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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Prominent Individual Rachel Wilson

People in the Pulic Figure Forum who are prominent individuals.

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Traditional christian women are big fans of the killstream. one of which being rachel wilson, a self proclaimed "stay at home mom supremacist", and author of "Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation" from michigan.
Even while raising children and taking care of the home, she still manages to run her mouth on twitter at any given opportunity. Rachel feels the constant need to push her trad lifestyle and believes that the modern woman should live in a patriarchal home like she does. Rachel spends her time tweeting about traditionalism, feminism, motherhood and replying to ethan ralph's tweets.

Rachel Wilson, despite making her brand about being an anti feminist, was a guest on the killstream. she was featured on episode #932 to debate irl streamer corrineforever on the 19th amendment. Rachel spent the debate trying to argue that women have no place in politics and should not be able to vote.

30:18 when asked why she has a public platform as a woman, she claims that she is an exception because her thoughts on feminism would be taken more seriously than men's thoughts:

Rachel makes it very clear that she does not believe in premarital sex or having children out of wedlock. before going on the killstream, matthew vickers decided to take it upon himself to alert this upstanding christian woman that ethan ralph was a revenge pornographer that doesn't pay child support.

Groypers and America First

Of course, she's a fan of America First. Despite being well aware of Nick Fuente's status with the us government and beliefs of women, she still was excited to post to twitter about her own daughter being engaged to a Groyper. seeing Rachel's tweets about her pure virgin daughter being a Groyper dream wife are very telling. remember ladies, this is the woman telling you how to live your life.

You would think after a long marriage that someone like Rachel Wilson wouldn't need to worry about competing with other women for a man. You'd be wrong, HOWEVER, because even at her current age of 44, she keeps the PICKME attitude going strong. she doesn't like these thots and modern day WHORES with disgusting degenerate lifestyles and wants you to be reminded of it. constantly. Rachel, despite being nearly 50, believes that fertility defines your entire worth. all these whores and women with jobs FUCK YOU, you should be shitting out kids and sitting on your fat ass on twitter all day.

It seems that rachel is upset that she's aging and has "hit the wall". i sense some jealousy that groypers and right wing men online dont want to jerk off to her decrepit ass.

Kiwifarms: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/rache...rew-harrison-wilson-big-pappa-fascist.112067/
Her Linktree: https://linktr.ee/RachelLWilson
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Rachel Wilson (née Huizenga)
Andrew Harrison Wilson
820 Ryland St #205
Reno, NV 89502
DOB: 2 August 1980

Twitter - @rach4patriarchy

Last known occupation: Clinique Special Events Makeup Artist


Twitter - @BigPapaFascist (lol banned)
https://linktr.ee/TheCrucible (lol a "Please Dox Me" tree)

Rachel Wilson (née Huizenga)
Andrew Harrison Wilson
820 Ryland St #205
Reno, NV 89502
DOB: 2 August 1980

Twitter - @rach4patriarchy

Last known occupation: Clinique Special Events Makeup Artist


Twitter - @BigPapaFascist (lol banned)
https://linktr.ee/TheCrucible (lol a "Please Dox Me" tree)
Where did you get her dox? Was this already public?