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Public Figure - Niche Turkey Tom / Thomas Larry Hanson

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Kf grifter
it sucks when content that could be quality is done by retards who try too hard, i watched his content a long time ago but after awhile i just got turned off by how hard he tries to be edgy and stretches out the content more than it needs to be. anything for youtube dollars ig. it must be nice being able to sit around on your ass and make as much money as he probably makes
it sucks when content that could be quality is done by retards who try too hard, i watched his content a long time ago but after awhile i just got turned off by how hard he tries to be edgy and stretches out the content more than it needs to be. anything for youtube dollars ig. it must be nice being able to sit around on your ass and make as much money as he probably makes
You gotta love it when he censors words like Suicide, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Child Porn, Fuck, Nigga, Shit, Piss Off, Die in a Fire, School Shootings, yeah he would censor himself for fame and money. 💰
You gotta love it when he censors words like Suicide, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Child Porn, Fuck, Nigga, Shit, Piss Off, Die in a Fire, School Shootings, yeah he would censor himself for fame and money. 💰
Josh can cope with it because he wants more obnoxious zoomer poo touchers to infect KF because of dwindling population (sort of like Somalians in the Midwest) but I'm not going to cope with >her prostate.
People seem to forget but Turkey Tom is only a single degree of removal away from Nick Fuentes, and well...
Turkey Tom "coincidentally" makes a video attacking steamer Ludwig after he gets in a online tussle with Tom's new bff Destiny. Tom pretends he's only making this video because "people comment about how much they hate him" whenever Tom mentions him.

Some users of Kiwifarms are starting to wise up to Tom.
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Remember that Destiny very likely pays Tom to host the Kick or Keep program given Destiny paid the last host.
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It looks like we received Tom's response to Josh's message 2 weeks ago asking him why he loves Destiny so much.
"Alot of people ask me, 'Tom, why do you like Destiny. What is appealing about him? Why do you think he's cool?'"

"I like when people are willing to say what the audience wants... to fake PC people. 'I'm going to do why I want and rely on this cringe little group of losers and their approval."

It's such a bullshit answer to anyone with any intelligence. Maybe Josh can ask Tom why he likes Dick Masterson and Vito Gesualdi next 😂
Some choice quotes Worm would rather you forget.
"I'm not actually racist or transphobic guys haha I was just being edgy!"
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There's lots more than what I've posted. TurkeyTom and Mutahar will likely not discuss this cancel attempt beside a few mentions on Twitter because they know they can't defend this to their audience. It'll be quickly memoryholed. "Hiring and paying a racist and transphobic Kiwifarmer" rings better than Keffals, who is still around, scamming people out of money.
Tom and Mutahar have made videos that references JustAWorm. Mutahar doesn't mention him by name but says he was referred to him by Tom. Tom does something very brave and that is come out against Keffals after its popular to do and after Mutahar's video he refers to on many occasions. Tom mentions Worm and his cancelation in his new video, failing to mention Worm's history on Kiwifarms and his blatant, unabashed racism and transphobia.

Tom the coward telling half-truths. Tom the safe-edgy zoomer who won't come out against people until it's popular to.