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Cowsphere PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


Apart of Josh's kryptonite
Hellovan Onion

This nigger godwinson is on fucking cozy............

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Plodz came back on Kick... did a stream on Rackets, then seemingly deleted it. I did say...
Welcome back Kotterwinson...

Oh, to save time... E-lame will NEVER successful sue me for copyright infringement...
https://soundcloud.com/radio-free-kfab%2Fpublic-domain-e-lame Remember, don't bother telling E-lame about this... there is nothing she can do about it (legally, or otherwise). Is she really going to search through countless avant garde, noizenik, bands trying to find my many projects?

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
Plodwinson is reminded of his... co-pilot/passenger role in life, shall we say... and slinks back to gunt...
You could have been anything, that you wanted to be... Bugsywinson.

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions
I remember when DSP tried to smarm his way onto a Brittles stream, he was in chat. Venti asked people to write in chat... what was Phil most famous for. Yes. It's whacking off on stream.
Nice smoking jacket. I haven't mentioned this before, but PPP has started dying his hair. Did the "OI Ghing-ger, you know you have no soul, doncha!?" thing make him do it?

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions