Onionfarms Movie Night

In the process of being set up.

Tim pool / Timcast IRL


Hellovan Onion

Short Background
Tim pool is a beanie wearing political commentator who got his start during the Occupy Wall street Movement by being on of the first Live-streaming what was happening. He started to use a cheap drone to live-stream what was going on with the movement. you can find most of his streams on his old ustream.

After this explosive start he went to be one of the founders of Vice when it was watchable. He ended up leaving Vice in 2014.

He worked for Fusion who went on to become splinter until his contract ran out in 2016. His reason for leaving seem to be that Fusion would not let him write what he wanted and had a bias towards an extremely left-wing audience.

Most of the time on these outlets he spent time writing and making videos about cooperation, climate change, ect. and held on to some left wing beliefs.
After leaving Splinter Tim decided to go solo and start releasing political commentary and on the ground reporting videos on his YouTube channel. The biggest and most successful of these videos is the Swedish " No Go Zones"
His growing popularity on the internet because of his videos against political correctness led him to associate with people like Sargon of Akkad and what was the skeptic community.
Both Tim and the skeptics sing the same tune about fighting against censorship by social media platforms and championing free speech. Tim like many in those communities still considered himself left wing but saw an increase of right-wing people in his audience. Slowly his comment section started to get filed with idiots telling him to take the red pill while Tim kept on stating that he was a Left wing Libertarian.

The Timcast channel was supposed to be a channel where he made videos about extracurricular things he did but instead he just sits there reading articles all day sometime releasing up to 3 videos a day.
Tim went from talking about cooperation and doing on the ground reporting to reading articles complaining about the the "Left".

TimCast IRL
Timecast IRL was supposed to be Tim getting back into making IRL content like he used to during his time at Vice but ended up just turning into him sitting in a room with his co-host Adam talking about politics. He also has some guest that pop in to be interviewed.

Video talking about the Van.

Tim eventually had an abrupt falling out with his co host and they parted way. There is many issues swirling around but non are 100 percent confirmed.

This made the streams unbearable since Adam was mildly interesting to watch especially his transition into a full on trump supporter.

If I recommend a Timcast IRL stream its the Alex Jones & Micheal Malice stream because Alex is entertaining.
Tim's brother made a start up called Subverse that was supposed to give straight unbiased news. Then Tim was brought into the fold to help and helped it raise money. Subverse raised 1.2 million dollars by august 2019.

Tim's brother claims that Tim illegally booted him out of a company that he should own 33 percent of. Here is an interview Tommy C did with his brother explaining what has happened from his side(it worth the listen):

Here is a video of Tim getting his beanie snatched and getting unreasonably mad


Abandoned. Was going to make a better thread but lost all interest in timmothy pool.
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