Baby Onion
Just to follow up on that, if you guys do have proof of Chase being a dog raping faggot I'm fully willing to start laughing at him. But I've been shown nothing. And all you faggots have been doing is making complete fools of yourselves here. Like if all you have against Chase is he's socially awkward... well fuck you. So are we all. And "inability to adapt to forum culture" sure makes it easy to accuse any new fag like me of being him.I think that's well and good, the purpose of the Farms is to document lolcows and various pet interests. Chase is a fucking faggot though because of all the weird flailing, the inability to adapt to forum culture, the obvious bullshit lies, the attention seeking behavior, the general spastic behavior, etc.
The dog fucking thing is a fail dox, and he might actually be a completely different person name Christian who's a pedo.
Like where is the evidence that he makes any alts at all?

Show me some proof and I'll totally be willing to treat him like a lolcow. But maybe don't mass dogpile on newfags and call them Chase? Just a thought?