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Public Figure - Niche Tara Reade: The Grifting Hypocrite Who Accused President Joseph Biden of Sexual Assault

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community

Onion Null

Daddy Null
The story here is mainly historical. It happened back around 2020 when she accused President Joseph Biden of Sexual assault. Right up to this day, she still maintains she was assaulted despite the evidence against it.

Tara Reade.jpg

Her Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReadeAlexandra

Her Website: https://www.taratruth.com/

Facebook Fansite: https://www.facebook.com/TaraTruth/

Let me introduce you to Political Lolcow Tara Reade: Tara Reade is a former legislative aide in Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate Office who has accused Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill Office building. She worked as a Congressional Aide for Joe Biden’s Senate Office. The President has denied her allegations. She also claims that she was a victim of emotional and physical abuse by her father and her ex-husband. She currently works as a domestic violence advocate.

Tara Reade worked for Senator Biden from late 1992 to August 1993 and had high praise for him. Reade became well known in the 2020 presidential election after accusing Biden of sexually assaulting her by digitally penetrating her.

However after her internship was over, a number of people crossed paths with Reade and a different story started emerging revealing Reade as a deceitful, manipulative individual who repeatedly abused the goodwill of other people and took advantage of them financially.

Over the years Tara went by several names including: Tara Reade, Tara McCabe, or Alexandria McCabe.

Reade grew up on a farm in northern Wisconsin and was immersed in nature and a horseback riding enthusiast. Friends described her personality as cheerful and outgoing who loved animals and acting. At the time, Reade and her ex-boyfriend starred in the Cedar Shoals High School production of “Grease”.

When she was 17, she moved to California to become model and actress and by her account was cast as a dance in the film “LaBamba”.

In the early 1990s, she moved to Washington DC and a darker period in her life. She met Ted Dronen and the two got married. According to court documents from 1996, Reade claimed that Dronen abused her and their 15 month old daughter. In one dispute with her ex she claimed she was bruised. Reade was granted a temporary restraining order against Dronen in 1996.

Dronen admitted that he was violent with Reade in one altercation in February 1996 but denied any further instances of violence. However according to a tweet by journalist Michael Tracey, Reade accused Dronen of much worse.

Reade told CNN that she received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Antioch University in Seattle under the framework and supervision of a “protected program” working with the former president of the school to keep her identity confidential while she was working towards her degree. She also claimed she was a visiting professor at the University on and off for five years.

According to officials at the university:

  • She never graduated with a degree but did take classes
  • There is no such program (i.e. “protected program”) at the university
  • She was never a faculty member, but did do several hours of administrative work.
  • Reade was admitted through its Alternative Admissions Program which is a special admissions for historically disadvantaged and under-represented populations.
Here comes the Grift:

Did I say political lolcow? Yes I did. I can’t say that she is lying 100%. But I will say that I am not inclined to believe her because the evidence doesn’t point in that direction

Reade lived in Thompson-Markward Hall in the early 1990s in Washington DC which is a dormitory located across the street from the Hart Senate office building. Stacy Lenta was a dorm mate of Reade and worked as a receptionist for then Senator Kent Conrad in the early 1990s.

When contacted by CNN over the sexual assault issue she did not remember which lawmaker Reade worked for until she saw the recent news reports and also did not remember Reade confiding in her about any sexual harassment issues. There was drama however about her work (the job was not working out very well for her). Reade did confide in Dronen about the sexual harassment issues in Senator Joe Biden’s office on a number of occasions but did not specifically name the perpetrator or the issue of being sexually assaulted.

Ben Savage was another colleague who worked in Biden’s office from 1993 to 1996 as a computer systems administrator. His desk was right next to Reade’s. After the accusations, Savage contacted the media including CNN and was shocked over the accusations. Reade’s claim over being fired in 1993 as retaliation for reporting sexual harassment was not what Savage witnessed. He recalled that some of Reade’s duties at work were taken away from her and that she was terminated over performance issues. At the time she was fired, Savage said she blamed her termination on her health issues. Her attorney Douglas Wigdor concurred with her claim on being terminated over the health issues but mentioned she did miss days at work over the sexual harassment at work and ultimately being sexually assaulted.

Writings on Medium

Reade mentioned on a deleted Medium post that she “resigned” to pursue acting and writing and that she was also tired of the US government’s “deception and xenophobia”. In another deleted post, she wrote that she left Washington and returned to the Midwest so her boyfriend at the time could manage a congressional congressman’s campaign.

