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Sexuality Drama Trainwreck Transitions

Sexuality related drama

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Transitions that haunt you in your nightmares: https://www.reddit.com/r/transtimelines/

Reddit Transition.jpg

How does this even happen that your balls get larger?
Reddit two.jpg

What the Fuck?


Transition trainwreck 3.jpg

scarred chest.jpg
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I gotta respond to this new video from Turkey Tom:

Tom, if you ever see this: Nyk and Oliver were boyfriends in 2018-2019. You claim in your video that they have never collaborated, but Nyk and Oliver had done a couple of Livestreams together before they met IRL and became a couple. Nyk and Oliver met IRL at VidCon 2018 and there are several pictures on KF of them together taken at that event. Nyk had already trooned out at that point, but Oliver was still a man, so Nyk and Oliver LARPed that they were a "straight" couple, instead of a gay couple which is what Nyk and Oliver actually were.


Nyk also visited Oliver in the UK, and again, there was this Instagram picture of them together in Edinburgh:


Nyk was originally supposed to meet the Youtuber Brittany Simon at VidCon 2018 to film a make-up video together, but Nyk ditched Brittany in favour of Oliver, and later spread false claims about her to justify stonewalling her. Brittany made a video about being ditched by Nyk at VidCon where she presented the receipts (her DMs with Nyk). I can't find that video from Brittany anymore, but I remember I posted a transcript of the relevant part on KF. I also screenshot and posted the DMs from Brittany's video, that's all there in the same post.

Oliver later returned to the UK, where he did a Livestream with his audience where he openly bragged about all the trannie sex he had with Nyk when he visited him in Baltimore. A year later it was time for Oliver to troon out, but Nyk completely soured on him when Oliver revealed to Nyk in prviate that he too was a troon and was planning to go down Nyk's path. Oliver did an interview where he revealed being disappointed at Nyk's subsequent response: instead of congratulating him, Nyk warned Oliver that trooning out is "a curse", and then basically never spoke to Oliver again:

The "friend" referred to in the above interview is widely suspected to have been Nyk.

I personally never read the PhilosophyTube thread on KF (I was posting about Oliver in the BreadTube thread, not in his own thread) but everything I've described above is documented in the ContraPoints thread on KF, which I encourage you to read from 2018 onwards if you want to see these particular posts.

Nyk hates Oliver because he thinks that Oliver is ripping him off, which is really petty, because Nyk himself was constantly ripping off various other LGBT creators throughout his Youtube career. Nyk even ripped off shit that I and other Kiwis were posting about him in his thread, to the point where we joked that he was too lazy to write his own scripts and KiwiFarms was basically writing his scripts for him. All of Nyk's stolen material from others was documented in the ContraPoints KF thread. Nyk is himself a usurper and a plagiarist, and he really needs to stop bitching about Oliver for being a more driven plagiarist than himself. At the end of the day they're both delusional narcissistic men trying to outdo one another in their womanface act. The fact that Oliver outdid Nyk is meaningless when you realize how utterly fake and empty they both are.

I don't know what Nyk and Oliver are doing nowadays because I don't follow either. There's a new generation of Nyk-clones, like Mia Cole and Vivian Strange, who are way more lolcowish than Nyk is, so I prefer to follow them instead of Nyk, who was already boring me to tears when I was still on KF.

I remember Nyk had made a video (in 2019 or 2020) where he claimed he was the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a famous "left-wing activist", and there was some speculation at the time on KF that this might be a reference to Oliver, but I always disputed it. Therefore, I'm not surprised that Nyk has since come out and explicitly stated that the person who had sexually abused him was NOT Oliver. I still think it's weakAF that Nyk is allowing his abuser to walk the streets freely, when Nyk has all the money and resources to bring him to justice and remove him from the streets, but that's fucking troons for you: they'll make 100+ Youtube videos about JK Rowling is literally raping them to death with her transphobic tweets, while happily allowing an actual sexual abuser to walk the streets freely. This is why troons are utter trash and why 41 should be 99 and rising.

