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Public Figure - Niche Turkey Tom / Thomas Larry Hanson

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Kf grifter
In b4 lidl drip is tom.
People were already upset with him on twitter because they don't understand shit posts and thought he was "spreading misinformation". When he posted that charlie meme about the war in israel in the fake youtube video format that used to be more popular a few years ago. But this is actually something to criticize him for.
  • Dumb
Reactions: Kan

I saw this on Puppychan's KiwiFarms thread. Wasn't sure where to post it but I posted it here because some weird cat guy mentioned Turkey Tom unironically enough. Tell me the dude's avatar is not insane.

And already we have multiple red flags here.


Are we sure this isn't Puppychan's long lost cousin?


So we get "Let's beat up rich people to fix our problems" trick.

So she got mad over Smiling Friends? Like why? I get FNAF's but what SF do man?

uh-oh if KiwiFarms found out she hates the Jews Null will make her number one thread looking up if she rapes kids or not. lol

Totally not Puppychan pretending to be some other user who loves gay ladies. lol

I'm shocked this user doesn't have a KiwiFarms thread. This chick feels like someone who could be some lolcow that used to be make fun of in the past but who? Hmm?

Turkey Tom is late in making a video on Randy Stair, and he's censoring mentions of Randy Stair's suicide. All this for YouTube money!

Turkey Tom bitch mad over an interview removed also he censors pedophile, rapist, racist, sexist and sexual assault so just a disclaimer when this man censors words like a kid