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  • Retraction: The Mystery Ashley is not the Original Ashley

Not calling the forum Potato Farms is racist towards the Irish

Rename forum?

  • No, I am a degenerate Anglo lover and I don't mind a terrible 'axcident' befalling the forum.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Busty O'Queef

Angry faggot
Hellovan Onion
Calling it Onion Farms is institutionalised racism and literal violence against Potato Niggers and it should be renamed Potato Farms immediately, out of respect to the huge and influential Irish diaspora, of who many post retarded shit here. After all, it's such a nice forum and we wouldn't want anything bad happening to it, would we? (Read that last sentence in a broad Belfast accent for full effect)
I need more info on this. What was your ambition for this fourm?

Presumably, something like this:

You should make it anyways. It's nice to have multiple bunkers just in case the internet goes tits-up and sites start to get stricken down for whatever reason.
No. I don't want to deal with situations where someone posts certain illegal things on the forum. It's a risk with websites of this nature..