All Races, Ethnic Groups, Religions, Gay or Straight, CIS or Trans: If you can rock with us, you are one of us.
For the time being register with Protonmail until I can check with G-Mail.Actually they just have masculinized features probably because in some cases they transitioned too late, which is why it's important teens have access to puberty blockers and mental healthcare that allows them to discuss and think about themselves in a therapeutic setting so the process can start early. A lot of them can't afford facial surgery to get it corrected. Some of them probably just started HRT and you have no idea how that works and you're an incurious and invalid waste of time intellectually so I won't even bother. Some of them pass as women just fine and are just overweight. A couple aren't trans at all and and it's actually a photo of a cross dresser which is an entirely different textbook thing from transwomen.INb4 Ashley swoops in to call these ugly fucks "conventionally attractive".