none of these people are funny. They never were. I have honestly never laughed even a single time. Where I live, where I've been, I can find a bunch of crazy people, dumb people. What's so funny about DSP? He sucks at video games? So do a lot of people. Jack Scalfani? He's your typical boomer, so what? Cobes? I can find people like him at my local Wal-Mart. The Stinkditch? Gonna need a bit more than "they're trannies" to make me care, let alone laugh. If anything, the off-topic boards (music, literature, games, etc) are the best parts of your site, because to be fair, I've actually read some very good posts there. When your userbase isn't sucking your micropeen, they're actually coming up with some astute points about how fucked everything is.
But if I want to doomscroll, I can go anywhere for that.
"It is too big for its own good, too well indexed for its own good, too well known for its own good. The forum went from a small community that could playfully posit itself as the arch nemesis for dopey people that saw themselves as cartoon character protagonists of their own life, to the Internet’s Eye of Sauron."
See, there you go again. The internet, by and large, has no idea your site exists, Josh.
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This screencap I found, on your own site of all places, sums it up better than I could.
"Our gaze now quickly incinerates a simple person. They go into hiding almost immediately, or the act of observing them changes who they are in a way for the worse."
Josh, come on now. Be serious for once.
"The enduring categories of the site have become three things: Internet celebrities (who enjoy attention), women (who enjoy attention), and politics (which is fucking cancer and killing the site)."
More like:
"Internet celebrities" (aka people who no one gives a fuck about and people who stopped being interesting a decade plus ago)
"women" (aka men pretending to be women/NLOGs)
"politics" (which is killing the site but I let it kill the site because if I kicked them all out, the site goes with 'em)
"In truth, I enjoy the female areas of the site the most."
Because you're a faggot, Josh. I don't mean that in the internet way, I mean you're a faggot of the cocksucking variety. You are a grown man running a gossip rag, which is an inherently feminine activity. What straight man gossips about anyone? Call me cliche, but I have never met a straight, normal man who gossips or cares to hear of it.
"The Internet celebrities are all just the worst fucking people, and unlike real lolcows they consider the site a stepping stone to cashing in on infamy."
Again, Josh, they're not celebrities. Nobody even knows them. For all the bluster since 2016, if not earlier, I've yet to meet anyone who knows who goofs like Rekieta, Razorfist, etc, etc are, outside of the "culture war" bubble.
"and impart on the site their own audience of rabid anti-fans who do not come to have fun but instead further their personal vendettas."
- Case in point, the Jack Scalfani board. It's not even about him anymore, it's about their cuck-and-bull fantasies and how they're "real" cooks.
"Politics exploded in 2016 and has slowly become a defining feature of the forum."
- More like politics exploded in 9/11 and all you "DRUMPF!!!!11" tards are clearly experiencing baby's first interaction with politics.
"Right-wing politics has turned any discussion of trannies into a communally written manifesto about Jewish influence on society. It is the antithesis of fun, and what should be lighthearted prodding of mentally unstable Buffalo Bill impersonators is instead a ‘culture of critique’ on underlying issues and the political realities that people like Jonathan Yaniv pose to the world."
- He literally typed this with a straight face. Josh, you literally opened the floodgates to these people. You got bored of being just another admin of just another bland A-log magnet, and decided you had to do something, anything, to get ahead of the rest. So, you opened the floodgates to the reprobates who got tossed from every milquetoast shithole online, and once it turned out they didn't care about lolcows, once it turned out they were just there to whine about how it's kikes and niggers keeping them down, not their own chronic inability to give a shit (friendly reminder that it took an "attack" on their consoomer habit of playing video games to actually care about shit the rest of us were talking about long before), then you got mad. You got so mad you started pandering to even more retards in the radfems, who are just there because just like nobody wants to hear grown men throw tamper tantrums over being unable to get laid, nobody wants to hear grown women throw their own over other women doing better in life than them.
"Yaniv specifically represents the arc of the site excellently. A small-time lolcow the site became an arch-nemesis of, turns to local celebrity through shenanigans and attracts fucking nutjob anti-fan vigilantes like Henry Case, and then finally evolved into an international circus that devolved his board into Canadian Politics General."
- Josh, every Canadian I know has no idea Yaniv exists. Even the most hardcore "FUCK TRUDEAU" types I know don't know who Yaniv is.
"The site is now peaking in traffic because of the riots but it profits the actual community nothing. It is just a place to go because every other place is politically slant in favor of the riots. I can’t bring myself to shut it down because I understand the need for this free discussion, but I can’t bring myself to deal with the consequences of tolerating it as it harms the site."
You can't bring yourself to do fucking anything, you big baby. You just sit there and cry.
"Instead I’ve slowly been removing myself from the community and letting mods take over all duties, which is what Lowtax did before Something Awful began mutating into what it is today."
- You're gonna end up the next Lowtax, Josh, and I can't wait till your "loyal supporters" just shrug, laugh a little, and move on. @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski was right when she said that your userbase is just there in spite of you, not for you.
"Much like how Imageboards have waned in favor of small Discord servers"
- Because there's only so much exposure to "TFW NO GF!!!!!!" type whining people can take before they say fuck it and bail. I used to frequent imageboards myself, and ended up moving on when they all got ruined by this shit.
"in part because the site is too big to be a true community. It is now a true empire, consolidating hundreds of different groups together. All empires have one thing in common: they fall."
Hundreds? Josh, the only two groups your "empire" has is rejects too autistic for 4chan and radfems too stuck up for r/FemaleDatingStrategy. That's it.
"In conclusion, I am left asking myself three questions as a complement to my three problems."
Allow me to help, Josh:
1. How do I move into stability and towards a more fulfilled person? Close down the site or pass it onto someone else who'll actually use it as something other than a glorified vanity project.
2. How do I refocus my efforts so my workload is more manageable? See 1.
3. How do I have fun again? See 1.
I agree with him on keeping the internet free and open and a few other things in regard to censorship but I’m so sick of hearing him bitch about trannies and how the white race is going to shit cuz based lads like him aren’t getting their chance to procreate. if dudes like him really think they’re the future of the white race, then the white race is already fucked, lol.
Libertarian, through and through.
Morality is a spook to him and when no one is around it's clear that money is his only focus. I still think there's a decent person somewhere in there but it's buried under so much O.D.D. that there's no reason to expect him too ever be a better person.
Unironically, he needs to go to church and have some very long conversations with a priest instead of worshipping at the altar of his ego