"Hi, my name's Terry A. Davis and I'm the smartest programmer in the world, told by God to make his digital temple."
You're damn right you are, King.
You're damn right you are, King.
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
I doubt he was a racist: I've heard old senile people say outrageously offensive things that they never would have said (or probably even thought) when they were compos mentis, it was probably like that with his mental illness.He certainly did give us a lot of great clips to laugh at. I love laughing at this type of shit. Instead of getting mad like some people do I laugh at it.
Yeah I don't think he was or care of he was either way, I'm just the type to laugh over getting offended at saying the type of things he did.I doubt he was a racist: I've heard old senile people say outrageously offensive things that they never would have said (or probably even thought) when they were compis mentis, it was probably like that with his mental illness.
Was literally just about to post a similar question. Didn’t Jim from 8chan donate a bunch of money to him? And I think King Of Pol just recently mentioned how sad he was when Terry died (while also accusing Metokur and Null of being partially responsible for his death, hahaha)Why do people take this nigga's shit seriously?
yes thats why he is basedracist schizo who designed a weird OS