Onion Bulb - Public Figure Shy Subbie Trans GF

A public figure with a significant following but not a celebrity


Because Scatatouille Was Too Far
Remarkable Onion
Who could have guessed this troon was simultaneously jewish, an atheist and a Satanist? Imagine my shock




Because Scatatouille Was Too Far
Remarkable Onion
Imagine being such a stupid asshole you sit around, in your own home, wearing a covid mask, filming a TikTok of you yas queening some old jewish broad quoting the (((Science™))) of "gender"

Edit: I've received word from my IRL troon correspondent that it's not a jewish broad at all, that's a nigga who also believes AGPs can and should breastfeed babies. Good for him, he's basically indistinguishable from that one obnoxious Ashkenazi bitch from Big Bang Theory
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Kiwi Kitty

“I never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Baby Onion
I think to an extent a small portion of trannies are miswired in the brain but this dude is just your run of the mill failed male AGP. Also, extreme autism.
View attachment 55304
I will handle the TikTok front 🫡

thanks for covering the tiktok end of things i wont touch that app with a ten foot pole lmao although maybe it would be funny to document shit like this..

Kiwi Kitty

“I never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Baby Onion

how did a whole ass veteran go from being geared up to acting like this.. LIKE


Kiwi Kitty

“I never lied to you, Leese. You know why? Because it doesn't serve me.”
Baby Onion

i feel like he's the kind of person to discuss how trans kids rights matter and probably is passive when it comes to the mutilation of children like he for sure uses the women's bathrooms when he's out in public which is a concern. i don't understand why this kind of thing is allowed..
the proper reaction for this kind of shit honestly nastyfucks
