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Movie Night

In the process of being set up

What if a Ukrainian nuclear facility is blown up?


Hellovan Onion
What if a Ukrainian nuclear facility is blown up?

Do you agree with this video? Should the government give people free iodine as a precaution in the event of another nuclear disaster in the Ukraine?
Well, a nuclear reactor did blow up one time in Ukraine. in the rate this war is going, I’m sure that there’s gonna be some type of casualty with a nuclear reactor.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
"Ever been to Utah? Ra-di-a-tion. Yes, indeed. You hear the most outrageous lies about it. Half-baked goggle-box do-gooders telling everybody it's bad for you. Pernicious nonsense. Everybody could stand a hundred chest X-rays a year. They ought to have them, too..."

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
This war is fake and gay, the whole thing is just a massive money laundering scam
I agree there's massive money laundering, I don't think this war is "fake". It's a very real war with real deaths and real destruction and real consequences for various countries. Unless you mean something else with "fake", like "illegitimate" or whatever, so please explain why you think this war is "fake".

youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
I agree there's massive money laundering, I don't think this war is "fake". It's a very real war with real deaths and real destruction and real consequences for various countries. Unless you mean something else with "fake", like "illegitimate" or whatever, so please explain why you think this war is "fake".
Nah it's fake, i live in a town with probably over a thousand Ukrainian refugees, we changed the laws so they could work and the lads are still all sitting in hotels collect. The Ukrainians were never doing to win a war against Russia, Russians went to space, Ukrainians can't even be asked to pay their own bus fair.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Nah it's fake
So you don't believe the air raids and the casualties are real? 🤨 You don't believe Russia is currently occupying Ukrainian territory and that Ukraine just drone-bombed Moscow? 🤨

As for "Russians went to space", Americans went to space too and they basically lost the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban is back in power too.


Literally Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Address in my banner
Hellovan Onion
So you don't believe the air raids and the casualties are real? 🤨
They're not real. Take your meds.
You don't believe Russia is currently occupying Ukrainian territory and that Ukraine just drone-bombed Moscow? 🤨
They're not real take your meds.
As for "Russians went to space", Americans went to space too and they basically lost the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban is back in power too.
Okay, that's real.

youthful_ shannel

Hellovan Onion
You don't believe Russia is currently occupying Ukrainian territory and that Ukraine just drone-bombed Moscow? 🤨
Oh please, they'd still be the same country if it weren't for the Turks.
As for "Russians went to space", Americans went to space too and they basically lost the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban is back in power too.
This isn't the US traveling thousands of miles to just fuck shit up, this conflict has existed longer than the United States itself, it's more like a spat between husband and wife.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Again? We seen what happened the first time, so probably worse than that if it's an attack. I highly doubt putin would irradiate the land he wants to take over to grow crops on since Russia has shit land. It's why he wouldn't stop at Ukraine if he did take it over. In b4 Poland again

Not enough minerals Not enough

minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals
Hellovan Onion

What if a Ukrainian nuclear facility is blown up?​

that'd be really fucking based

Not enough minerals Not enough

minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals Not enough minerals
Hellovan Onion
Should the government give people free iodine as a precaution in the event of another nuclear disaster in the Ukraine?