• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

Onionfarms drama
How to revive/grow this site:
  • Keep the site stable. (It's already better than KF in terms of stability, so just keep it up!)
  • Make a Tor .onion address.
  • Make an I2P address.
  • When you dump information, dump it here, and link back to here when talking about it elsewhere. Always link back to discussions on this site.
  • Get rid of email all together for registrations. (This removes a pointless barrier to entry, and reduces the chance of retards self-doxing when signing up)
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what a nice guide on how to get your site spammed with cp, consequence free.
It's funny because the chan sites on tor/i2p rarely get spammed with CP. And the chan site with the worst rate of CP spam is an obscure clearweb chan run by a pronouns-in-bio-retarded furfag that bans Tor users by default.
Don't get rid of Tor users then?
It's funny because the chan sites on tor/i2p rarely get spammed with CP. And the chan site with the worst rate of CP spam is an obscure clearweb chan run by a pronouns-in-bio-retarded furfag that bans Tor users by default.
a) being a kiwitroon style website that collects shit on people paints a target on your back. if josh removed email, thus making logins and account creation much easier because you don't need to bother with spammails and allowed people to log in from tor his site would get spammed by cp hard and taken down

b) chan sites on tor have less enemies like this, there is no reason to spam them with cp. cp spam is something you do to achieve a goal, i.e. meds corporations spamming threads on 8chan with it when someone posted proof meds are shit

c) furfag that bans tor users gets the most cp? tbqh, getting a solid proxy net that keeps its mouth shut will probably be able to shield you against repercussions well and also he probably made enough enemies to warrant it
a) being a kiwitroon style website that collects shit on people paints a target on your back. if josh removed email, thus making logins and account creation much easier because you don't need to bother with spammails and allowed people to log in from tor his site would get spammed by cp hard and taken down

Spammers can make all the throwaway email accounts they need, and proceed to spam. They're incentivized to go through the hassle of it because it is their source of income, or politsperging asspats and feels.

Legitimate users stop and think "Hmmm, I want to join this site... But I don't feel like going and making another throwaway email account right now." and close the tab.

And retards use their personal email to sign up and dox themselves.

Don't get rid of Tor users then?

I post from behind Tor.
Always do.
Spammers can make all the throwaway email accounts they need, and proceed to spam. They're incentivized to go through the hassle of it because it is their source of income, or politsperging asspats and feels.

Legitimate users stop and think "Hmmm, I want to join this site... But I don't feel like going and making another throwaway email account right now." and close the tab.

And retards use their personal email to sign up and dox themselves.

I post from behind Tor.
Always do.
The "altdentifier" discord bot is also laughably easy to screw over, albeit most spammers will go away in search of an easier target.
Its supposed to inconvenience and slow down the spammer, and even sometimes provide the dox provided the spammer is niggercattle.
I agree that making throwaway emails is the reason why I don't sign up on many sites but removing the need for emails makes shit easier and better for the spammers in general.
Retards signing up with persemail is natural selection, who cares.
+ people who sign up by name but would give up on email usually don't stay for a long time given they don't care about the site enough to make one
I still prefer using KF over OF but with the battle of keeping the website up longer than a week, people will start looking for sites similar to it.

I've actually told some buddies who were in KF about Onionfarms, but they don't seem interested.