Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
pretending to be one for the lulz is not brilliant given every community who pretends to believe in x gets overrun by people who actually believe in xI'm not actually a map though
epic child molestation winyes, the internet is very reliable.
They still think I groomed some 10 year old from some fantasy story book.
Post the relevant archives and let the audience which is more cringe? op or moralfagging kiwitards who got offended on even the slightly things?
I'm not actually a map though
I suggest the latterso which is more cringe? op or moralfagging kiwitards who got offended on even the slightly things?
Yeah that's obvious bait if you know who you're dealing with but I don't blame those kiwiniggers for confusing you with a real pedo<image> What the fuck?
if you continue this faggotry i guarantee people will see you as an idiot and rightfully soCrazy how i can literally turn everything on its head
My denial, gets me service
oh my fauci it's an actual pedo then lolView attachment 22136
Nigger are you trying to justify getting baited by someone pretending to be 13 on tumblr offering you nudes as "skitzo shit" because you "hate the world"
I'm fucking sick of pedophiles.
Can't archive KF with ghostarchive because of the stupid mitigation software.
You have exactly one post to explain this shit like a rational, coherent person without referencing dantes inferno or other schizo shit.