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Kiwifarms Speculation The end of kiwifarms

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.

I’m from Kiwifarms and honestly, yeah I’m bummed that the site is gone.. but also like, whatever. I mostly just used it for News anyways. Then I remembered someone had mentioned Onionfarms was basically where people who got banned from Kiwifarms went so.. I decided to check it out.

So far it hasn’t been a bad experience. Though, I will say it looks like a much older forum. Not sure if I care for that. Overall though it’s just good to have a place to fall back on. I imagine more Kiwis will flood in shortly.
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It really is over kiwisisters, josh is putting up anglo quotes to sum up his situation.
>a fight
lol wtf is this autistic coping? kf is fucking done for, it has proven to lead financial disaster to cloudflare and that's why no legitimate business would want to deal with KF, not even Russians, that's just how capitalism works.
Josh trying to beat a dead corpse is typical of him tbh. What would he do if he didn't have his website to work on?
What would he do if he didn't have his website to work on?
Guess we might find out. Or he might just disappear. He said he'd rather die than be just on the dark, but if he's going to make a decent enough wage from it (and he's not living in an expensive country), I don't see him stoppping. MATI and KF kinda go hand in hand.

Oooooor: Without KF, he'd stranglewank himself into the grave.

These can only be the options.
Man, I just watched Cecil's latest video and got the itch to kick up the old Sock again, and I found out Jersh done gone and kicked the tranny one too many times.

Surprised, honestly. I figured the website was just the internet's cockroach at this point.
I’m going to be honest, this website just seems like a lot of people who got personally butthurt at Kiwifarms and Josh. Like, yeah I get it, they aren’t perfect and all but for Christ sakes you all sound so stereotypically whiny. Lighten up.
Kiwifarmers when they whine about autists on the internet: lol based
Kiwifarmers when literally any other forum does the same thing: you guys are so buttmad omg!
There are a few things that are inevitable, but the main one is that Kiwi Farms is absolutely going to go offline whether by “natural” means (Keffals, Twitter, Cloudflare) or by “less natural” means (Josh gets ambushed by the feds and they lock him up for years in a fucking jail cell).

This is not the first time a site has had to be forcibly taken offline, and anyone who has been around for long enough, would have witnessed this pattern time and fucking time again.

The process is usually as follows:
- Cancel Culture mob/ genuine critiques, bring up issues with the site
- Hosting Providers & DDOS mitigation companies nope out
- Domain Registers & ASN assigners nope out
- Google, Banks, Phone companies, remove & blacklist the customer
- Archive companies blacklist the customer
- Countries begin to seize their relevant domains
- The police bust down the customer’s door

Josh is at the absolute final stages of being forcibly taken offline, he believes he is fighting against censorship, but what he’s doing, is making it harder & harder for the mob to use “normal” means to take the site offline. Eventually, if Josh doesn’t close the site & have a change of plan, there will be warrants out for his arrest, countries looking for him & some news article about a hate site owner on the run.

That’s the harsh reality, he’s giving up his freedom, to … fight giving up his freedom.
I’m going to be honest, this website just seems like a lot of people who got personally butthurt at Kiwifarms and Josh. Like, yeah I get it, they aren’t perfect and all but for Christ sakes you all sound so stereotypically whiny. Lighten up.
I'm legitimately only here to read gossip about TrannyFarms, I'm not downloading Tor just to find out whats happening with the farms. This is a TrannyFarms thread on a gossip website... what do you suggest they talk about?
chronicling the autism of Kiwi farms has been a long-standing tradition from ED to /cow/ to lolcow.farms, since it was the cwckiforums they have been mocked and they will continue to be derided until the end of the internet.
now run back to KF and show screencaps of how you epically owned a splinter site.
I’m going to be honest, this website just seems like a lot of people who got personally butthurt at Kiwifarms and Josh. Like, yeah I get it, they aren’t perfect and all but for Christ sakes you all sound so stereotypically whiny. Lighten up.
I’m going to be honest, this website just seems like a lot of people who got personally butthurt at Kiwifarms and Josh. Like, yeah I get it, they aren’t perfect and all but for Christ sakes you all sound so stereotypically whiny. Lighten up.
>lel u r just butthurt at null
but who likes joshy anyway? it's observable truth that joshy participates in drama himself, actively ostracises users that break the hugbox, and is also a massive SJW himself as well.