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Tards on Twitter

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Tards on Twitter.jpg

Twitter really spearheaded the decline of society.

I remember the first time I heard about Twitter, everyone commented on how ridiculous it was to have just a small character count for posts. Just like having a platform like Instagram for primarily images and nothing else. It went from being a silly concept to everyone using it.

The "bite sized" media ushered in stuff like Vine, which became musical.ly and TikTok, which ushered in even more short form content and long-form content especially marketed at younger folks is slowly falling into irrelevance as their attention spans and intelligence levels simply can't handle it.

So yeah, the user base definitely reflects the societal decline that came after it.
I stay away from anything politics in Twitter.

Sometimes, however, I browse over the western anime fans that are obsessed with fictitious sexualities and gender orientation of anime characters. Japanese wouldn't think much about girls being overly touchy in the anime, but these mentally ill westerners make 100 page dissertation on who is a trans or nonbinary, and go on wars to anyone that tell them wrong. It's quite hilarious display of "wow she is totally me" meme.
I stay away from anything politics in Twitter.

Sometimes, however, I browse over the western anime fans that are obsessed with fictitious sexualities and gender orientation of anime characters. Japanese wouldn't think much about girls being overly touchy in the anime, but these mentally ill westerners make 100 page dissertation on who is a trans or nonbinary, and go on wars to anyone that tell them wrong. It's quite hilarious display of "wow she is totally me" meme.
I made that mistake once.
You learn the red-flags after awhile.

And I got to tell you: Some of the shit I read on twitter is fucking wild.
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Here's a twitter exchange that kills me a little inside every time, I can visualize 1 by the way.
Same, apparently some people have no internal monologs and can't comprehend hypothetical situations either. They respond to "what ifs" with "but it isn't" and have to read out loud like a child in elementary school. Imagine not being able to do any of those, pure reaction based npc. I can do all of these.

"What if you had a million dollars?"
But i don't.
"Ok, but what if you did?"
I don't.
"Ok then picture this-"
I can't
"Alright read this description then."
(Starts reading out loud)
I made that mistake once.
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You learn the red-flags after awhile.

And I got to tell you: Some of the shit I read on twitter is fucking wild.
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Dude really said: "I'm not into that degenerate loli shit, I'm a MAP ally. I'm only into REAL children." Like it was something to brag about. The only acceptable maps are used for directions.
Dude really said: "I'm not into that degenerate loli shit, I'm a MAP ally. I'm only into REAL children." Like it was something to brag about. The only acceptable maps are used for directions.
Unrelated but one of my hobbies, honestly my main hobby, is collecting physical maps and collecting fantasy maps. It's a hobby for me.
But ever since I found about that acronym I have constantly felt on edge every time I'm trying to express my hobby.

Anyways here's another screencap I found from a thread, I think it was an art board.
Only on Twitter can you be lectured by a literal gurofag on ethical concerns.
Peopel should just say what they want without "no offense but XYZ" because that only makes them look like pussies.

I don't have the screenshots because my computer is too precious to contain irrelevant shits like twitter screenshots, but I recall this one 18 (now probably 20-21) gay furry "artist" (lol) coming to KF and spending hours and days telling people to stop "stealing" (lol) his piece of shit art, which turned out that he had bought it from another artist (who also came to KF just to spectate the whole shit show). The Fool later doxxed him and threatened that he'd message his family and friends of his degenerate hobbies unless he posted his dick pic- which he did eventually to the benefits of none but Kwiffar's laugh.

He then went onto Twitter to write about how KF harassed him and got trolled twice The Fool's burner twitter accounts.
I stay away from anything politics in Twitter.

Sometimes, however, I browse over the western anime fans that are obsessed with fictitious sexualities and gender orientation of anime characters. Japanese wouldn't think much about girls being overly touchy in the anime, but these mentally ill westerners make 100 page dissertation on who is a trans or nonbinary, and go on wars to anyone that tell them wrong. It's quite hilarious display of "wow she is totally me" meme.
Don't worry there's just as many western anime fans that hate niggers and faggots. I mean, that's pretty much 4chan /pol/.
I recall one being covered on Kiwifarms, where he threw an autistic tantrum on Twitter about said niggers and faggots, especially trannies.

Really, if you don't touch grass, you have two outcomes. Or you become a rainbow pronouns person, or you basically turn into Null.

I'll send some screenshots if I find them.