Ex-Biden aides refute her allegations

In interviews with CNN 10 former Biden staffers who worked in Biden’s Senate office at the time were never aware of any issues related to sexual harassment or sexual assault by Biden.

Reade said she verbally complained to three supervisors while she worked for Biden about the sexual harassment but not the assault. All three of these people told CNN that it never happened.

PBS published the most extensive reporting on the subject interviewing 74 former Biden staffer. Not one of them said they experienced sexual harassment by Biden or heard of any rumors relating to sexual harassment or sexual assault.

Shortly afterwards, attorney the New York Times reported that Douglas Wigdor would no longer be able to represent her.

But wait, remember when I mentioned that she was a deceitful, manipulative individual? Well you be the judge:

Harriet Wrye and her husband Jim Wyre were familiar with Tara Reade. She had rented a yurt on their 12-acre property in California and cared for the couple’s horses (including her own) for about 10 months beginning in 2017. She proved to be an unstable individual both financially and psychologically and would frequently turn to them for emotional support, and financial help or forgiveness for late payments. Wyre tried to offer support but Reade seemed to have continuous money problems.

By the time Reade left the property, the couple felt they had been burned. The husband suffered a brain injury and were forced to sell the property, Reade turned on them becoming abusive. She reportedly told the couple: “You’re going to have to pay me to get me to leave.” And they were not the only one.

Kelly Klett an attorney who rented Reade a room in her home in 2018 described her as a manipulative, deceitful user. Reade showed up at his 30-acre horse farm in Santa Cruz County asking to rent a room stating she was on the run from domestic abuse and taking some time to study for the bar exam. Reade stated she had graduated from Law School at Seattle University in 2004 asked for a break on the rent and got it. Klett even loaned her a battery of law books and test prep materials. Klett struggled to make even the $200 monthly payment for the rent. Klett eventually evicted her and she left. He never received his law books back and Reade would continue to call him and ask for money.

In 2014, Lynn Hummer owned a horse sanctuary where Reade volunteered for two years from 2014 to 2016. There was an email exchange between the two where Reade asked if she could bring her car onto Hummer’s property to hide it from being repossessed. Hummer said no.

In another instance, Reade came by the ranch and needed a $200 emergency loan to pay the rent. On the way to Reade’s house, Reade texted her and increased the request from $200 to $350.

In still another instance, Reade called a veterinarian to the ranch on a house call to take care of her personal horse. Hummer ended up paying a $1,400 bill.

Reade threatened to sue her for defamation:

Austin Chung, a Monterey-area real estate investor rented Reade a house from 2008 to 2010 and heard of Reade’s charges on television. Reade reported claimed to Chung that she was on the run from domestic violence and was trying to start over. Chung was so moved by Reade’s story that he did extra work on the house to prepare it for her and her daughter. Chung even offered Reade the choice of what type of paint she wanted for the rooms and the type of flooring in the Pacific Grove home he rented for her. However, the rent was continuously late and even after a compromise to reduce the rent he ended up evicting Reade. The house he had spent time and money on had been trashed with the floor damaged by animal feces. Chung lost thousands of dollars in court-related fees, lost rent and repair costs.

There was one bright note

Gina Kindscher, the owner of Morning Sun Ranch, whose daughter is friends with Reade, said, “She’s a wonderful person. She became part of my whole family.” Reade boarded her personal horse at Kindscher’s ranch for a part of 2017. When she couldn’t pay the boarding costs, “she would work it off” around the ranch.

An investigation by Politico media involving interviewing more than a dozen people revealed a familiar pattern. Reade would tell former associates that she fell on hard times and needed help. After winning their confidence, she would eventually use up their goodwill extracting money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills. Source documents supplied to the journalists doing this story included past emails, screenshots of FB Messenger or text exchanges, copies of billing invoices, and public records including court documents, divorce filings and Reade’s 2012 bankruptcy records. During this time, she refused to answer questions and referred them to her attorney at the time (Douglas Wigdor).

Still wants Republicans to investigate this: https://www.newsweek.com/biden-accuser-tara-reade-will-not-silenced-would-testify-under-oath-1764401

Russia wanted to bring her to the United Nations to embarrass the Biden Administration:






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