• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
It's obvious none of you care about any of these "sites" since you rejoice for their falling.

Dingus, let's be real for a minute here: We all know Josh is a borderline clueless, uneducated retard who had almost NO IDEA what he's doing all the time. What null the retard has is autism and determination to not let things go. He may not know shit but he comes up with it on the go because otherwise he'll be even more ridiculed by ostracized faggots like you who were so retarded that even the farms had to kick you out.
How fucking retarded must you be to get kicked out of the fucking kiwifarms of all places? And I would know because im just as retarded, ive been ban evading for a year, had 3 accounts banned because JOSH the FAGGOT was in a bad mood.
But now take a look at this fucking joke of a website: the lolcow admin can barely make half the functionality working. This Dingus faggot is figuring how to make the videos working. All he needs is 25$ and a pajeet to make this cesspit running alright but he cant even do that. The people trying to run this place are nothing but butthurt lolcows trying to stay alive longer than the Kiwifarms just to prove they could, which is easy considering nobody knows this place exists except for ex-kiwis.

Even that SIGSEG or whatever faggot glownigger ceased and desisted all operations once the shitshow started happening. None of you niggers care about this forum, or the farms or any of these.

And You retards who act like you dont care because you got booted from the real farms are the ones who cant even stomach to ban evade like a normal person, because you're so autistic and dependent, and lacking of IRL recognition, you tie your whole being to the retarded community you feel a part of. You are all losers in any book and you cant even look at the situation from a sober point of view.

Null is a trash human being and a pretentious fat, ugly loser whose whole identity is the farms and will probably never have a real life other than that maybe will kill himself soon even, and despite all this he is better than the absolute dumpsterfire loser running this shithole and the people pre-cumming because the farms is dying. This speaks volumes for the niggers trying to be tough running a 10person website beating their chest yelling "ree i suck but atleast ill outlive josh's website heheheheheh no mr Dingus pls put some lube on".

inb4 meds schitzo and tranime pfp people reacting and replying: your mockery means nothing, you are a bunch of perverted retards, outcasts from the biggest cesspool of outcasts on the internet: the farms. nothing you do or say has any meaning whatsoever because you're below bottom of the barrel and couldnt even ban evade.
I don't speak for others but I don't want any legal website to go down including the farms. I just see shit Josh posts and think it's funny and want to share it.
I don't speak for others but I don't want any legal website to go down including the farms. I just see shit Josh posts and think it's funny and want to share it.
josh is a retard lolcow himself of course he posts funny shit. it's either funny or sad with him.
Maybe it's the shitty indian VPN you're using.
im pretty sure i registered with my real ip and have logged in with it a few times too, it never loads as intended. even images load like shit.
inb4 wE deleTe uSerR loGs

sure you do lol
inb4 wE deleTe uSerR loGs

sure you do lol
Why would I lie about that?
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whats got me double posting is the broken functionality of the 10th grade high school homework you trannies call "forum"
If you or anyone else is having issues with the site's functionality you can post in this thread or DM Sailfish or me so the issues with the site can be resolved. It works perfectly fine for me, and I'm assuming everyone else too since no one's complained about anything except you.
Ooooooor, people who pointed out that the shit he and his jannies were doing was going to bite them on the arse, and got banned for it.

You've assumed that everyone who is aware that joshy is a fat, useless nonce are trannies etc. That's retarded.

As you are educationally sub normal, you may want to get a responsible adult to read this to you: You haven't made any valid point, you've just come across as some sad twat who no longer has their KF account, and feels lost without their ass pat stickers.

If you are so upset, get off line, go outside and get some fresh air. It sounds like you spend too much time on the internet. Maybe developed an unhealthy fixation on KF.

Or try Metocuck.us, however, they have a shite spouting moron already. You might have compete with that.
>hehe touch grass
very original of you faggot did you wet your panties writing this witty reply
Why would I lie about that?
because you come off as a dishonest person who is trying to grow his own community mimicking the farms, yet laughing at and clapping at the farm's demise while you see it going down the way it does. you can not possibly be stupid enough to not understand what's going on, so you must be dishonest enough to laugh it off and try and build something similar on it's grave, while knowing it will be very different. you also know half the people here are trannies jerking their axewounds because of what's happening to the farms.
so yeah youre either lying or stupid and you are not stupid so youre deceitful at the very least.

If you or anyone else is having issues with the site's functionality you can post in this thread or DM Sailfish or me so the issues with the site can be resolved. It works perfectly fine for me, and I'm assuming everyone else too since no one's complained about anything except you.
i tried to include a reply in my post and couldnt. i know you always get laughed at for doubleposting so, so i tried editing after reply and couldnt either
because you come off as a dishonest person who is trying to grow his own community

i tried to include a reply in my post and couldnt. i know you always get laughed at for doubleposting so, so i tried editing after reply and couldnt either
Have you considered the possibility that you're just retarded and you're screwing up instead of the site?
Have you considered the possibility that you're just retarded and you're screwing up instead of the site?
Yes and since im not a zoomer using forum for the first time since kiwifarms i believe i can navigate through it and qoute shit. im telling you i couldnt add that retard's quote in.
alright maybe i shat on the forum a bit too much but you have to admit you harness a tranny-friendly environment and you just know what you're doing is uncanny and youre just an uncanny person.
Over half hour to come up with "Wow, how original"? NGMI.
>he must not do anything but stay online here refreshing reading and replying
not that i dont, at this very moment, but your retarded reply slipped through and i didnt notice it. imagine how insignificant your opinions on things are
>XenForo revokes license for KF, meaning no more security updates for a behemoth forum software known for security vulnerabilities written in PHP, the most insecure language on the planet
Nothing happens for a year
>Josh writes a simple chat app in Rust, a language designed from the ground up to prevent security fuckups
The whole forum gets pwned

This guy should not be allowed in front of a computer. He cannot even write a proper post-mortem. He's blaming lack of Cloudflare's exploit protection (which really does fuck-all for anything more advanced than automated attacks trying to exploit old, well-known vulnerabilities) for not stopping an exploit for something one-off that he wrote.