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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

Absolute mental spastic nonsense coming from someone who is pro-choice and wants single women to be independent and equal on the workforce.

All claims rest upon complete speculation from mere outside observation and excused has a confirmation bias.

Now let me ask you a very thorough question from what source do you draw your claims from and upon what moral authority do you rest any of this other then from your own personal interpretations. Because there is no agreed upon consensual agreement I just say its all a strawman.
Absolute mental spastic nonsense coming from someone who is pro-choice and wants single women to be independent and equal on the workforce.

All claims rest upon complete speculation from mere outside observation and excused has a confirmation bias.

Now let me ask you a very thorough question from what source do you draw your claims from and upon what moral authority do you rest any of this other then from your own personal interpretations. Because there is no agreed upon consensual agreement I just say its all a strawman.
You and your simps like "Niccolo" are weird. You remind me of the r/iamsosmart posts on Reddit which leads me to believe you're a fuckin MORON.
You also know I hate Yiros and my issue is not the posting of his information, I do wonder what more you want from the dox however since he has been doxed in all of yours and your friends livestream chats, including Eso Shaggy's and seems to have disappeared off the web.
I never shared his dox so how did you get that?
You all knew who I was due to being in the lollicon posting Suit Yourself "let's groom Faith Vickers" community when he covered me - a parasocial relationship means I have no clue who any of you fucks are.
Nor would I give a fuck about any of you enough to dox you.
Now, how's Niccolo doing and how's Dark Ninja since he's also in your discord and running around doing gae ops for yourself and Ear Juice?

Political sperging over abortions and equal pay is retarded. Don't do that.
You and your simps like "Niccolo" are weird. You remind me of the r/iamsosmart posts on Reddit which leads me to believe you're a fuckin MORON.
You also know I hate Yiros and my issue is not the posting of his information, I do wonder what more you want from the dox however since he has been doxed in all of yours and your friends livestream chats, including Eso Shaggy's and seems to have disappeared off the web.
I never shared his dox so how did you get that?
You all knew who I was due to being in the lollicon posting Suit Yourself "let's groom Faith Vickers" community when he covered me - a parasocial relationship means I have no clue who any of you fucks are.
Nor would I give a fuck about any of you enough to dox you.
Now, how's Niccolo doing and how's Dark Ninja since he's also in your discord and running around doing gae ops for yourself and Ear Juice?

Political sperging over abortions and equal pay is retarded. Don't do that.
Summed up has guilt by association fallacy and all points can be dismissed has personal ad hominem.
"Jim... he's dead"
That was the point, Bryan Dunnce.

Also: Godwinson willingly trusted the word of an account making fun of him... on medical issues. This is how the Upper Class lose their fortunes. Some Oik like that grifting them.
Didn't answer this.
Or this.
Nor the LQ. Not surprised, after the gamet disaster...

Godwinson's story about the century egg.
Kinda did tho...
Hobbit in chat
And general opinion of the stream from his thread
Was it the impression of joshy (pretty good whoever it was, Dryin Bunn or Parsnip, probz) or the old men?
Ngl that impersonation of Janny Josh is top tier. They should've shit on Josh more because Metokur shit is just low key seething it's hella gay and cringe also should've did this shit while Metokur was still streaming could've had nice back and forth.
He definitely should go after Josh & KF and make the Kiwis that suck Godwinson’s dick seethe. That’s the real goldmine here, It’d be a stream worth watching. Not the Sweetie squad, of whom half don’t even Know who Godwinson is besides brief passing comments made by daddy Gym.