Again, I don't know if Turkey Tom reads OnionFarms, but I hope he will see this somehow.
I know of both Youtubers Nyk and Oliver however I can’t say I wanna watch them because I find both of them after one or two videos really boring. those individuals to me are pretentious and self-centered. I did think for a long time that one person did maybe rape the other person however that information has been clearly revealed not to be true. I do wonder what the fallout was.
Some more ContraPoints lore, so that Turkey Tom, if he ever sees this, understands what was happening at the time, and understands the dynamics between these people:

Youtuber Brittany Simon visited Nyk in the summer of 2017, literally within a month of Nyk coming out and announcing he was gonna troon out. Brittany and Nyk already knew one another through Nyk's ex-girlfriend Ashley Paramore/"healthyaddict", who was involved with Nyk during the heydays of Youtube Atheism. In this video, Nyk is talking to a blonde woman he calls "Ash-Dash", that's Ashley he's talking to:

Brittany had done a video with Ashley, because Ashley was living in CA, close to Brittany who was living in the OC at the time. I can no longer find the link to that video, but I think it's still in Ashley's Youtube channel somewhere.

Here's Ashley's last video on Twitch from 2 years ago, where she said she was going to quit streaming due to her health issues. Remember, this woman insisted for years that she was a "healthy addict", but I guess her addictions have finally caught up with her, as they always do with these "healthy" addicts living in denial of the damage they are doing to themselves, LMAO!

While Brittany was visiting Nyk in 2017, he and Brittany did a Youtube video together at Nyk's house in Baltimore, his old house with the Love Witch wallpaper (where one Nyk's brothers now lives, Nyk has since moved elsewhere). In that video Nyk said that he was going to show Brittany The Love Witch, they were going to watch it together later that evening. Nyk was also wearing Brittany's clothes, like this tanktop that she loaned him for the shoot. Brittany later alluded to having sucked off Nyk during that visit. I think Brittany was still in love with Nyk and was really looking forward to seeing him again at VidCon 2018. I guess Brittany felt rejected and sidestepped that Nyk stonewalled her so he could be gays with Oliver. If only Nyk followed the original plan and had spent time with Brittany at VidCon2018 instead of Oliver...

...but then again, Nyk is a very bitter person who holds grudges against others for years (I bet he's here right now hate-lurking at this post too! Ohai Nyk, the HRT really did you in my boy #YWNBAW). Nyk still holds a grudge against Theryn Meyer, and blames Theryn for not wanting to be transbians with him. I warned Nyk on KF at the time, that Theryn is an HSTS who likes men. I warned him that Theryn got into Nyk as Nyk. As soon as Nyk became "Natalie", he was in the process of destroying the very thing that had attracted Theryn to him in the first place. Theryn might get involved with a feminine men, but at the end of the day, Theryn still wants a man. Theryn was never gonna be transbians with Nyk because Theryn wanted Nyk, not "Natalie". Nyk desire to become a "Natalie" was just a means for Theryn to get very close to him.

As soon as Theryn dumped Nyk, Nyk sunk into a depression and began posting about wanting to detransition because he was worried that no woman would ever love him as trans. Lo behold, he hooked up with his girlfriend Uwu/Vita during a New Year's Eve party and AFAICT they're still together.

Just as Nyk blames his transition problems on Theryn, he now blames his stalled Youtube career on Oliver for being the more successful Youtuber. Nyk made way more money on Youtube than Oliver, but Oliver is the trans Youtuber everyone outside of Youtube wants to work with. You have to notice a pattern here with Nyk always blaming his own problems on others.

I remember Nyk was asked many times during Livestreams if he wanted to have a mainstream film career, with many of his fans hoping that Nyk would use his Youtube career to become the next Lynchian American arthouse filmmaker. Nyk always replied that he didn't want to work with a crew and was happy to just make Youtube videos on his own, so it's kinda lame for Nyk to now come out and passive-aggressively jab Oliver for having a mainstream film career. Oliver's quality over Nyk's is that Oliver, for all his narcissism, is still able to be a team player and to be of service to others. Nyk admitted he can't function in a team, so why attack Oliver over this? Oliver, even before he trooned out, wanted to be a famous actor, so why not just be happy for your ex-boyfriend that he's living his dream?

This animosity towards Oliver really shows the kind of petty, envious, crabby person that Nyk is on the inside. I am kinda glad Nyk never got to make any movies, it surely would've been hell to be on a set with someone like him who can't keep their ego in check.
Every time I encounter a trainwreck transition, it turns out Nyk played a role in inspiring the mess.
I predict a lot of zoomer trainwreck transitions are going to have Nyk's fingerprints all over them.

5 years ago, a man watched a ContraPoints video...

A little later he announced he was gonna troon out as well...

This is what he looks like today, look at that fat gut, those big moobs and that pudgy moody face, he literally looks like Leah Tverly if she decided to become a TIF, LMAOOO:

This is what 5 years of HRT does to a man.
Do not troon out. Do not HRT. Do NOT.
Some more ContraPoints lore, so that Turkey Tom, if he ever sees this, understands what was happening at the time, and understands the dynamics between these people:

Youtuber Brittany Simon visited Nyk in the summer of 2017, literally within a month of Nyk coming out and announcing he was gonna troon out. Brittany and Nyk already knew one another through Nyk's ex-girlfriend Ashley Paramore/"healthyaddict", who was involved with Nyk during the heydays of Youtube Atheism. In this video, Nyk is talking to a blonde woman he calls "Ash-Dash", that's Ashley he's talking to:

Brittany had done a video with Ashley, because Ashley was living in CA, close to Brittany who was living in the OC at the time. I can no longer find the link to that video, but I think it's still in Ashley's Youtube channel somewhere.

Here's Ashley's last video on Twitch from 2 years ago, where she said she was going to quit streaming due to her health issues. Remember, this woman insisted for years that she was a "healthy addict", but I guess her addictions have finally caught up with her, as they always do with these "healthy" addicts living in denial of the damage they are doing to themselves, LMAO!

While Brittany was visiting Nyk in 2017, he and Brittany did a Youtube video together at Nyk's house in Baltimore, his old house with the Love Witch wallpaper (where one Nyk's brothers now lives, Nyk has since moved elsewhere). In that video Nyk said that he was going to show Brittany The Love Witch, they were going to watch it together later that evening. Nyk was also wearing Brittany's clothes, like this tanktop that she loaned him for the shoot. Brittany later alluded to having sucked off Nyk during that visit. I think Brittany was still in love with Nyk and was really looking forward to seeing him again at VidCon 2018. I guess Brittany felt rejected and sidestepped that Nyk stonewalled her so he could be gays with Oliver. If only Nyk followed the original plan and had spent time with Brittany at VidCon2018 instead of Oliver...

...but then again, Nyk is a very bitter person who holds grudges against others for years (I bet he's here right now hate-lurking at this post too! Ohai Nyk, the HRT really did you in my boy #YWNBAW). Nyk still holds a grudge against Theryn Meyer, and blames Theryn for not wanting to be transbians with him. I warned Nyk on KF at the time, that Theryn is an HSTS who likes men. I warned him that Theryn got into Nyk as Nyk. As soon as Nyk became "Natalie", he was in the process of destroying the very thing that had attracted Theryn to him in the first place. Theryn might get involved with a feminine men, but at the end of the day, Theryn still wants a man. Theryn was never gonna be transbians with Nyk because Theryn wanted Nyk, not "Natalie". Nyk desire to become a "Natalie" was just a means for Theryn to get very close to him.

As soon as Theryn dumped Nyk, Nyk sunk into a depression and began posting about wanting to detransition because he was worried that no woman would ever love him as trans. Lo behold, he hooked up with his girlfriend Uwu/Vita during a New Year's Eve party and AFAICT they're still together.

Just as Nyk blames his transition problems on Theryn, he now blames his stalled Youtube career on Oliver for being the more successful Youtuber. Nyk made way more money on Youtube than Oliver, but Oliver is the trans Youtuber everyone outside of Youtube wants to work with. You have to notice a pattern here with Nyk always blaming his own problems on others.

I remember Nyk was asked many times during Livestreams if he wanted to have a mainstream film career, with many of his fans hoping that Nyk would use his Youtube career to become the next Lynchian American arthouse filmmaker. Nyk always replied that he didn't want to work with a crew and was happy to just make Youtube videos on his own, so it's kinda lame for Nyk to now come out and passive-aggressively jab Oliver for having a mainstream film career. Oliver's quality over Nyk's is that Oliver, for all his narcissism, is still able to be a team player and to be of service to others. Nyk admitted he can't function in a team, so why attack Oliver over this? Oliver, even before he trooned out, wanted to be a famous actor, so why not just be happy for your ex-boyfriend that he's living his dream?

This animosity towards Oliver really shows the kind of petty, envious, crabby person that Nyk is on the inside. I am kinda glad Nyk never got to make any movies, it surely would've been hell to be on a set with someone like him who can't keep their ego in check.
Lesbian troons always make me laugh because it's just faggots paying a TON of money to look weird.

wErE lEsBiAnS! Are you? Because last time I checked, two dicks and four balls does not a lesbian couple make.