Somaliland hates Somalia and Ilhan Omar
More Trashing Ilhan Omar
🚨He insults #Russia 👀 to gain Western support, but he purchases a permanent Security Council member as a #permanent_enemy! Then..
— ኢትዮጵያውያን🇪🇹🇪🇷 (@ethiopiansone) February 3, 2024
After all his #endless Tours, what he understands is that behind Ethiopia, there are #powerful allies to support them.🤷🏽 pic.twitter.com/UaqTRO65PP
Swipe at Turkiye:
Turkiye should focus on giving a government apology for the barbarism, brutality and inhumanity displayed by Turkish Ottoman Empire when it committed the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE instead of trying to denying Somalilanders right to exist.
— Hawdian (@BurcoChampion) February 3, 2024
We know you are GENOCIDAL. pic.twitter.com/MFaSOujDo6
Claims that Somaliland has eliminated piracy and the salty replies to this tweet
It's a fact that the southern Gulf of Aden is controlled by the Republic of #Somaliland, which has successfully eliminated all forms of piracy and other illegal activities.
— Ali Hassan Mohamed (@AliHassanMoham) February 3, 2024
On the other hand, #Hassan Sheikh's government always seems to falsely claim Somaliland and subsequently… pic.twitter.com/AEVuBf018F
Recognize Somaliland Now Now Now!
We can no longer deny the democratic wish of 6.5 million Somalilanders.
— Hawdian (@BurcoChampion) February 3, 2024
Not recognising Somaliland rewards failed state Somalia and emboldens terrorists, pirates & warlords.
The UK must recognise Somaliland now, to create a bulwark of stability against Houthi/Somalian chaos. https://t.co/aW3xjhyfDk pic.twitter.com/mdfK8AeucK
We need the United Kingdom to help recognize Somaliland's Memorandum of Understanding with Ethiopia:
BREAKING NEWS 🚨 | @AndrewmitchMP has met with @AbiyAhmedAli to strengthen the partnership between the two nations. The U.K 🇬🇧 will step up in support of the recent deal between Somaliland & Ethiopia and calls on regional partners to get involved. https://t.co/2gQCZdvLsE
— 𝐃𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨 (@DrCaaro) February 3, 2024
Stop the Somalia First Policy:
🇺🇸 Stop the Somalia-First policy
— Abdi Daud 🇦🇺 (@haadka) February 3, 2024
Now that Somaliland has a voice, Ilhan Omar can no longer deceive the American people.
For example, she claims that Somaliland lacks sovereignty and describes it as an illegal entity.
However, in 2020, the US itself welcomed the establishment… pic.twitter.com/vGwnQqLIL2