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Onion Bulb (Public Figure) - Cowsphere Stardust

Public figures seen as "lolcows"

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
My first bash at a cowthread, so bear with me. I can't provide a dox of any kind, but I promise you, this girl is loaded with milk...

I was first made aware of Stardust when she "debated" Culture War Criminal on the topic of Immigration.

It was laughably bad, on both counts (CWC is another one of those Dago's out to save Ofay).

Briefly: Stardust is dollar store Mindy Kaling lookie-likey (probably part of her "USP" "streamer" of the left.

Why do I think she is worthy of Dairy?

That's right, she did a stream on trying to save her friendship with Mr Girl (ironic internet nonce). And she was/is matey with Flamenco.

And I mentioned she was of the left?
Pro-troonery? Check. Dick swinging contest with rival nuclear powers? Check. Importing loads of non white people? Check. Leftie tuber not knowing what the fuck they are talking about? Check.

She streams a lot (and from what I can make out, she just watches stuff, looking like she has gas.

The links: (kinda don't want to check this out. Imagine the kind of people that post on it) Twitter
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Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Ah, bless. Wonder if the rating system will inc how good they are at killing varmints? Women in my experience really don't like the fact that cats are meant for that.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

Um, I've only watched 10mins of this, as you can imagine, desTiny, isn't that charismatic (IMHO), but so far...

Stardust is having a heart to heart about her relationship with mrgirl. TLATSOI: Stardust was saying "Sometimes I need more time means just that, and rrgirl was like, yeah and sometimes it's a power play." and desTiny was just humming and ahh'ing, because, and I'm just assuming here (based on me being male het, like desTiny*), he's MrGirls buddy-roo, and then she says "He said that I've been ghosting him, whatever that means... (desTiny explains)..."

mrgirl has got the curry fever, Stardust is used to guys wanting to check off the Brown Bird box on their Fuck-it list, and has pulled the old "I need more time" routine to remind mrgirl of her market value (you go girl), that being young, and that's the only real value mrgirl is interested in, compared to mrgirls market value, that being much older creepy "ironic internet nonce".

I will go back to it, but I had to have an aural amuse bouche, because although what desTiny should say is "Boubala, he's just too old and creepy, lots of much more suitable guys for you, tried one of the WNs in the KC chat? Kids these days, they're always in a hurry,..". But he won't.

I'll update if/when I get back to it, Stardust is getting a bit teary eyed.

This is what Marxism does to you. Be warned.


Hellovan Onion

Her interview with Richard Spencer is actually really good.

The only really good thing about Stardust is her ability to remain neutral and be a good host. Other than that she is pretty boring and doesn't really have much to say about anything. Most of her debates are won by letting her opponent hang themselves because they are already clearly retarded.

C.S.O. esq

Good to know. I thought I may have had it confused with this showing with her vs dingo on the killstream but I guess not.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
I mentioned her appearance on the Kino Drome (I don't think she remembers), and read her rights about her thread (only thought it fair).

She's pissed off Kerfuffels, got Gunt's dander up (you know how he feels about the dark meat), getting relationship advice from desTiny, she's firmly in Cowland (IMHO).

Deleted member 1141

I think she's a likable cow though, which is really nice. I'm burned out on horrific schizocows. I also like how Stardust is relatively competent.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
The only really good thing about Stardust is her ability to remain neutral and be a good host. Other than that she is pretty boring and doesn't really have much to say about anything
I think "pro" is related to her "con", a host in that scenario shouldn't be the "biggest personality", if she'd been force "Alpha" with Fuff, then Fuff prolly wouldn't have kicked off. But then we wouldn't have that Kino clip of Pseudo Woman being a cunt to actual woman. And I think she's smart enough to know it's better to keep her mouth shut and just "give em enough rope".
I think she's a likable cow though, which is really nice. I'm burned out on horrific schizocows. I also like how Stardust is relatively competent.
I thought I'd pick her because, 1. She's not going go to any CIA front that will listen to get this place nix'd, 2. She's surrounded by A-list cows (most, of not all, want to get into her pants.
She's got years ahead of her, and I hope she's archiving everything, because she could drop a juicy "expose" a la Kitty Kelley style.

BTW, yes, mrgirl did want to show you his Adam's Thatch. And more.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Nick DeOrio involves himself

I'm reminded of this song

"Falling in love again
Never wanted to
What am I to do?
Can't help it
Love's always been my game
Play it as I may
I was born that way
Can't help it

Men flock around me
Like moths around a flame
And if their wings burn
I know I'm not to blame"

Try throwing one at a British (proper) football match. And everyone knows how much the asians (putt putt ting ting version, not "Me luv u long time" version) hate the jigs.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Some bint is chatting shit bout Stardust...
Hands up if you think "Ironic Internet Nonce" mrgirl is anti-social and did want to sexually harass?

And this is the bint. Sexpert. She think's she's on late night telly, in Britain, in the early 90s...

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

Her take is that of the Post Hegelian/Marxist. She should watch Firing Line Resolved: The Women's Movement has been Disastrous.

I find it funny, y'know, Betty Friedan a couple of years ago and admitted that Feminism didn't really help anyone. I bet Stardust hasn't even heard of her.