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Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

No, it's about Nicolette Pinder. And any time we try to talk about her you are right there throwing a piss pants baby tantrum, screaming and crying, trying to get everyone off that topic.
Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

I know reading comprehension is not racist towards Goons like yourself, however, it clearly says this is the Pippa Pipkin thread."
So, I'm going to need you to stop derailing the thread by talking about her boyfriend raping her, because that's kind of creepy, man.
Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

I know reading comprehension is not racist towards Goons like yourself, however, it clearly says this is the Pippa Pipkin thread."
View attachment 60458
So, I'm going to need you to stop derailing the thread by talking about her boyfriend raping her, because that's kind of creepy, man.
I’m pretty sure it’s her ex unless you know something we don’t.
Pippa Pipkin / Nicolette Pinder

I know reading comprehension is not racist towards Goons like yourself, however, it clearly says this is the Pippa Pipkin thread."
View attachment 60458
So, I'm going to need you to stop derailing the thread by talking about her boyfriend raping her, because that's kind of creepy, man.
If anyone here can look at this utter fag shit and not realize exactly what is going on, this board is even more braindead than I thought.
I’m pretty sure it’s her ex unless you know something we don’t.
I don't know why you keep on derailing the thread talking about her ex-boyfriend when this thread is clearly about Pippa pipkin. Maybe you should start another thread talking about her boyfriend/ex boyfriend.
Jesus, you accuse me of being a simp...
How fucking big is this folder?
You're really backing up his accusation that you're Zach.
It really could be Zach the reaction to the doxx was definitely odd.
Friendly reminder this is a thread to discuss

Pippa Pipkin not her boyfriend and personally It's disturbing you feel overwhelming compelled to continue discussing her getting raped.​

Maybe keep your gross fantasies to yourself?
Friendly reminder this is a thread to discuss

Pippa Pipkin not her boyfriend and personally It's disturbing you feel overwhelming compelled to continue discussing her getting raped.​

Maybe keep your gross fantasies to yourself?
View attachment 60465
You really are actually acting like a complete lolcow spazing fag. Which matches what I know about cringestorian's personality too.
Like the time you tried to ruin Nicolette's stream when she was discussing Asmongold cuck chair.
You really are zax aren’t you why did you groom and rape an underage girl?
I don't know you tell me? You told me that you have the best doxing skills.
You really are actually acting like a complete lolcow spazing fag. Which matches what I know about cringestorian's personality too.
Like the time you tried to ruin Nicolette's stream when she was discussing Asmongold cuck chair.
I don't think you were sincere when you said you wanted to keep on subject because you keep on derailing the thread now and discussing things that are not Pippa Pipkin related?

Post the footage
Yeah I'm not going to post rape videos, and it's a highly inappropriate that you are asking people for them.